I'm having an issue with The Wolf Queen Awakened, which won't initiate. My current char finished The Man Who Cried Wolf ages ago, around Lvl 10 I think, and now she's at Lvl 36 and when returning to Solitude I realized that she never has gotten the letter from Falk Firebeard, so she can't start the Awakened part. I'm using mods but I don't have any mods that would affect this, except USKP, but that should rather fix things - plus I've never had this issue during previous games.
So I tried starting the quest via SetStage commands, but I can't seem to get that to work either.
SetStage MS06 50 should send my char off to Styrr, but when entering the command nothing happens.
I've also tried to use the SetStage command to finish The Man Who Cried Wolf if something was up with that (but I don't think so - it's in the Journal among finished quests):
SetStage MS06Start 250
but nothing happens then either.
In short, does anyone have a tip on how I can get The Wolf Queen Awakened started via console commands or otherwise?
EDIT: Nevermind, fixed by using http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21575/?.