But I do have one nitpick about the episode “Guts”
I have always been a fan of realism in my fantasy. The idea of undead zombies taking over the city is about as realistic as me skipping the next Superbowl to watch Oprah. However, if all other aspects are portrayed in all their actuality then I can accept whatever outrageous plot device gets thrown into the mix. If someone TIVOed this episode and can correct me I’d appreciate the correction, but if I did see what I thought I saw then it is either a major goof or a profound piece of character development. (I would be immensely impressed if it is the later :bowdown: )
Although to be fair I don’t think any of the actors hold their guns correctly, especially for trained shooters. But I’ve long since given up on the idea that an actor portraying a skilled marksman would ever receive and utilize actual marksmanship training prior to filming.