Well, Kvatch is the middle of being rebuilt and the Empire has literally lost all of its power. It has very few legionnaires compared to the past and we have great armies.. we also have magic

The empire too has magic, it may be weak, but it started with nothing. :wink_smile:
Kvatch would probably be doing quite well by now. not fully rebuilt of course, but it will be decent enough to hold off an army for years. Look at it's position, on top of a plateau, no siege machines will reach the top of the road, never mind the gates.
Basic siege tactics would work for these cities, the fact that the Imperial city is on an Island makes it difficult to get close enough to the walls to do real damage.
Not quite. Look at Anvil castle, there's no getting to that.
Bruma's layout is just... awesome.
Bravil would be awful for an attacker. Swamp, sewage, three distrcts separated by swamps and sewage. Let's not mention disease.