Man, I can't believe I waited this long to play this game, I got it cheap on Steam during the summer sale, and I loved it, just loved it. Geralt is awesome, no other words will fit, imagine finding a way to distill pure awesome, then make a man out of it, you'd get Geralt...or a messy kitchen, whatever, I enjoyed the game.
I sided with the Scoiatel on the first playthrough, but I might go back and play through it again as a neutral witcher, as I hear that's more fitting with Geralt's character. I'll never side with the order, it was the same in Dragon Age, I hated the Templars there and I hated the Order in the Witcher, granted I didn't mind Siegfried at first, at least not when he was paying me, but in general I have a problem with religious orders in games, they always seem to be fanatics. The Scoiatel are terrorists, but in my eyes their cause is more justified by far than the Order's, besides, the Order is butting into my line of work damnit, if they kill all the monsters, how will I afford books (That Dwarven book salesman robbed me, I know it) and hokers?
Anyway, the second one looks awesome, but I'm worried I won't be able to run it well on this computer, it's a new laptop with an i7 processor, 8GB of RAM and 1GB of GPU memory, but I still couldn't run the Witcher at full settings, maybe as it's an older game it has trouble with quad core processors though, I don't know, I've heard of games being like that before, some insight on that would be nice.
Anyway, I just started a playthrough and I'm determined to be neutral, as hard as it may be, few games have had characters I've despised so much as the reverend from the outskirts, or the [censored] professor...I'd be happy with the Kikimore queen for that, but that part was a nightmare to get through, that's really my only major problem with this game, that level was just unfair.
Granted, it wasn't to hard when I knew what to do, the issue was being trapped by the smaller kikimores, thus not being able to move fast enough to Aard the pillars in time, and I had so many saves (Quicksave apparently takes a different slot each time, I had over 800 saves after my first playthrough) and loading after I died took about ten minutes...I'm hoping the developers learned from that encounter, it wasn't implemented well I thought. Otherwise, great game.