OOC: Thanks Hirc and Sharon, glad to be back. As for Ant, not sure why you saved mine, but whatever.

Also, as a side note, I know this is a short post, but it's just to start getting Ali into the story. Figure that since there's so many willing to help Zoey, it might be interesting to have someone help the other side?
Ali & Madeline - The Warren As the two neared the Warren, it was clear that the high military presence wasn’t something to scoff at. Ali pulled Madeline closer to him, keeping her at his side as he held his B.A.R in hand, just incase one of the soldier’s tried getting smart with him, or touched Madeline.
“Halt!” One of the soldiers said, holding his handout to Ali and Madeline. The two stopped, Ali looking the four soldier’s over as they looked him over too. “What’s your business here in the Warren?”
“Trade,” Ali said quickly, wanting to get away from them sooner, rather than later.
“What kind of trade?”
“Does it matter? Trade, you know, for food, water, clothes, that sort of thing.”
“Were are you coming from?”
“Wichita, deep in the ruins there. Why?”
One of the soldier’s smiled, and twirled his rifle around, sending the butt of it into Ali’s stomach. The strong, emotionally quick man stumbled to his knee’s, gasping for air as Madeline jumped to his side, looking at him with a face of sorrow.
“Ali!” She exclaimed, holding him as he worked on collecting himself. “Why’d you have to do that you big bully!” Madeline added, looking up at the soldier who’d hit Ali.
“Only type that comes from Wichita nowadays are either Slavers or Raiders, and we don’t like either of them here on our turf little girl.” The solder said, spitting in front of Ali and Madeline.
“Ali, are you okay?” Madeline asked looking back at him. He just nodded, getting back to his feet with the support of his B.A.R.
“Mind fighting me fairly?” Ali uttered out, holding his stomach.
“Me?” The soldier who’d hit him asked. Ali just nodded, an arrogant grin coming across the soldier’s face as he nodded and handed his comrades his belt and weapons. Ali did the same, handing Madeline all his ammo and weapons he had on him. “Alright smart guy, we’ll see what you’re really about.”
Ali nodded, getting into a protective stance as the soldier did the same, both eyeing and watch each other’s feet and all around movement. The other three soldiers stood smirking and snickering to each other, as Madeline stood alone, quietly watching and murmuring to herself.
“Here I come!” The soldier said charging Ali with an open strike. It was a mistake Ali had seen many times before, and one anyone could easily counter with a quick step to the side and a good right or left strike to the ribs. And Ali did just that, stepping off to the side when the man was close enough, and bringing his fist around to land a clean punch against the man’s ribs. The soldier cried out as Ali punched him, the old terrorist not letting up for a minute as he continued his fresh attack on the soldier.
Quickly Ali grabbed the man from behind, gripping his arms around the soldier’s arms, not allowing the soldier to move them properly while Ali kneed the man to the ground, and gave him a swift punch to one of his kidney’s. The man cried out again, but his friend’s did nothing to stop the attack by Ali, they only watched, hoping their friend would be able to break out of the attack and work Ali over. But before they could say anything, Ali had defeated the man in the fight, dropping the man face first into the ground and walking over to Madeline for his things. The other soldiers looked at Ali with surprise, shocked to see that their friend, who was bigger than Ali, had been bested.
“Your friend will be alright, just make sure he gets some water and rest.”
They nodded and stepped out of Ali’s way, guiding Madeline up towards the Warren.
“Hey wait!” One of the soldier’s said stepping towards Ali and Madeline. Ali didn’t know what it was, but he held his B.A.R ready incase the man, or the other’s tried something fast.
“What?” Ali asked without any interest.
“Who are you?”
“Just a traveler, just like her.”
“Well, whatever and whoever you are, why don’t you speak with Ellis?”
“Who’s that?” Ali asked curious.
“He’s the man who runs the Warren. We’ve had a bit of trouble, but Ellis has cleaned things up a bit. He might be able to use a man like you? You know, for work and stuff?”
Ali nodded and left the soldiers to attend their injured friend. Ali was interested in this man called Ellis. He’d never heard of him before, and the trouble the Warren had been in was something he only vaguely knew about. He would have to investigate further once he got Madeline some food, and them a place to maybe stay.