You have trouble empathising with people who don't agree with you I see. Well, good luck in life.
The spell operates within the confines of the world and requires the thought of where to place your teleport marker, and has the restriction of only being able to teleport to where you've set your marker. If you can't see why people might find that more immersive then really we aren't going to get very far at all in this thread...
Please resist the urge to flame. It accomplishes nothing and makes us all look bad. Any disagreement can be solved with either calm, polite use of logic. If they refuse to cooperate, then they are only here to get us off topic.
Toggle would only be a worst-case scenario, if nothing better was set up.
Am I the only one to think that maybe, fast-travel will gain an in-game explanation by this "teleportation" dragonshout ? Provided it does have some form of limit and/or cost (no "hey, that's the first shout you get and contrary to all other, you can use it as much as you want"), I could live with that.
What I wish for is other means - a full network. There's bound to be mages guilds, for one thing ; boats alongside the coast could be another thing. I like caravans : I'd love to have some form of mini-quest where you can travel for free provided you act as a guard for the travellers.
The Dragonshout is going to be (not confirmed but this seems to be the general consensus) a spell that instantly moves you to where it hits. That is what most people seem to think anyways.
Not sure if this warrants its own thread. There are plenty of other threads open about it. :shrug:
Also, your script doesn't work. Not to mention they have to animate the spell, do the special effects, do the sound etc. etc. So never mind the fact it's more than a 5 minute job, still probably just post it in one of the other threads. And yeah, fast travel is optional. What's the difference between having an option to turn if off and to simply not choosing to click "Fast Travel"??
I would however like to see caravans, etc, something like a Morrowind fast travel service, as an optional alternative to fast travel.
The difference between this thread and others is they discuss whether or not Fast Travel should be in. This one says it should be in, but we should get an alternative because open world RPGs are about choice. You are right about the script not working I messed up on a part of it. I'll fix it. And you are right that it needs animations, effects, and sounds. But the animation would be the same one used on any "self" spell so that isn't a factor. Other than that the sound could be copied from another magic effect, I think some of the sounds in Oblivion were duplicates, plus I'm sure no one would mind or really even notice. The last part is the effect which could take a few more minutes, at the very least they can color swap an existing effect. Like I said, I doubt most people would mind lol.
Well maybe we don't need it turned off, just having the alternatives would help many people not use it.