The Warren Revival

Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:30 am

Here's my updated sheet.


Name: Alex Sykes
Nickname: Just Alex.
Age: 18
Race: Human, Caucasian.
Gender: Male

Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Very light blue, resembling those of a husky.
Skin Tone: Light tan.

Appearance: Alex is a slender guy, standing at about 6 feet tall. He's built athletically, although not bodybuilder-esque. His hair is straight and medium length, grown to about half way down his neck. His face is clear and clean shaven, with his facial features deeming him an attractive male. He has a small horizontal scar about an inch and a half beneath his right eye, that is about two centimeters long. On the front of his neck, Alex has a tattoo of an owl with it's wings spread, covering nearly the entire front of his neck.


- Agility: From the day Alex was old enough to run, that's about all he did. Running provided Alex with an adrenaline rush that could fuel his entire day. All day, he'd run, jump and dive across rooftops just to challenge himself. He found satisfaction like no other in free-running and parkour, and he did it nearly every day. To this day he still does, maybe more than ever. Having perfected this very useful skill, and turning it into a hobby, would definitely benefit Alex in the future.

- Iron Fist: Alex's involvement in an illegal underground fight club had definitely benefited his finesse with unarmed combat. Every Tuesday and Thursday night, he'd willingly beat the living [censored] out of complete strangers, as well as his closest friends. And he'd willingly get the living [censored] beat out of himself in the process. Alex ignores pain initially. He takes the whole, 'mind over matter' saying, and brings it to a whole new level. He sees pain as just a feeling. Why would he let it stop him from doing anything? If he's capable of pushing forward, he will. Despite how much 'pain' he feels.

- A black and white plaid button-up flannel shirt, with the sleeves usually rolled halfway up his forearms.
- A pair of black skinny jeans.
- A pair of grey, tattered Chuck Taylor's converse.
- A black band around his left wrist.

- Glock 17.
- Trench knife.

Personality: Alex is a friendly guy who welcomes new friends with open arms, whilst still staying cautious of who he puts his trust in. He can rarely be taken seriously, as he's almost always joking around and trying to lighten the mood. Alex values friendship over most everything, and stays true to his word no matter the cost. He's definitely a good friend to have in any situation.

Bio: (Sorry for how long this is, I ended up really getting into it as I usually do. <_< Thank to anyone who reads it. :thumbsup:) Alex was born and raised in Wichita by his father alone. His mother had left when he was very young, as she wasn't mature, sensible or responsible enough to care for a child. However, his father was a whole different story. His father, Mark, loved Alex more than anything in the world, and raised him as best as any other truly caring father would. As Alex grew older, his relationship with his father grew stronger. He and his father held a bond that couldn't be broken.

Three days before his 17th birthday, Alex received the horrifying news that his father had been killed in a car accident. He was overwhelmed with a brutal wave of emotions. He'd never felt so alone in his life. Within a few hours of learning this tragic news, Alex was adopted into a foster home by complete strangers. He never felt loved within his new family, and never really could connect with either of his foster parents. He'd lived with them for nearly 2 years, and barely knew them. The only time he actually felt like he was able to talk to someone, and just relax was when he was with his friends, or at school. He'd always been fairly popular at school, and definitely felt more at home their then at his actual home.

The bombs dropped the day that Alex was supposed to graduate from High School. His foster parents were at work, and he was home alone, getting ready for graduation, when the sirens went off. The unforgettable wailing that flooded through his ears and sent him into complete shock. He immediately made a dash to his closet, grabbing his father's old trench knife, then heading downstairs to grab his foster father's Glock 17 from beneath his dresser, along with around a dozen clips of ammunition from his closet. As he made a mad dash for the front door, he pulled his off of the dining room table and dropped his unloaded Glock and ammunition into the bag. He slung the bag over his shoulder as he Hopped onto his bike and began peddling furiously towards the nearest bomb shelter. He could see various planes flying towards him at different positions. It was unreal. His bike tires skid to a stop as he approached the bomb shelter, with various people flooding into it, he prayed that he'd get in before it reached the population limit.

When Alex finally made it inside the shelter, a wave of relief flooded through his entire body. He was nearly the last person allowed entry into the shelter, and could hear the hopeless cries of hundreds of people behind him, that now either had to find a new shelter, or be vaporized by the explosions. Luckily the staff of the shelter were to flustered to bother checking his bag, so he barely got by there. He texted his foster parents, informing them of his current situation, but received no reply. He lived life in the bomb shelter for around 2 months. After that, the entire group ran out of supplies, and were forced to exit the shelter. The group of nearly 100 people were supposed to stick together, and scavenge supplies. They could always retreat to the shelter for actual shelter, they just needed to scavenge for supplies or they'd surely die. However, Alex was a very independent individual, and knew that he wouldn't be getting much if he scavenged with the group. So he made the tough decision to scavenge for items on his own, while still blessed with the privilege of being able to retreat to the bomb shelter for actual shelter.

Very few others chose the solo directive, and many were surprised by Alex's choice, as he was so young. On his trips for supplies, Alex was overwhelmed with desolation. He had no idea how he'd make do in this post-apocalyptic world. But he did. For a short while at least.

On his way back from one of his scavenging runs, instead of meeting the usual group who hung around outside the shelter, he was greeted by a group of men carrying automatic rifles. All but one completely ignored him. The one who turned his head had a look of carelessness in his eyes, yet seemed very intimidating.

"Leave." The man ordered.

And that was all he said. He turned his head back to its original forward-facing position, and acted like Alex was never there.

Alex's eyes widened, and he stood completely still for a moment. How was he supposed to survive out here? He'd guessed that was just it. He wasn't supposed to survive out here. He turned around, his face expressionless, as he began his journey to find a new place to stay in this post-apocalyptia, this, wasteland. His new home.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:53 am

Nice one Last Best Hope Of Humanity nice bio, just incase it was missed due to the points i made earlier on the first page here is my CS

Name: Zoey

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human, Caucasian

Appearance: Slender build with very dark brown hair longer than shoulder length, loose, recognizable feminine feature's about average if you get me. Brown eye's, pretty.

Personality: Usually quite nice and caring to most people, cant stand jerks, on occasion if needed or if somthing/somone's made her angry she can be a real b**** (for want of a better word), on rare occasions will see things with an incredible bleak outlook usually if something upsets her. Is willing to pitch in and help most people, Broken trust with her will never be gotten back quite easy going when she knows you but not overly outgoing as a whole, very disciplined. Takes whatever care she can into her appearance, acts very feminine. Independent, due to growing up quicker than most she is set in her ways but it does not mean to say her mind can't be changed, given enough reason. Zoey is also happy to have conversations with most people, dislikes people that take power for granted and use it for their own gains and to not help others. Zoey can keep a cool head in most situations and usually has a good opinion, or can usually benefit the situation in some way.

Skills: Can cook, not overly well mind (tends to burn things every now and then) and can also run quite fast, father taught her a little (and i mean a little) bit about shooting. Despite only being 18 she is a very experienced gambler when it comes to things like cards, it is on rare occasion she is beaten. Also has a way with words, she can usually talk/charm her way to getting what she wants, this also doubles up well with the Zoey's sleight of hand technique.

Weapons: MP5 w/ tac light four clips total

Clothing: Dark blue denim jeans which have got a few tears in and th bottoms of them are well frayed with a short sleeved red t-shirt just a little bit tight which has a small rip and doesn't cover her stomach or lower back, leather jacket that also doesn't cover her stomach and lower back, stylish black sunglasses which are hooked on her red top and black trainers

Bio: Zoey's mother died at childbirth leaving her with her father who was a serving helicopter pilot in the British army. This meant she had to grow up fast, she taught herself to do things as she was the only one to look after their house while her father was away and when he was home jokingly criticized her cooking for being burnt. When she was 15 Zoey and her father moved out to Witchita as her father for some reason unknown to her was posted there but despite this her father always taught her about the British armed services. Zoey had a quite a few friends growing up but was never as outgoing as them on regular occasion declining invites to party's and going out. When she did go to out to a bar or parties there was usually a card game going on, which meant Zoey usually left better off than when she went in when playing cards she constantly reminds herself of her favorite quote "Who Dare's Wins" Zoey tries to apply this to her whole life that if you dare to do something your going to win. (for those who don't know Who Dare's Wins is the British S.A.S slogan)

Having a serving father he taught her discipline and respect for others, when the bombs finally fell Zoey successfully survived in a shelter only to emerge into an alien world. As much as it hurt she pushed the memories of those she had lost to the back of her mind so she wasn't distracted and could survive she went to make her own way. As she had gotten older Zoey had wanted to leave home for a while, however she never expected leaving home to make her own way would be like this.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:52 am

Nice one Last Best Hope Of Humanity nice bio, just incase it was missed due to the points i made earlier on the first page here is my CS

Thanks for taking the time to read it. :tops:
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:14 pm

Thanks for taking the time to read it. :tops:

hey now im not gonna let you write a long intresting Bio and not read it
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:24 am

Thanks for taking the time to read it. :tops:

I read it as well. Extremely good! I have high hopes for you, my friend, very high hopes. Just as high expectations as well. I know you'll do me proud in the RP, Last Best Hope.
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:24 pm

I read it as well. Extremely good! I have high hopes for you, my friend, very high hopes. Just as high expectations as well. I know you'll do me proud in the RP, Last Best Hope.

Why, thank you! :wub:
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:56 pm

anymore takers?
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:28 pm

Ah a revival! Excellent, this is an opportunity to get in again! Last time my char sheet was pretty slopping and I made it in a hurry. It's a shame to see that the old RP died out, it was an interesting read. Now if you excuse me I'm going to spend some time prepping a more thought out character sheet.

Ok here it is

Name: William Penn

Age: 19

Gender: male

Race: Caucasian

Appearance: William is a slim man standing at a fairly average height. His short brown hair is (was) neatly combed to the side and keeps his appearance neat and tidy whenever possible. He wears a pair of steel rimmed glasses over his dark brown eyes. He is not particularly muscular or athletic but is a surprisingly fast runner when need be. Most would simply write him off as another face in the crowd and that attribute has proven a very handy thing to have when hiding from enemies.

Personality: William is a very critical person, he likes to pick apart every little detail and worry about all the things that could go wrong. That combined with a strong sense of self preservation, sometimes called cowardice by dead heroes, has kept him alive through many dangers. Others may dislike his gloomy presence but those who get to know him will find that he is a genuinely nice person. Watch out though, if a person needs to be left behind, William won't hesitate to cut off ties. On the plus side he has rarely ever seen the need to do so, he is kind and likes to joke around with others but get sour quickly the moment an insult is thrown. He has a big ego and while that may often get him in trouble, only his great self control keeps him in check. Though he might have the tendency to be clumsy in high-stress situations, William is a good man to have around. Only if it's safe of course. :wink_smile:

Guardsman- Taught to use a rifle during his training in the national guard. His accuracy is average but at least knows how to fire and maintain his weapon. At best it can be said that he knows how to follow orders. However, the training he received was sloppy and fast. They were meant to be molded into soldiers but the mold got taken off halfway through. Discipline was not drilled in quite perfectly and morale is low.

Banker- an absolutely useless skill in this post-apocalyptic time and age. Unless you count learning how to refuse loans a skill.

Weapons: He carries a M14 issued to the second-line National Guardsmen and has a M6 bayonet. However, he was only given 60 rounds of ammo and 3 magazines for his weapon.

Clothing: William wears a pair of sturdy army boots and wears woodland green fatigues. On his head rests an oversized steel helmet along with a backpack to hold his things.

Bio: William Penn, loyal and honest son , excellent student, successful banker, National Guardsman, and a deserter.

Life was good for William, he followed his father's footsteps into banking, getting a job easily right out of school at his Dad's bank, and even slipped away from the draft by joining the National Guard. Surely the war would be over soon and he could get back to life as usual; maybe even find someone to marry and to start a family. William couldn't have been more wrong. Basic training was a nightmare, he was sheltered from the harsher things in life and it was a complete shock to him. After a few weeks it seemed like he could make it through alright, then they were given a gun and told to go put down food riots in the city.

Things couldn't have been worse. A massive mob was choking every block and were roaring like a tsunami. It was as if you could not breathe, everywhere you turned were bloodthirsty and hungry people, looking for someone to blame. As it just so happened, they represented the government authority and so they were stormed with every manner of objects. If it could be thrown then it was, including harsh language and the occasional bucket of excrement. The ratio of guardsman to people were a million to one. It didn't take long for the Officer to get stabbed to death by a hundred sharp weapons and the Sergeant to get lit up by a Molotov cocktail.

This was the opportunity William had been waiting for, he took ten of his buddies and they ran in the opposite direction. The city hall itself was the only place left to run, though the thin line of police and guardsmen defending it was crumbling quickly. They were so close and William could himself taking cover inside the civil fallout shelter where they would then emerge after the crowds dispersed. He bashed in the head of a man blocking his way and a few of his fellow guardsmen opened up a path into the safety zone defended by the last few remaining troops.

Then, the bombs fell. The sirens went off and what everyone dreaded was finally coming to pass. The mob suddenly surged forward with renewed vigor. The only thought on their minds was the thought of getting to the nearest shelter, which just happened to be in the town hall. Those moments went by like a blur, all William could remember doing was stabbing anyone that got near him in a desperate bid to get to safety. When he reached the shelter he didn't pause to wait for others, he closed the door and waited out the storm. Of his entire unit only he and two others had survived, and none of the civilians had made it.

The next months were very quiet, one of the other survivors developed an infection from a nasty cut he got and died soon after. With no way of properly disposing the body, William took a risk and with the other survivor decided to leave. After picking straws the other man went outside first to see if it was safe. After an hour with no response William went outside. There he saw everything he had ever known destroyed, reduced to ashes and cinders. This must have been too much for the other man as William found his body not too far out. The only signs of what had happened was that the man's head was resting on his rifle, and his hand still holding the trigger.

Shame, he never even remembered his name.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:39 am

When is the RP going to start? I am pretty psyched for it.
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:17 am

When venix and I get some details ironed out. And all of the sheets are taken into account.

Officer Norman! Good to see ya.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:03 am

Ok I updated my sheet above, now lets hope that I get in this time around.
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:01 am

Ok I updated my sheet above, now lets hope that I get in this time around.

Very nice character sheet Norman. I didn't think anyone would be sensible enough to make themselves a part of the military, and still include notable weaknesses. Very well thought out. :clap:
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:20 am

Thanks, I spent a lot more time making this sheet. I got some ideas from some books I read recently too.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:17 am

Very nice, I laughed a little with the "Baker" skill. You're definitely accepted.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:40 am

Thank goodness this is being given a reboot! It was a shame to watch the earlier one crumble. I hope i'm not to late. I do like how it will continue from where it ended. So, may I be in the RP? :P

If I have to, i'll drag out the bio later. Typing on a phone...

Still, it's good to see this back. :D
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:50 am

Thank goodness this is being given a reboot! It was a shame to watch the earlier one crumble. I hope i'm not to late. I do like how it will continue from where it ended. So, may I be in the RP? :P

If I have to, i'll drag out the bio later. Typing on a phone...

Still, it's good to see this back. :D


Kidding. Of course you can! You were one of my collaborators. And when I say, we're coming back right where we left off, I mean literally, RIGHT where we left off. Running from ghouls and all. After that, we're on our own as far as the story goes.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:31 am

This is actually the user previously known as Sannes Vallen. Apparently my account was deleted for inactivity. Either way, there are a few things I would like to know about the new layout. Most importantly..where in the planes of oblivion is the PM system? Did they just trash it, or is it just hidden in the control panel somewhere? If I could find it, I would just PM Zoey or Com about it.

Also, I would like to use this RP as my jumping-off point back into the world of RP, so if the sign-up isn't already closed, I'll write up a char sheet. BTW, props for someone finally cracking down on short, half-assed posts in RP's.

Edit:Found the messenger, I must just svck at noticing the obvious.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:04 pm

I am going to edit my sheet, I do not think it is good enough. :shrug:
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:37 am

I am going to edit my sheet, I do not think it is good enough. :shrug:

In what way?
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:14 am

New and improved CS.

Name: Joshawa Schultz

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian, German-American

Appearance: Messy Dark Brown hair that covers the top of his head and light blue eyes that really stand out. His skin tone is quite pale because of the fact he has been in his basemant the last two months. Josh has a semi muscular athletic build from being on the Baseball Team and being very active in weight lifting.

Personality: Before the bombs dropped Josh was a very smart and social young man. He would make friends with a lot of people, but he would only trust the people he really knew. He always tries to have a positive attitude no matter what situation he is in, but since the bombs dropped he has been keeping to himself, mainly because he has been living in a basemant the last two months.

Skills: Since he has played baseball the last ten years of his life, Josh can swing a bat with allot of force. Amongst's that he has a very, very basic knowledge in fire arms and can cook basic things. These skills are not the greatest but they are enough to pass by.

Weapons: A Steel Baseball Bat which he bought two weeks before the War, a Hunting Knife given to him by his father four years ago on a Hunting Trip, and a Hunting Rifle also given to him by his father.

Clothing: Josh's clothing consists of his Baseball Teams Jersey, Faded and torn Blue Jeans, and camo Hunting Boots.

Bio: Before the War Josh was a High School Student, he was one of the popular ones. His life mainly consisted of going to school, attending Baseball practice (even though he didn't need it), and playing Baseball games. He would occasionally hang out with friends but his main friends were on the Baseball team so when he went to games and practices he considered that "hanging out".

Every now and then Joshawa's father Bill, would bring Josh hunting with him, if there was anything that Josh could love more then Baseball it would be Hunting. Joshawa loved hunting as much as he loved Baseball, of course he thought Baseball was more fun because it was much more exciting.

When the bombs dropped Josh was in his basemant, and when he found out about what happened he refused to leave his basemant, in fear of what was above there. But after two months, he ran out of food and realized that he needed to go into the Wasteland that awaited above.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:56 am

Sweet, it'll be great to start where we left off, and get to the Warren faster. :goodjob:

Took the old sheet. Don't really see any need to change anything, as i'm just jumping back into the fire.

Name: Dan Olson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Appearance: Roughly 6 feet, with an average weight. Average build, not athletic, but not out of shape. Skin slightly tanned because of being out in the wasteland.

Personality: Witty, and tends to be sarcastic in situations. However, does get along well with others, somewhat shy, and tends to panic in bad situations. Also, since the bombs dropped, Dan's personality will take severe swings of either sadness or anger. And on rare occasions, thinks he sees his dead parents. However, Dan tends to control himself to prevent people from believing he is mentally unstable.

Skills: Knows how to use smaller firearms (Small Guns), also has the ability to maintain and fix things. (Repair).

Weapons: A 10mm pistol, with a flashlight taped on the bottom, and a few clips of ammo. Also carries a crowbar, for emergency situations.

Items: Carries a canteen of water, along with usually 1 can of food. Has a small assortment of tools, including a screwdriver, hammer, wrench, and the all important duct tape. Keeps a roll of medical tape and anti-bacterial ointment, just in case.

Clothing: Faded orange and torn hooded sweater. with dirty blue jeans covered in grass and dirt stains. Damaged brown tennis shoes. Carries around a hiking backpack to carry supplies and extra materials.

Bio: Born and raised by two middle class parents, who happened to also be carriers of bad mental traits. Because of this, Dan suffers from hallucinations, and severe mood swings. However, Dan has always been able to get around by covering up his emotions. Because of this, only a very small amount of people know that Dan actually is mentally unstable. Living in the normal world was already a struggle for Dan, but as the bombs went off when his parents were on vacation, it became a living hell.

He took refuge in a shelter his parents had built by saving up money. It protected him from the radiation, but not much else. The shelter only had enough food and water for Dan to live off of for only a month. Knowing this, Dan eventually gained back some of his sanity, and went out into the wasteland. Alone, and unstable. Just like the rest of the survivors.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:50 am

Heya Sannes! I'd love to have you, I know you were a good RP'er and I enjoyed your RP's and writing quite a bit. Get me your sheet and then, maybe in a day, we'll get this RP rolling.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:56 am

Glad to be back, Jonas. I'll draft up a sheet ASAP.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:40 am

Here it is. I decided to do a throwback to the whole Blackfoot thing I usually only touch on with my charicter, since this IS set in Kansas after all.

Name: Jansen Aercin(Pronounced Aerasin)
Height:5' 7" (For those who can't perceive height, pretty short for a grown male)
Weight:134 Lbs.

Physical Appearance: Jansen is short and slim, with a lightly tanned, mostly muscular physique. His hair is a shade lighter than black, but not quite Grey, and tied back into a 9" warrior braid trailing behind his back. He has short bangs in the front that barely reach his eyes, which are a pale blue. This appearance being standard to the Blackfoot Indian people Jansen is descended from. Despite his short stature, Jansen is surprisingly strong and more importantly, agile. He has sharp eyes from years of sharpshooting and a steady hand from the same reason.

Psyche: Jansen, at first glance, seems like a cold and mechanical person, capable of making a nigh-impossible shot without the slightest congratulatory grin, or even an ounce of emotion towards others. At heart, he is a proud man with a strict code of personal honor customary of the warrior ancestors he strives to honor. Beneath the mechanical way of his actions among those he does not know, he is also quite intelligent, with an almost abstract, parallel view of things. His ultimate flaw would be pride and confidence, keeping him distant from the opinions or insights of others.

Background: Jansen was born on an old Blackfoot reservation among the less than a hundred remaining "pure" Blackfoot Indians. He was taught to fight, hunt, and live off of the land around him. At the age of seventeen, during winter, he got his own father and two other young hunters killed while hunting a pack of wolves, and was cast from the reservation with disgrace, and went off to live among the "Modern" Americans. He usually did odd jobs for farmers, occasionally acting as trail guide through the backwoods. When the bombs fell, he was sleeping in the "tornado shelter" under a farmers barn. Almost two months later, he left the shelter after running out of most of his food and water.

Clothing:A grey jacket worn unbuttoned over a sleeveless black T-Shirt, a pair of patched, re-patched, and patched again denim jeans, and a pair of beat up old work boots. He carries his supplies in a,0,41,1593,360,360,da01a93f.jpg.

Food/Water/Chems: Two full metal flasks of slightly stale, but perfectly drinkable water. A few wrapped packages of salted beef jerky, and a few wafers of hardened flat bread. Two cans of baked beans. Enough food for about a week, and a ration diet.

Weapons:None besides a, though he can and likely will use any reliable firearm he comes across.

I hope the sheet is up to par.
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:26 pm

Very nice. I love it, and its not over the top at all. Glad to see you on board man!

Alright. So, I think we're done for accepting new members. I'll get the RP some time this weekend, count on it!
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