OOC: Thank's Smiley, I'm sure you and everyone else will come to love and hate my new creation.

Ali & Madeline - Wichita On a lonely street in Wichita, Ali and Madeline continued down towards their ultimate goal, the Warren. They still had a little ways to go, but as they walked, Madeline couldn’t help but look up in awe at the buildings that they passed. But to Ali, they were scars of an old world, and more recently, a war which he had fought and almost died in. The two were so very different, and the very thought of that made Ali think as he carried the little girl on his shoulders, while in his hands, a large weapon of death was carried; prepared to defend or attack any possible threat to him and Madeline.
“Let’s take a break for a minute, okay Madeline?” Ali suddenly said pointing to a empty building that looked somewhat safe.
“Alright!” The little girl said with a smile and excitement. Ever since their walk from the gas station, Madeline had for some reason gotten excited about their journey to the Warren.
When the two got inside, Ali let the little girl down from his shoulders and led her to an office, sitting her down at the empty desk chair. Again, a little plume of dust rose as she collapsed into the chair.
“Stay in here, I’m leaving the pack here, so keep your eyes on it. Don’t let anyone in except me, okay?” Ali said slipping his rucksack on the opposing chair. Madeline nodded and leaned back in the chair while Ali left, closing the door behind him, to check out what was left of the standing building.
Outside the office, the building was empty and desolate, so much of it had been ransacked and destroyed from the riots and problems that happened before and after the war. On the far wall, the symbol of a raider clan had been slowly cracking away from the chipping wall behind it. Ali remember the symbol, it was from one of the raider clan’s that Mohammed had absorbed before the war, when he had allied himself with the raiders and slavers which inhabited Wichita and the outer parts like locus.
Suddenly, as Ali moved towards the stairs to make sure they were safe, some rustling from the next floor echoed down the stairwell. Ali didn’t know what to make of it, and quietly moved to the side, out of sight of anyone who might come down. And then voices echoed down the stairwell after the sound of what turned out to be their footsteps.
“Ain’t nothin’ here, just a bunch of trash and junk. We ain’t gonna get nothin’ from here, just this bag of food and that’s it.” One of the strangers said rustling a bag.
“Alright then, I guess we can head home, Big Tom will be happy to see us again with his food.” The other said smacking what sounded like a fresh clip into his gun.
“Big Tom? What a joke, he’s nothing compared to those slavers that roam around here. In fact, I bet there’s some of them just waiting to erase Big Tom from the history books.” Another mystery person said, this time with a woman’s voice.
“Don’t let Big Tom hear you say that,” the second person said letting a bit of a laugh out.
“Seriously, don’t. I know you knew to this outfit, but Big Tom doesn’t like it when someone says things like that to him. Just ask his ex-wife!” The first person said as they got closer to the stairwell. They all let out a grunt of understanding before they started down, Ali moving back a bit from the bottom, with his B.A.R drawn and ready to kill the people, no matter if he was out numbered or gunned.
“So how long have you two been with Big Tom?” The mystery woman said as they came down the stairs.
“Oh, just about a couple year,” The first man, dressed in raider clothes said as he and the other two passed Ali and his rifle without even a notice.
“That’s good to-”
“Freeze!” Ali suddenly said interrupting their conversation. They all turned around, the second raider without hesitation, drew his measly pistol; but the sound of Ali’s B.A.R rang out in the room and up the stairwell, and all the way to the office where Madeline was sitting, eating some more jerky. The bullet tore clean through the Raider’s chest, blood spurting from the man’s chest as he fell with a look of pain on his face. The other two just stood there, the first Raider dropping his bag and raising his hands up high with the woman.
“[censored]!” The woman exclaimed, her arms shaking as Ali took a couple steps towards them.
“That bag, you’ve got food in it?” Ali asked in a demanding voice and aiming his rifle at the woman’s head.
“Y-y-yes, food, yes!” She said nodding rapidly.
“Good, toss it over here to my side.”
“You’ll pay for this,” the first Raider said spitting at Ali’s jacket as the woman reached down for the bag of food. And without a second’s hesitation, Ali brought his gun to bare on the man, giving him a quick deathly cold look before pulling the trigger, and blowing the man’s head clean off and into little bits and pieces. The woman let out a deafening scream as the man’s headless body fell limp onto the floor and bits of brain matter and skull fell on her and landed in her curly hair.
“Don’t [censored] with me [censored] or I’ll do you in too, got me?” Ali said angrily.
“Yes, please, don’t kill me. I’m not like them, I’m not like them at all, I’m just an enslaved woman, please, I’m not like them.” She said, pleading with Ali before tossing the bag of food over to him. “I’m a slave, and have been for some time. Please, don’t kill me stranger, please!”
Ali thought for a moment, kneeling down but keeping his rifle trained on the woman as he managed to get the top of the bag open with a quick hand.
“Look’s like you’ve got quite a cache of food, was there anymore?”
“No, that was it, just that, I swear.”
Ali nodded, motioning with the rifle to get moving towards the office where he and Madeline had taken residence for the time. The woman nodded, keeping her hands held up high as Ali got the bag and led her to the office, motioning for her to knock on the door.
“Ali?” Madeline’s voice asked through the door. Her voice was a bit muffled by the fact that she was tearing into a piece of brahmin jerky.
“Yes, it’s me, Madeline open the door, but be careful, I’ve brought a friend. Alright?”
“Okay,” the little girl said coming to the door and opening it.
“In,” Ali said in a masterful voice to the woman. She nodded and moved, Madeline smiling at the woman as she did, but the smile quickly went away as she saw Ali come in behind her with his B.A.R drawn.
“Ali, what are you doing?” Madeline asked a bit scared and curious at the same time.
“Don’t worry Madeline, everything is fine. Take this bag from my hand though, please.”
Madeline did as she was told, taking it and dropping it by Ali’s rucksack. Curiously, she opened it up, excited with the sight of food in it. She smiled at Ali, completely forgetting all about the situation they were in, and the fact that Ali could quickly pull the trigger and cause them all to go deaf for a moment in the small office room.
“What are you going do to with me?” The woman asked turning around to look at Ali. The middle eastern man only looked at her, a cold hard stare piercing through her and striking a bit of fear in the woman.
“Who’s this Big Tom?” Ali asked plainly.
“My boss I guess you could say, but really he’s my master too.” The woman said with a bit of exclamation at the end.
“So you really are a Slave, huh? For how long? Since the Abu Nidal or later?”
The woman went silent, looking down at the floor while Madeline, in such a child like manner, sat looking at her while eating a box of what looked to be cereal. It was like a show to her, but one that was real life, and wouldn’t end happily most likely.
“I became a slave during the Abu Nidal-Warren War. Just a year in and already a pre-war secretary found herself scraping by to live. When slaver’s picked me up in the center of town, I thought I was done for. I thought I was dead, but it turns out they had other uses for me. I was worth more to them alive, than dead.”
Ali nodded and let the woman drop her hands, being kind enough to even let her take a seat at the desk.
“How did you survive through all that? I thought the Slaver’s that didn’t get killed under Mohammed’s orders all regrouped and killed their old merchandize?”
“Merchandize!” The woman exclaimed, getting up but was quickly put back in her place at the sight of Ali’s gun. “Call me what you want, but I’m not ‘merchandize’ pal, I’m a human being, I’m better than that you know. Anyway, I don’t know how I survived, that time’s just a blur to me now.”
“How’d you get mixed up with this ‘Big Tom’ then?”
“Sold, simple as that. One of the slave masters sold me to the fat slob, and I’ve been on his food scavenging crew ever since. And it hasn’t been that long.”
Ali nodded, resting his B.A.R down beside his own chair before taking a seat. The woman took a sigh of relief before realizing his Hi-Power strapped to his thigh.
“Are you always this well armed?” The woman asked a bit more relaxed.
Ali didn’t look at her for the answer, he only motioned to Madeline to bring him his rucksack. The little girl did, dropping the box of cereal beside her and handing him the bag. Quick enough, Ali revealed a couple of grenades, answering the woman’s question.
“So what are you going to do with me?” She asked as Ali handed Madeline the rucksack and the little girl took her seat.
“Do you want to come with us!” Madeline said out of line, as if she was friendly to anyone who came into her life.
“Madeline!” Ali snapped, giving the girl an angry look. “Don’t talk to her Madeline, she’s a bad person. Here have some more water, it’ll be easy to eat that food.”
Madeline nodded, looking at Ali like a dog with it’s tail between it’s legs.
“I’m sorry, Ali,” she said in a sweet little voice that was so innocent, Ali just smiled.
“It’s alright Madeline, you don’t have to be sorry.”
And like that, Madeline smiled and took the canteen of water, downing some more of it as she worked on the box of cereal again.
“She your daughter or something?” The woman asked looking at Madeline and Ali.
“No, but for now she’s under my protection. You don’t talk to her, understand?” The woman nodded at Ali’s words, as Ali motioned to Madeline to hand her something to eat.
“Thank you,” the woman said to Madeline as she took a small can of an unknown food.
“What’s your name?” Ali asked plainly.
“Lara, Lara Mitchell. Yours?”
“Ali, and this is Madeline.” Lara nodded, having already caught her name a couple times. “We’re moving out now, you can come with us if you want, but you can’t come with us for the whole way.”
“Why not?”
“I’ll ask the questions, you just answer them. All you need to know is that you can’t go where we’re going. Where we’re going, you’ll have to go yourself. Okay?”
Lara nodded, looking down at her unlabeled can and realizing she had nothing to open it with. Ali generously opened it for her, pulling out an old can opener from his rucksack and handed it back to her.
“Ready to go, Madeline?” Ali asked getting up and grabbing his rifle.
“Yeah, let’s go!” She said excitedly, happy to be continuing their journey. Lara got up as well, bringing her can of food as Madeline got back on Ali’s shoulders and carried the box of cereal in her hands, eating along the way.
“You can carry the food, don’t run or I’ll shoot you dead, alright?” Ali warned, handing Lara the bag. She only nodded, taking it and slinging it over one shoulder. The trio started back out, leaving the two wasted bodies to rot and be eaten by whatever or whoever came along to find them.