The Warren

Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:13 pm

OOC: where is everyone?
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kirsty williams
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:44 am

OOC: where is everyone?

OOC: Yttrium and DB are having trouble getting online. DB is ill, and Yttrium has limited access to the computer as he has only 1 desktop in the house that is shared by the family. The RP WILL NOT DIE, and isn't dead. Worst comes to worst, I and Silly will take over. My connection has been crap lately but I'll try to make a post.

IC: Samuel had his eyes trained on the darkness, although he was aware of the newcomers, Collie and Zoey. His SKS was now lock and loaded, his eyes still scanning the area of flickering, and now dimming light, where he had thrown the burning log. Samuel knelt down and rifled through his pack until he found a flashlight and roll of duct tape. His father had taught him how to improvise such things as a mounted flashlight on a gun. Samuel did so, taping the small 8" flashlight to the underside of his rifles' stock. He flicked it on and immediately caught sight of what the others were seeing. A grotesque thing, like a skeleton coated with flesh-like goo that almost glistened in the light of Samuel's flashlight.

"What the [censored]?" Samuel whispered under his breath. Then he heard gunshots, in rapid succession. He looked behind him and saw Zoey shoot one of the monsters, dropping it cold. Collie was the one who had killed one with a machete. This group was turning out to be a rather handy and possibly trustworthy one. But his thoughts were cut short has he heard a terrifying thing.

A choir of hellish, blood-curdling screams echoing from the buildings. Clearly, [censored] had hit the fan. The pitter-patter of feet could be heard all around, Samuel turned to the group.

"Grab some fire and throw!" Just as he said that, he heard a raspy breathing getting closer and closer. He turned, and not 6' away was another one of the creatures. Time slowed. Samuels' gun raised. A shot was fire, a shot that broke the still night air. Hitting the thing dead-center between the eyes, and making it hurtle ass-over-tea-kettle right into Samuel, knocking him to the ground. The dead, stinking thing lay on top of him, Samuel quickly pushed it off, some of its decaying skin plastered to his duster and shirt. He would've like to have studied it more closely but there was no time.

He heard more feet off in the darkness, not coming closer, but in a more stalking manner. "They're toying with us." Samuel said, he drew his machete, a nice one at that, the darkened steel slightly glinting in the firelight.

"Gonna be a long night, Kathy, stick with me. Collie, Dan, stick with the fire and Zoey. We have to protect ourselves and eachother. No matter what."
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:07 pm

"And travelers now within that valley,
through the red-litten windows see,
vast forms that move fantastically
to a discordant melody,
while like a rapid ghastly river
through the pale door,
a hideous throng rush out forever
and laugh but smile no more

Collie recalled a line from one of his mothers books. Collie didn't like it one bit. He stands beside Samuel and speaks in a low voice.

"I think we need to move. If you're right and those things are toying with us its bad bad news. Either there's a bunch of them in that building and we need to put some distance between us and it...or they're coming from that desert stretching out around us and we need to get into that building..."

The two consider it for a moment.

"What do you think we should do?"
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:12 pm

Dan held tightly onto the pistol, as he watched what was going on around him. Before he knew it, he heard what sounded like a chorus of screams, coming from every direction imaginable. He watched as Samuel got up, and told him to stay by the fire. Dan seemed fine to follow Sams orders, as he knew he wasn't a leader, and couldn't be one, so it seemed Samuel would be a natural leader. He aimed his flashlight around, looking to see how many of these abominations are nearby. It was hard to really keep track of how many there were, as they kept on sprinting around, as if they knew the group was trying to attack. Suddenly, it seemed that staying by the fire really wasn't that smart of an idea. Just before he was about to object, one of the other survivors, Collie, spoke up.

"I think we need to move. If you're right and those things are toying with us its bad bad news. Either there's a bunch of them in that building and we need to put some distance between us and it...or they're coming from that desert stretching out around us and we need to get into that building...". He had a point. Staying here wasn't going to be good, but then again moving into the wrong place could turn out to be a big mistake too. Dan couldn't think of a proper way to get out of this situation, other than running like Hell in the opposite direction. However, seeing as these monsters were surrounding the entire area, that would probably end up being a big mistake too.

"What do you think we should do?". Dan thought about it. It was hard to think under the amount of stress there was. A moment where he had a make a choice that would either save his life, or end it. Then, he thought about something. The building they were camping nearby was pretty tall, and could provide help in a way.

"Guys, I know this isn't the best time to try to have a discussion, but what about if we got on the rooftop on one of these buildings? We would be able to see how many of these monsters there are, and it would provide a spot to look around. It we could get on the roof, it could be pretty safe."

Dan kept looking around, hoping that there will be some way to get out of here quickly. It seemed time was running out for the group.
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:06 am

"I think we need to move. If you're right and those things are toying with us its bad bad news. Either there's a bunch of them in that building and we need to put some distance between us and it...or they're coming from that desert stretching out around us and we need to get into that building..." Said Collie. He was making sense. Even Samuel knew that predators eventually got enough courage to brave a fire, especially if they were in great numbers, and judging by how many had been killed by the now allied group, there were a lot of them.

Then the other man, Dan spoke up, with a very good suggestion, "Guys, I know this isn't the best time to try to have a discussion, but what about if we got on the rooftop on one of these buildings? We would be able to see how many of these monsters there are, and it would provide a spot to look around. It we could get on the roof, it could be pretty safe." It was a sound idea, the building directly behind the fire Samuel had built, or campsite as it were, there was a tall building with a flat roof. Most likely a hatch or door that could be barricaded would lead to the roof.

Samuel thought for a moment about how the group could move through a small enclosure, surrounded by freakish no-longer-human things that obviously wanted to kill them. But Samuel's thoughts were changed to an immediate decision as soon as another 'Ghoul' screamed, and ran very close to the fire, then back into the darkness.

"Alright, here's the plan. Everybody grabs a torch, those of us with guns stay on the outside of the group, those who don't stay on the inside. We haul ass through the building, if something moves, shoot it. When we get to the roof, we barricade the damn thing. And I guess its just waiting for sunlight until then?" Samuel spoke his plan, trying to address everyone. His plan sounded a lot easier said than done.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:38 am

OOC- Oh, I wasn't aware DB and Yttrium were sick, so I was sort of waiting for everyone. x) Sorry 'bout that.

Collie had explained that, "I think the guy I shot was maybe one of those, but it wasn't hostile...maybe it wasn't hostile yet. He asked me to do it...." Appearing sheepish before adding on, "That guy was nice though...he wanted my help. I don't think those guys," he motions to a pair of forms leaving the decrepit building in a low slouch, "I don't think they're nice at all."

After one last moment of eying him, Katherine relented. It wasn't like Collie had killed a kid who had asked for food. The explanation, as odd as it sounded, was fair enough.

At the howls suddenly beginning to surround them-hoarse, beastly howls-Kathy immediately raised her gun and cocked it. She had restrained earlier, not wishing the risk of accidentally shooting something-but she had been trained in this sort of thing...besides, she didn't want the thing unloaded if one of the freaks of nature came leaping for her. No one had let one close enough, for long enough, to see what happened after they actually got hold of you. Adler wasn't about to let her be the one to act as the test subject for that.

Listening, but no longer daring to look over and away from the inky black darkness surrounding them, to Zoey she heard, "Its probably not a good time for introductions, but I'm Zoey." Clearing her own voice, the fifteen year old simply replied, "Kathy." No time for the technical crap, Kathy was shorter anyways.

Suddenly one monster appeared far too close to Samuel, and Kathy had been scared to absolute silence. Besides, screams were kind of more pathetic. Even as she watched the thing fall against the man, as it had been flying at him when he had shot it, she could feel herself nearly dry-heaving out of disgust and shivering out of fear and shock. The girl could only imagine what would happen if any one of them died, let alone Samuel. Who seemed to be the most friendly and calm of the group. Yet, friendly, nice or not-they all needed each other. They'd just be all that much more likely screwed if they had one less person helping shoot and kill these...things.

At the sight of the gooey flesh stickily clutching to Samuel's clothing, Kathy had to take a breath, squint her eyes for a moment, and glance away. This was no time to delve into how absolutely creepy it was that the flesh had actually rolled off onto and remained on someone's clothing. She would have asked everyone if they were okay-but the answer was pretty obvious: F*** no.

With yet another of them appearing only a few feet from her, Kathy didn't hesitate to shoot it. Making several shots for the head-a couple of the last not being near necessary. A curse could be heard made under the brunette's breath. A bit of a trigger-happy move, there, but if she was much more scared she would likely p*** herself. Shooting at bottles and birds was notably different to shooting at these things.

When Samuel gave some form of directions, Katherine made no argument whatsoever. Hell, she was happy to hear something like that-as she herself couldn't think of what to do. Other than shoot what came at her or anyone else. Though at the comment that it was, "Gonna be a long night..." Kathy made a slight groan. Obviously there wasn't an option, but she hadn't really thought about that thoroughly until Samuel had actually brought it up.

As Kathy continued to keep her gun raised and ready, she heard Collie speaking up again.

"I think we need to move. If you're right and those things are toying with us its bad bad news. Either there's a bunch of them in that building and we need to put some distance between us and it...or they're coming from that desert stretching out around us and we need to get into that building..."

"I honestly have no idea where these things came, or are coming from...but sticking around doesn't sound like the best option in the world...Do we just guess and hope we made the right move?" That's what seemed to be the case so far.

Dan made a comment, agreeing with Collie apparently. Only, that didn't provide that much more thorough of a plan-so she only bit her lip. Though, at the following comment:

"Guys, I know this isn't the best time to try to have a discussion, but what about if we got on the rooftop on one of these buildings? We would be able to see how many of these monsters there are, and it would provide a spot to look around. It we could get on the roof, it could be pretty safe."

Kathy made more of a response. Still not looking behind herself to look at the others in the eye, as it would be stupid in the current situation, she commented "It might be the best idea...doesn't seem like there's too many of these on the roof at least." Really, it seemed like most of them had arrived or were coming already for the small group of survivors.

Finally, Samuel seemed to finish piecing the hasty plan together. It had been only made within a minute, but it appeared to be good and sane enough to work. Keeping a tight grip of her assault rifle, she nodded. "Right, then-who's going into the creepy building first?" As afraid as she was outside, with all these things surrounding them, there was notably something far scarier of finding out what was inside the possibly unstable buildings. So it sure as hell wasn't going to be her to make the first step inside, she wasn't quite in the mood to be adventurous and courageous right now. It practically took the life out of her just keep herself from shaking and falling to the ground, while still also shooting all incoming beasts with goo of a rotting smell for flesh.

Keeping note of what Samuel's orders had been, Kathy surveyed the area to ensure nothing was about to attack before quickly snatching her own sort of torch. Not that it was a proper torch, but really that was pretty irrelevant at this point.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:57 am

OOC: is it okay to start moving into the building now? if not i can edit/remove this

Sam proposed his plan to get to the roof, those with guns on the outside the group and those without inside the group

"Sounds good to me, if we stay here much longer the [censored] is gonna hit the proverbial fan" Quickly scanning the area with the light on her gun more and more creature's started to move about, when suddenly one came for her, cursing loudly as it ran and screamed toward her Zoey lifted her leg and kicked the sprinting mess to the ground with which she quickly followed with a double tap to the head tap tap she thought.

"These things don't seem co-ordinated yet we have to move now and quickly before they decide to attack together. I'll go first" While still scanning the area Zoey shouldered her bag and backed up slowly to the building. Spinning on her heels the light from her weapon lit up an open doorway hoping the others where following her to watch her back she edged cautiously into the building. Only after taking a few steps in there was an earsplitting crunch as she looked down to see a skeleton with few bits of flesh left on, the crunch almost made her throw up but then she saw the what it was and couldn't hold it back. Briefly and quickly she vomited, besides it wasn't like there was much in her stomach to come back up. Raising her self and edging forward in to the dark she said to herself

"Who Dare's Win's Zoey, who Dare's Win's" She thought she'd probably said that a bit too loud, but if she didn't dare then she was going to die at the hand of those beast's, and if she did dare? well she'd win life for a little while longer

"Guys watch you're self's don't trip on anything, hey stairs!" she called back and looking up the steps she began to walk up very carefully.

OOC2: sorry for another OOC, just left it there so people could catch up also again if you didn't want me to go here its fine just let me no and i will edit/remove
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:53 am

Collie follows quick behind, staying close to the light. The inside of the building is eerie. Mere weeks ago this was a place of business, now all of these hallways connected to empty rooms with empty cubicles.

As the group moves carefully up the stairs they can hear furtive movements throughout the rest of the floor.

Collie's breath catches in his throat and his mind races as the young woman with the light, Zoey wasn't it?, flicks it off.

She turns and holding her finger to her lips gives a universal sign. The group moves carefully up behind Zoey to get a look at what has stopped her.

There on the landing between this flight of stairs and the next a group of ghouls sit in the darkness. Downstairs a door is pulled open violently, the sound as it rebounds against the wall reverberates throughout the stairwell and the ghouls turn to see the gathering of people.

Collie raises his rifle.
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:12 am

Sam nodded to the group as Zoey and Collie took off, Zoey dropped an oncoming ghoul very impressively and professionally, then continued through the building. Samuel shouldered his rifle, then drew his .32 and machete holding the pistol in his left hand and machete in the right. He looked back at the others, taking off his glasses and putting them in the left pocket of his duster. He scanned the area, now holding a smaller flashlight, looking at the ever growing mass of shapes of the demonic things that pursued them, he then turned to Kathy.

"Stick close to me, watch my back." Samuel said this with sincerity, although he was experienced in fighting, not even he knew what or how many of these things they were up against. He then reached in another pocket pulling out a small tin with a thick goo inside, he coated the tip of his machete with it, and then stuck it in the fire, igniting the goo and making a torch that doubled as a weapon. He also noticed that the man named Cain was laying on the ground, shivering, Cain dry-heaved, he was sick, most likely from the radiation.

"Come here buddy, nobody's getting left behind." Sam picked up the sickly kid, swinging him over his shoulder.

"Let's move then." Samuel began walking into the building, Cain weighing him down slightly, waving the torch that illuminated the inside of the building rather brightly. Bones littered the area, and a ghoul was crunching on a bone in the far corner, "Hey!" Sam shouted, getting the thing's attention. Samuel fired three rounds, two of which struck the ghoul in the chest. He checked behind him to make sure Kathy was coming.

"Kathy, come in, quickly! They're coming!" Samuel shouted as he glanced back into the market, now seeing the terror that was countless numbers of the creatures charging the building. All of them screaming they're terrible high-pitched, hoarse cries.

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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:24 am

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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:17 am

OOC: Cut out
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kristy dunn
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:24 am

OOC: Cut out
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:48 am

OOC: Mrsmileysmile, I'm not having a go honestly but all my post said was that I'd got to the stairs, i didn't keep moving and shooting ghoul's or turn of my light as you said i didn't want to say anything without being too brash but that is even if only slight, character control. I stopped at the stairs so everyone could catch up so we can move through the building together so now I'm going to move to the next flight of stairs and stop there so everyone can catch up. Also how many floors is this building?

As she peered up the stairs th hallway she had just come down illuminated with light as Sam carried a burning machete with Cain in the other arm

"hmmm nice learn that at home did you?" Zoey chuckled and jogged up the steps spinning round so she could go up the second part of the stairs, taking a left Zoey's nose picked up a dreadful smell which caused her to recoil and nearly throw up again. Not that there was anything left to come up mind. Shining the light down the hall she could see at least twelve body's all decaying from the attack where radiation had eaten away at them, There was no way she was going that way so she turned around to go the opposite direction. Shouldering her weapon she began to walk slowly down the hall moving the light all over to catch any sight of movement, which inevitably there was going to be. A door on her left squeaked open a bit as she went up to the door nerve's kicked in big time

"C'mon Zoey, Who Dare's..." she mumbled to herself, kicking the bottom of the door gently it swung open slowly with a squeak only to find no living creature in the room. Relieved, she sighed to herself but then she noticed a med pack on the table opening it she found one stimpack which she took it could be useful after all. Exiting the room the next flight of stairs was straight in front of her, she looked up them and checked to make sure the others where with her.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:04 am

OOC: I'm not going to be able to post for at least a week. Our Desktop has gone to [censored], and the only way I'm writing this is one my sisters laptop, which I get maybe, five minutes to use...on a good day. So, Let's pretend my character has followed you guys from then on, or someone could control him for a bit.
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:52 am

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:46 pm

OOC: Alright, so there was a little confusion, and some arguing from what I can tell. However, i'm pretty sure everything has settled. And as a heads up, keep the OOC down to a bare minimum, if possible.

Dan tried to stay in the middle of the group, not getting ahead of Zoey and Collie, but not behind Sam. Along with him is several other survivors, who hadn't spoken since the meeting at the fire, but he knew they were probably just stressed and too exhausted to say anything. The building was dark, with only the beams of the flashlights and glow from the torches that helped see what was around him and the group. He kept on hearing sounds surrounded everywhere, with gunshots from the front as Zoey and Collie charged forward. Fortunately he had the group to take care of everything. He was glad that they were doing the shooting, as Dan barely knew how to shoot a gun. He went hunting before, but he doubted if he would be any good when terrified and fighting for survival. However, things started going downhill as the group was heading up.

While staying with the group, looking for anything useful, he heard Sam from back behind yelling. "Hurry!", were the words that somehow sent Dans body to go into a mode of adrenaline. He heard the sounds of dozens of monsters charging through the front of the door, followed by more gunshots. He was uncertain what to do. Dan didn't know if he should fall back, and protect Sam from the onslaught, or to keep the people in the middle aligned, and keep moving forward.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:53 pm


Collie hears the shout and wonders if he should move back toward the groups flank...he considers it for a moment but decides he rather likes being with Zoey. Her light is attached to a gun, that's just a damn good idea.

"You okay back there?" he shouts back.

If help is really needed he'll do what he can...but for whatever reason the dark is much more manageable when you're pushing through it. When there is all darkness behind you...Collie just doesn't like it. Curious that thinking about this actually makes Collie a bit happy. It could always be worse.
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:45 am

OOC: sorry for the OOC i know you want it kept to a minimum but where is everyone? its been like 2 or 3 days since the last post i cant go anywhere cause im waiting for everyone else to catch up
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:07 am

OOC: sorry for the OOC i know you want it kept to a minimum but where is everyone? its been like 2 or 3 days since the last post i cant go anywhere cause im waiting for everyone else to catch up

I'm waiting for Terrier to post. If it goes on for much longer I'll just make another post to keep things moving.
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:11 pm

This is getting bad. Those things are everywhere. I can hear them in the walls. Is that one? No. Just a shadow. **** Collie don't lose it.

Collie watches the light created by Zoey's flashlight gun thing dance along the walls.

These walls are so damn clean. If I didn't know what those footsteps were coming from this would almost be nice. Well if it weren't so dark.

Collie walks a bit into the darkness shaking just a little bit as he puts distance between himself and Zoey. He runs his hand along the wall searching for a switch.

How the hell did I not think of this earlier?

He finds something.

Collie takes a deep breath trying to steady his nerves. Having thought of something as simple as flicking a light switch he is suddenly terrified once again of the prospect of continuing on in all this darkness. Letting his rifle hang at his waist, attached by a small strap over his shoulder, he reaches out takes one more deep breath and flips the switch.

It works. For just a moment the stairwell is bathed in light and if not for small details this might be a normal stairwell in a normal city in a normal country. No apocalypse at all.

But then the devil is always in the details. His mind doesn't so much as run through this list so much as it acknowledges each thing one after the other in a flash. Odd how the mind does that, with so much normalcy the inconsistencies stick out with a new obviousness.

Detail The First: I have father's gun
Detail The Second: I have a man's life blood smeared across my pants
Detail The Third: There is a girl nearby me
Detail The Fourth: She might not be disgusted by me
Detail The Fifth: She has a gun
Detail the Sixth: What's that thing by the...

Before his mind has finished contemplating this last inconsistency Collie has thrown himself away from the door and across the stairwell into the wall. He fumbles for his rifle, his collision with the wall has trapped the rifle between the wall and his body. Frozen in his mind is the last thing he saw in that moment of light. A head peeking through the doorway, a rotting head drooling a fetid brown liquid with small bits of organic matter in it.

Incapable of finding his rifle though it lays so close his jerky hands finally alight upon it and draw it up. He points it roughly toward the doorway, all knowledge of how to properly shoulder such a rifle having fled his mind in this moment of fear.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:21 pm

OOC: its sad to see this RP die, it looked very promising but everyone has just dissapeared, i know i havnt been visably active but ive been here hiding in the shadows like a ninja :ninja:
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