Everyone complaining about the beta being full of bugs, specific things not being implimented, ectect.
Please just stop. The beta weekend was for a stress test on the NA megaserver, nothing more.
It was for testing strain on connections and for ZOS to figure out ways to deal with a larger serverload. The beta client was the same as the last one, and nearly unchanged from the one before that.
The in-house testing server and the PTS that ZOS are using for content and bug testing / fixing have a client that is much further along then the beta weekend client.
We got an old client with gated content and unfixed bugs cos that was all that was needed for the tests that they were going to be gathering data from.
What you have seen in the beta weekend is a rough idea of what you will see in the finished game.
It is not however the finished game and people should stop acting like it is.
A beta is for testing, they are only going to test what needs to be tested so that they can release on time.
If the weekend beta test was the same as the closed in-house server or the closed PTS they have then it would be a diffrent story, but the patch notes that got leaked from the PTS less then a week ago should be clue enough that we arnt on the end build of the game, we are on an old one that was used for specific test paramiters and didnt need to be updated to the current content testing build.