I wonder when the release is? Didn't even give a rough timeframe.
Oh mai gawd....
I need this. The Witcher was such an amazing game, and I have so many fond memories.
Also it looks like they went over the top on the err... strategically placed scenes that highlight the romantic sub plot of the game. If you catch my drift, but this... is a good thing.

I personally feel the first games *cough* scenes *cough* are far better done than anything Bioware has done or even attempted. Not to mention they have more context to them which helps.
Ahhh screw it... the whole damn story is so much more original and well done than Biowares. As good as they are, they can't compare to The Witchers story.
I'm not saying they don't make good stories, but that they just make... unoriginal ones... no matter how high quality they may be.