The Wishes Granted :D in Skyrim

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:54 am

No, this isnt a mindless praise thread its just things that were fufilled of which I haven't seen mentioned yet....or atleast expanded upon

  • Time stops for no one
    except for Dragon shout spells, finally the world doesnt halt when we decide to spark a conversation, stir the motar, crafting, reading books and examining items essentially no more disjointed interactions and time halts. do you rememeber in Oblivion when you arrived at Weynon priory and the dunmer runs from MD agent? and the moment he initiats conversation with you time stops and the agent is frozen in the background? hah no more of that.

  • Combat improvements
    You've seen it, you've read about it, you love it, from shieldbashing, finishers and much more kinetics to combat. granted there is very little information thus far and a less known tid bit about Dual wielding, is it seems the Mechanic was fairly recently included as it was not in the initial product
    Todd Howard IGN interview:We actually added dual wielding weapons pretty late, once we saw how nice it was to just put what you wanted in each hand.

  • No more Pincussions I hate when that happens, annoying arrows, barely took a scratch to my health but this really is never worth the inconvience

  • Finally both FT and Travel system
    nuff said, this cluster**** of what system is better, and don't like don't use it bid is Done, in this regard not one complaint can be made by a sane individual

  • Assumed return to Political and factional complexity and interplay
    pfft every thing regarding factions in Oblivion was disjointed, players who weren't interested probably didnt even notice or care but it was a stark annoyance ingame, all of a sudden the Fightersguild were knights in shining armor, the Mages guild were Holy crusaders, Thieves guild became robin hoods, and even the Dark brotherhood was scewed into a Good dark brotherhood / Bad Dark brotherhood, this hopefully seems to no longer be the case in Skyrim.

  • Its a another TES title, Auto win.
    Anyone that disputes this deserves :obliviongate:

  • Better creature A.I it seems.
    From hunting, having home base and pack coordination at the very least wolves seem to be smarter than some lone thing chasing you to the ends of the earth at 10 hp, I just hope they have other factors ruling them, it could have been attributes but we know what happened to those, so factors like Stamina should play a role for everyone else.

  • attempt at more weapon types, (can't tell me Polearms don't count, all we had in Oblivion was swords and maces)
    well this is iffy since mages staffs were the only weapons with the same holding animation as what we guess are Draugher holding something pretty big

  • Creation Kit.

    Hands down one of the bigger pluses we are now offered the oppurtunity to alter the game anyway we see fit, continuing the legacy of modding onto another series even though Morrowind and Oblivion still brim to this day.

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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:01 am

good to see your praise is well thought out :goodjob: and i agree anyone who thinks this wont be the best elder scrolls game until the next one deserves to be randomly kidnapped by a dremora :obliviongate:
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:54 pm

Finally both FT and Travel system
nuff said, this cluster**** of what system is better, and don't like don't use it bid is Done, in this regard not one complaint can be made by a sane individual

I missed this. When was it confirmed?
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:01 pm

It certainly looks good. :celebration:
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:31 am

One of my personal wishes granted, was a "Less Intrusive Leveling system." But the old phrase "Be Careful What you Wish for" seems very appropriate here.

No longer will I have to worry about attaining those pesky x5 Multipliers before leveling up, I'll be able to focus on the game, the world, and the people. Hurrah!

With all that said, I'm not particularly fond of physical attributes being removed. I would much have preferred an uncontrollable function of your skills-level-race. But, we can't have it all.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:13 am

The single thing I am most excited for is the new travel system. No longer am I required to "run" or fast travel.
This is important to a lot of people. :D
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:15 am

I missed this. When was it confirmed?

A few weeks ago, on IGN in an Interview with Todd.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:47 am

No, this isnt a mindless praise thread its just things that were fufilled of which I haven't seen mentioned yet....or atleast expanded upon

  • Time stops for no one
    except for Dragon shout spells, finally the world doesnt halt when we decide to spark a conversation, stir the motar, crafting, reading books and examining items essentially no more disjointed interactions and time halts. do you rememeber in Oblivion when you arrived at Weynon priory and the dunmer runs from MD agent? and the moment he initiats conversation with you time stops and the agent is frozen in the background? hah no more of that.

  • Combat improvements
    You've seen it, you've read about it, you love it, from shieldbashing, finishers and much more kinetics to combat. granted there is very little information thus far and a less known tid bit about Dual wielding, is it seems the Mechanic was fairly recently included as it was not in the initial product

  • No more Pincussions I hate when that happens, annoying arrows, barely took a scratch to my health but this really is never worth the inconvience

  • Finally both FT and Travel system
    nuff said, this cluster**** of what system is better, and don't like don't use it bid is Done, in this regard not one complaint can be made by a sane individual

  • Assumed return to Political and factional complexity and interplay
    pfft every thing regarding factions in Oblivion was disjointed, players who weren't interested probably didnt even notice or care but it was a stark annoyance ingame, all of a sudden the Fightersguild were knights in shining armor, the Mages guild were Holy crusaders, Thieves guild became robin hoods, and even the Dark brotherhood was scewed into a Good dark brotherhood / Bad Dark brotherhood, this hopefully seems to no longer be the case in Skyrim.

  • Its a another TES title, Auto win.
    Anyone that disputes this deserves :obliviongate:

  • Better creature A.I it seems.
    From hunting, having home base and pack coordination at the very least wolves seem to be smarter than some lone thing chasing you to the ends of the earth at 10 hp, I just hope they have other factors ruling them, it could have been attributes but we know what happened to those, so factors like Stamina should play a role for everyone else.

  • attempt at more weapon types, (can't tell me Polearms don't count, all we had in Oblivion was swords and maces)
    well this is iffy since mages staffs were the only weapons with the same holding animation as what we guess are Draugher holding something pretty big

  • Creation Kit.

    Hands down one of the bigger pluses we are now offered the oppurtunity to alter the game anyway we see fit, continuing the legacy of modding onto another series even though Morrowind and Oblivion still brim to this day.

Wow, reading your comment about praising Skyrim with these aspects I'm really surprised. The latest posts you've given were pretty off considering Skyrim, glad to see you're thinking positive this time around :) cheers!

Truly, this game is going to be the best RPG that has ever been created. And we are blessed that it keeps being a RPG and not a MMO!
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:17 am

I never said I didn't like the game and won't enjoy it, but since its my money going into this game I'd like it to be worthwhile, theres nothing wrong with being critical of the company your giving your money to. I just though to bring up somethings people seem to have missed, like you know full 3D items? oh yes utter and complete replacement for magic compass, just give the player a vague map with some dots and trail and an X.

Modding possiblities and innovation just skyrocketed.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:53 pm

The single thing I am most excited for is the new travel system. No longer am I required to "run" or fast travel.
This is important to a lot of people. :D

I hated quick travel, it makes the gameworld feel much smaller than it is and although I never use it obviously the option is there for players to use at their discretion.

In the same way Oblivion's city distribution made the world seem too safe as the player was always in a short run of protection. In Morrowind when I was a low level and had wandered too far out, become wounded and short of healing I loved the feeling of isolation trying to aviod Cliff Racers and creep back to town, it gave a greater sense of being stranded in a wild, dangerous place than at any point in Oblivion except, perhaps in the Daedric realm.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:45 pm

I hated quick travel, it makes the gameworld feel much smaller than it is and although I never use it obviously the option is there for players to use at their discretion.

In the same way Oblivion's city distribution made the world seem too safe as the player was always in a short run of protection. In Morrowind when I was a low level and had wandered too far out, become wounded and short of healing I loved the feeling of isolation trying to aviod Cliff Racers and creep back to town, it gave a greater sense of being stranded in a wild, dangerous place than at any point in Oblivion except, perhaps in the Daedric realm.

When I was a noob to morrowind, my virgin character was torn up by cliff racers, I managed to shoot several down and use a fireball scroll for the last. thinking I was safe, I happend upon what at the time I did not know was a daedric ruin, grant it by this point I saw varying architect styles so I figured this was another towm where I could heal up.

I wandered inside and a Dremora turned to me and came running, Im thinking yaaay! they are coming to heal me this game is awesome.

I got axed.

Good times, Good times. I don't think one can get the Foyoda in Morrowind, the crevices between the mountains of Skyrim would probably act as Corridors, guiding you were the devs wanted rather than you just wandering aimlessly in a guidless expanse..which is why I hope Karinthian ports his map into Skyrim and Doubles the hell out of that thing.
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how solid
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:02 pm

On the plus side, magic feels more like magic, which is always good.

On the negative side, I might lose the customization that I loved so much.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:51 am

On the plus side, magic feels more like magic, which is always good.

On the negative side, I might lose the customization that I loved so much.

But you might gain an entire new level of customization.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:42 pm

On the plus side, magic feels more like magic, which is always good.

On the negative side, I might lose the customization that I loved so much.

If they get this spell comboing or whatever farce they are trying to work on instead of Spell creation (if it isnt in or planned not to be) then I'm confident a few modders can see if spell creation realtime concept can be achieved, just use the 1 handed or 2 handed spell charge animation and have the spell combination burned in memory and bewm? new spell? not sure, but I do intend on shaking several sticks at that.

well? this thread isnt about just what I saw, anyone else want to bring things to light?
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:04 am

But you might gain an entire new level of customization.

But will it have the same amount of potential customization options as spell making did?

I highly doubt it.

If there is ANYTHING that makes me mad in a video game, its the developers making up combinations on their own and not giving the player any leeway. It doesn't make me feel brilliant when I discover a new combination, because I know that the developers made it in the first place. I like games that allow emergent gameplay: that is, players can essentially figure out and make combinations on their own. Think Magic the Gathering and all of its insane combinations of card effects.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:25 am

Sorry off-topic:

I don't know why, but when i read the thread title, I read :facepalm:
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:34 am

But will it have the same amount of potential customization options as spell making did?

I highly doubt it.

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Trent Theriot
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:20 am

also spears.....but not in the traditional sense

and enchanting is back as a skill
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:31 pm


When I first saw that I thought it was an old man farting o.O

Personally I like this :mage:
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:37 pm

my big wishes granted are:

-More spell forms....such as sprays, glyphs, pbAOE, etc. Huge plus for mages.

-Duel Wielding, always begged for this before Skyrim was announced.

-Body Customization always wanted this. makes for good rpg.
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