[RELz] The Well of Minlorada

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:02 am

The Well of Minlorada v1.0

1.0 Description
2.0 Features
3.0 Installation
4.0 Version
5.0 Bugs/Issues/Conflicts
6.0 Credits/Thanks
7.0 Copyright

1.0 Description
Deep beneath the surface of Cyrodiil lies a long-lost Ayleid Ruin known as Minlorada. It is a legendary location, and it is said that a special Ayleid Well resides inside. This well is said to have been a gift to the Ayleids from Meridia, and it grants extended or eternal life to whoever draws from its power. Discover the lost ruins of Minlorada. Reveal the truth in the legends. Find the many secrets inside its walls!

Begin the journey by exploring the exterior of the Ayleid ruin of Elenglynn, an equal distance South of Chorrol and North of Skingrad.

This is the first mod I have ever made, outside of minor tweaks here and there, so be patient with me. If you encounter any bugs, conflicts, or issues, contact me with a comment on this file or in a private message and I will address the issue ASAP.

2.0 Features
This mod adds a quest that revolves around a large Ayleid ruin. It includes:

* A 5-level dungeon
* Unique puzzles and maze-like layouts
* Lore-friendly plot
* Voice-acted NPC with schedule
* A unique undead companion
* New weapons and armor
* Many secrets
* And more!

3.0 Installation
1. Unzip the file with a program like WinRAR or 7zip. Move the Data folder into the location of the Data folder in your Oblivion directory (default for Windows 7 is C:/Program Files (x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/)
2. Open the Oblivion Launcher and click on "Data Files"
3. Check the box next to "TheWellOfMinlorada.esp"
4. Load the game up and head to the exterior of Elenglynn (south of Chorrol, north of Skingrad) and search around to begin this quest.

4.0 Version
- Initial release!

5.0 Bugs/Issues/Conflict
- Currently none known. Please contact me if you find any so I can address them!

6.0 Credits/Thanks
- Ayleidoon Karan mod by lomir "jgreybear" for the wonderful custom Ayleid armor, weapons, Skeletons, Lich, and the Ayleid race!
- Meos Ayleid Clutter mod by meo3000 for the textures of the Welkynd Chalice, Ayleid Tool, and custom containers
- Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weapons mod by Madcat221 for the Ayleid Sceptre/Staff
- The users of the official TES forums for their help in the Oblivion Construction Set section
- The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki

7.0 Copyright
Please do not copy, redistribute, or otherwise alter this mod without asking for my permission first. If you attempt to contact me and I do not respond in at least one weeks time, consider my silence to be consent and use this mod as you will, just give me credit for the original output. Note the credits section to see who is credited with specific parts of this mod.



PlanetElderScrolls - Coming soon!
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Melung Chan
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Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:15 am

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