What have you folks found to be the hardest in terms of waiting?
-When there were still months left?
-When there were mere weeks left (say, 3-4?)
-Or now, with just a handful of days left?
What have you folks found to be the hardest in terms of waiting?
-When there were still months left?
-When there were mere weeks left (say, 3-4?)
-Or now, with just a handful of days left?
Handful of days most defiantly through the months i was fine but now its so hard waiting for the game i know will be my favorite
Within the last few days the Internet has become a mindfield of spoilers/leaks/stuff so yeah. The last days have been hard! But we are almost there...almost:/
The last few days are the hardest. It's so close, yet so far.
the wait has almost been as bad as the wait for The Witcher and Skyrim, as both had broken street dates and leaks 2 and half weeks before release, where ate least with fallout its only been in the last week and not that wide spread. i remember the leaked videos of skyrim were especially terrible not because of spoilers but because they were being played by people who just svcked hard. always annoyed the [censored] out of me that the people who do the leaked videos always svck at playing the game they are leaking
Edit: im also glad that i play WoW and D3 because blizzcon is only 1 day away and that will take up 2 days of waiting
Just finished the witcher 3 yesterday, so now i'm just waiting on fallout 4. But the waiting is hard because this week I'm off from work
When switching the time back on my wrist watch for the end of day light savings I screwed up the date and pushed it ahead a day. I was totally bummed out when I realized yesterday that my watch was a day ahead and that meant I had one more day to wait then I thought I had.
Yeah these last days are killing. As others have stated it's due to the amount of spoilers floating around online. Urrrggh still 5 days to try and remain spoiler free.
The first few days after the release date was announced were the worst up until now. Knowing we had twenty-one weeks to wait for the game to come out after having been given a taste of it was painful.
But now? Now is so much worse. We're just a few days away from Fallout 4, and it's agony. The only thing that's helped is to reflect on the days that have gone past. We're at four days & change at this point, so looking back four days, it's remarkable to think it was just this past Sunday. If I can make it from then to now, I can make it from now to Monday night.
wekk i had hoped to take the day odd on tuesday but i have a important meeting at the office
the game will still be there when i have time for it
Its pretty standard here on these forums, last minute nay sayers who have misinterpreted info about the game go wild with it.
the last few days have been the worst of it I have been killing time playing ark survival evolved building dino base to kill time and even playing my kids dc universe game to kill time. so far im still squirming in my seat for fo4. so now im out to rebuild the carb in my truck to pass the time.
Thats a good general life strategy right there
This is like christmas when I was a kid
Would it really be hard for Bethesda to pull the release day forward a few days? It's ready afterall
that would negate such things as nuka cola purchases at target stores available nov 10 as well as other sales promotions
I found weeks the hardest. I was like "So close... but so far... ugh..."
Months away I was like, "I got better things to do." Days I'm like, "I'm so excited and ready!"