The Wolf of the Rose Field

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 am

I dreampt a wolf made of the night with eyes of still fire. He had eaten my brothers and sisters in their home and cried the sanctuary into oblivion until it sighed ash and smoke. I had seen it hidden amongst others but it saw me first. When I tried to hunt it, I made it see me into fear until it was all I could see. Every step the wolf made, a poem, every word, a painting, every glance, a rose. That night I made him bleed but not enough. Instead I ran away hoping it wouldn't follow me.

The rays of light felt like a thin sheet against Parthia's back. Her arms wrapped around the pillow under her remembering Vincent who even now made her smile. Everything in the morning felt so new and fresh. Partha stretched her back, her fingers and toes brushing against the bed touching her surroundings. She didn't yet open her eyes finding herself somewhere inbetween asleep and awake. Rolling on her side she slipt her right arm under her head leaving her left arm to follow the curves of her body down her side and upper leg. The soft blanket shifted between her ankles plucking the edge with her toes and pulling it over herself with her hand as her eyes opened. A comfortable sigh escaped causing some strands of her dark auburn hair to move with her breath.

Then reality slowly set in. There she was in Vincent's bed, and that of his wife. The dream of last night was very much real. Revenge against Serosi was needed for his destruction of the Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Sanctuary. If he wasn't killed now, he may come back. She had never seen anything as dangerous, nor felt so inspired to fear in her life.

Word from the creator:

This is an attempt at a reformation of a previous RP I hosted called Sanctuary Keeper (SK). I see now the format was a bit strange so the previous RP will be considered a sort of prologue to the basic story line while this is a continuation allowing those who were in that RP to continue RPing while also making it easy for other's to join at this moment. The basic plot within the first year of the fourth era, is that Serosi, a Morag Tong assassin destroyed the Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. The DB assassins that were out of the sanctuary return and try to figure out what happens. At the same time the Morag Tong sends its own assassins to get Serosi back to Mournhold, dead if he resists. Serosi is rather (in)famous in Morrowind and some MT would rather bring him back dead. The DB eventually finds out who Serosi is and attempts to kill him but their first attempt fails. He sets out to the Imperial City on a task for Telvanni Aryon and the two assassin's groups follow. The DB will have a larger group while following Serosi while the MT will be smaller group and will be following the DB.

This is done because I do not want the two groups to all of the sudden go into a mass battle vs each other, but instead slowly pick at one another as they travel. The DB can not turn around and wipe out the MT group because they will lose track of Serosi and the MT can not attack the DB out of the blue since they are smaller. It is an action oriented adventure RP with alot of orderly pvp and character development.

The Dark Brotherhood members will meet up in the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn while the Morag Tong will meet in the Newlands Lodge before they leave. I may assign leaders for each group just for simplicity's sake.


1. This is an RP in which you will more or less end up killing or be killed by someone. If you die, chin up, you will have plenty of opportunities to add in a new character as we travel. If any issues arise PM me.

2. Be creative with your characters. Make them unique. Give them a special ability. I don't mind powerful characters if they are done well. As an example my character is strong through his creativity. His best ability lies in Mysticism and a bit of illusion. The former seems a bit harmless but when used in conjunction with some basic assassin skills the above mentioned is possible. This however is NOT an excuse to be powerful for the sake of being powerful. The way I refer to power is not how hard can you hit or how much of a big spell you can make, but how smart you are. Poisoned apple anyone? Also you do not have to be a super sneaky assassin. For the Morag Tong that is a bit more expected but for the Dark Brotherhood, from what I remember when I played it they had a fully armored Orc as an "assassin" as well.

3. When fighting do NOT control other people's characters unless the other player says it is ok. You will need to ask when using spells most likley.

4. Be descriptive, write well and at length. No one wants to RP with people who drop one liners. Even though this is an "assassin RP" what I look forward to most is the interaction between the individual characters. A friendship or some level of empathy from opposite sides would be rather interesting.

5. This will probably be a "rated R" RP. Expect detailed graphic scenes of blood and yes (omg) even six. I don't like to limit my writers in any way and for an assassin anything and everything is an option. Now if you are just posting often about smashing people's heads with a club because you weren't held enough as a child and it has no relevance to your character development or you are sleeping with everyone and their mother to fullfil your online "playa playa" persona i'd kindly ask that you knock that [censored] off and see a head doctor. Aside from that I don't care.

6. Assassin's Creed was a decent game with some nice scenery. In truth assassins are probably not going to walk around in super cool ninjas outfits. Sure it worked in Oblivion standing there fully decked in a Dark Brotherhood uniform while people are acting like they aren't seeing the elephant in the room due to their indecisiveness concerning their discussion (mud crabs or...mud crabs) but I'm aiming for a bit more realism. Sure you can have the cool uniform but wearing something over it would probably be better. Keep your weapons out of sight for the most part. Spies and assassins will probably hide themselves better as farmers and drunks if amongst other people rather then the more pop image of assassins.

7. Give your characters...well, character! Sure killing people for a job is a bit of a red flag maybe not all the bolts are screwed in tight but that doesn't mean you can not have character. I'd really like to see for the most part regular people and not Altair with eye liner. See if you can construct a nice image of a familia type relationship between your fellow assassins whatever side you may be on.

8. Stay active! Nothing puts a damper on an RP more then when someone doesn't post anymore especially if they were an important part of the RP. I can understand real life issues and that is not a problem. Please please please put your life ahead of RPing about elves and make belief assassins.

9. Vampires and werewolves are okay but i'm really limiting it down a lot. I don't want any for the Morag Tong, maybe maybe just maybe one vampire for the Morag Tong if you just have to. But it must have a good back story.

10. This is NOT a contest to see who can "win". It is an outlet for writing ideas out with friends on a forum. If I see it become an obsessive issue that you "win" you'll be asked to leave.

11. I'm allowing one living character for most people per writer for right now. But that may change. I'm having four but that is more so to manage the RP and keep it running smoothly. I expect more Dark Brotherhood than Morag Tong due to the geographical situation. If you would not mind RPing either, wait a bit before we see some character sheets so we see what the balance is. 3 DB to 2 MT is a nice ratio I think.

12. Keep track of supplies. This is a journey. You aren't going to go very far in your little assassin armor and your ninja stars if you don't have basic food and water.

13. Don't be all knowing. It's dumb. Just don't do it. If your character is about to walk into an ambush and he/she truly has no idea that it is about to happen...let it happen! You'll be way more respected for it then amazingly seeing the ambush at the last second prompting a symphony of face palm slaps to echo through out the cosmos.

14. Don't just post a character sheet. Post RP with it.

Character sheet format:

Faction and Rank:






Physical description:

Short Bio:



Misc. Items:

Fill that out and send it to me with the PM being titled "Sanctuary Keeper (MT/DB)" MT for Morag Tong or DB for Dark Brotherhood. If you do not follow this format I will simply reply with "wrong format" and send it back. I don't mind so much if you change the character sheet format but the title since it's kind of a chore to keep track of who joins and what not. If you can't follow simple instructions I don't think you'll produce anything that anyone will want to read.

RPing the Dark Brotherhood: Your main motivation will be to hunt down Serosi. Remember the journey is the substance, not the destination. Along the way you may be asked to accomplish some other tasks. The DB will have the numerical advantage but since they are chasing, they are at a bit of a tactical disadvantage. Again please don't RP the Oblivion version of the DB where they are more or less emo kids. I prefer professionals. When picking a character race try to avoid having too many Dunmer as the MT will be mostly just that. I want to keep a bit of diversity. I don't mind Dunmer DB but i don't want them to be 75 percent of the population. Of course any MT caught along the way are fair game.

RPing the Morag Tong: Your goal is slightly different. The Morag Tong is not all that pleased with what Serosi just did. It was unauthorized and a bit tactless for some of the MT's taste. You are to escort Serosi back to Mournhold dead or alive. Serosi is a bit infamous amongst some of the Morag Tong as an "upstart. Some Morag Tong might like him, others might just look for an excuse to kill him. Some may even work with the DB to kill him. Depends on how you want to play it. In any case the MT goal is a bit more of avoidance and sneakiness then out right targeting anyone.

RPing tips for assassins in general: Blend in. The Morag Tong is illegal outside of Morrowind and the Dark Brotherhood is illegal everywhere. The law is NOT your friend and they will be more then happy to show you how much not your friend they are. You can bait the law into the enemy camp and then all manners of interesting can conclude from that. Just writing this I came up with an idea that if anyone wants to RP a 3rd party of being "the law" I would be delighted to discuss the goals and obligations of such a task.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:05 pm

Faction and Rank: Morag Tong, Brother

Name: Oglind

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Birthsign: The Serpent

Physical description: 5'10, 138 Pounds. Oglind is a rather unimposing figure with a thin body and a rather welcoming face, nothing truley remarkable of a feature. His hair is dark and kept fairly short. His mouth has a rather upward curl about it matched by his eyes giving him an inquisitive look about his rather meek face. In his homeland of Vvardenfell he would easily be mistaken for an instect herder and for good reason.

Short Bio: As the 15th son of his father's 7th wife Oglind did not seem to have too much of a far reaching future in position within the upper echelon of family Telvanni position. While his brothers and sisters expressed an extreme distrust of one another, the more laid back Oglind left and became an insect herder. While he herded he collected books and became a bit of a scholar learning history and philosophy. Through his travels he learned to be rather light of foot and quick with a weapon. When the ash storms became too serious one year killing most of his herd, he sold the remnants and opted to use his skills within the Morag Tong. There his professionalism in whatever he did was noticed and his aloof attitude fit him in quite well with his new found family. His infiltration abilities have been noted to be among the best in Vvardenfell.


Herdsman bonemold staff

Chitin Short Blade

Assortment of throwing weapons

Armor/Clothing: He wears a pair of light greyish wide pants with a wide sleeved tunic of similar texture. His shoes are as plain as his clothes. As for armor he wears a few straps of netch leather around his forearms. The outfit is complete with a brown scarf used for ashlander travel, usually worn loosely inside.

Misc. Items:

A map of Cyrodiil hidden in a cook book. Alchemical supplies.

45 gold coins


Faction and Rank: Morag Tong, Knower

Name: Shqip

Race: Argonian

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Birthsign: The Shadow

Physical description: 6'1, 145 Pounds, Shqip is of a greenish grey color with a bit of red near his throat and has long hands with extending claws on each finger. He has two fins coming out of his head that are usually lowered and a set of horns around the crown of his skull. His reptilian teeth are neithe too sharp nor dull and he carries a unique fork tongue. A scar runs down the middle of his head to the tip of his snout, a gift from Serosi.

Short Bio: Shqip was one of the infamous Shadowscales, born under the Shadow and sent to the Dark Brotherhood as an assassin. He used his birthsign to blend into his surroundings before and after his target had met its death. He used his unique ability along with an expert use of a spear to kill his targets from close proximity. At first he worked in the Leyawiin branch but asked to be transfered into the Cheydinhal branch, until just before the the Oblivion crisis were he switched sides to the Morag Tong for unknown reasons. For his work against the Dark Brotherhood he was quickly promoted and is wanted dead on sight by any Dark Brotherhood who find him.

Shqip is a generally harsh, mean, unlikeable person. He seems to have a one track mind focusing strictly on what he wants. After meeting Serosi he saw the rather unimposing Dunmer and attempted to push his luck earning him a rather deep scar on his face. Ever since then he has saught revenge and with this he finally has an opertunity.

Weapons: Twin trench knives, a spear, a short straight sword and a long wavey sword.

Armor/Clothing: Leather armor and two leather shields that hide the trench knives.

Misc. Items: Poisoned needles


Faction and Rank: Dark Brotherhood, Assassin

Name: Parthia

Race: Bosmer

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Birthsign: The Steed

Physical description: 5'8, 110 Pounds, Parthia is an elegant presence with deep green eyes surrounded by dark auburn hair that is tied together close to the end reaching down to her bottom. She has a light frame covered in seemingly flawless skin of light olive complexion. Her cheek bones are softly pronounced, her brows elegant and quite capable of being expressionate. Her nose is as well elegant with a slight dip in the bridge. Her mouth is all together very kissable and when in conversation is in contest with her serene eyes as to where the focus of attention is. Her over all appearence is curvy though not extravagant more so youthful then an exageration.

Short Bio: Parthia grew up without a mother in her early years and was enrolled in the study of restoration and alteration at an early age. Her determination in the healing arts grew even more when her father died infront of her eyes due to wounds caused by Khajiit bandits at the age of 17. She wasn't able to save him with her abilities but did do something else. She hunted down each of the six bandits killing each one. Impressed so much by her determination and ability the Dark Brotherhood offered her a job. She left behind her home and continued her studies in the Mages Guild while paying her tuition through the jobs within the Dark Brotherhood. She looks at the whole ordeal in a rather practical manner caring little for the few religious zealouts in the guild. She is but a recent transfer to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary but has already earned her place of respect due to one of her unique abilities.


Elven recurve bow along with arrows

Elven short sword

An assortment of needles and throwing knives


Dark Brotherhood Shroud Armor that she rarely if ever wears. She prefers a dark burgandy robe of thin light weight material enchanted to protect her. The black sash around her waist like wise is enchanted for arcane purposes. Her light steps are covered in comfortable and flexible sandals.

Misc. Items:

Alchemical kit for potions and poisons.

Silver Anklet


Name: Serosi

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthsign: The Mage

Physical description: 5'11, 130 Pounds. Serosi carries himself in a manner best discribed as "the aloof noble". One who is aware of his position but isn't constricted by it. His slim figure, flexible and abundant in lean muscle spanning across his long limbs and narrow waist line, though tall does not give an imposing appearence to most, yet he seems to exude an aura of "controlled viciousness" which can be best seen in his eyes. His face is mostly seen as unexpressive though remarkably handsome with sharp features leading to a confused contrast in how some approach him. His hair is dark and long in the traditional Velothian manner. It is tied in a knot leading almost mid back. The sides of his face are flanked by loose hair slightly wavey and thick. His mouth is small but carries somewhat fuller lips. Inside the canine teeth extend a bit more then what a mortal's would.

Short Bio: Serosi was left in the care of the Mournhold Sanctuary of the Morag Tong since he was an infant. There under the care of the headmaster and a fellow assassin he was raised and trained. The latter being named Anrel became a mother to him. As he grew older her role changed to friend and sister and finally lover. Due to the elven life span to the eyes they seem of the same age, though the specifics would be found strange to most humans.
Showing an unmatched ability in the school of Mysticism, he also managed to learn aspects of other schools. His unique ocular ability made him known amongst his peers and a few of his employers earning himself the epithet "Sanctuary Serosi" after the Dunmeri ability, a name of respect and fear although his distant aloof and cold nature has earned him few friends. His work has been mostly amongst Telvanni Mage Lords and Redoran aristocracy pitting him many times against the elite of both Houses. More prominently his work amongst the Telvanni has earned him a place at Aryon's right side. After taking care of one of Aryon's rivals, Serosi has replaced him in the Council and few are sure they want to criticize the current status quo. He is rumored to be of partial vampire lineage by the Aundae who have taken interest in him and so far Serosi has entertained the notion. Though aware of his partial vampiric traits he has only recently become more involved with the appearence of his "brother" a Dunmer of nobility in the Deshaan Plains of Dres territory.

This far reaching influence coupled with his ability all at such a young age has caused many harsh whispers to be hissed amongst the older Morag Tong members who find Serosi as a possible internal danger. Some have suggested retiring Serosi, though the specifics and manner vary on what should be done and how. Most recently he has alarmed the Morag Tong elders with his course of actions in Cheydinhal, unrelated to any Morag Tong orders.


A slightly curved glass dagger usually worn on his back with the handle pointing downwards and slightly at an angle. He has had and worn this weapon since his first writ of assassination.

Ebony short sword of akavirian style although straight. It's single edged blade gives Serosi the ability to manuver it on several ways and carries the enchantment to silence whoever is struck. It is often his primary tool to use when silence is needed.

Metal chain sickle and weight. This was a weapon Serosi had picked up simply for the rythmic pattern palpable in the shifting weight as it is used. It is often used in combination with spell casting

Dres Kindjal-Sica, a curved doubled edged blade he recently aquired to suit more the fashion of the Dres nobility. It is made in a peculiar way by mixing adamantium and glass giving it both durability and light weight. The blade is rather beautiful showing the patterns of the intertwined fibers of the two different materials becoming one. It is often called "a lover's blade."

Composite bonemold/chitin recurve bow wrapped in boiled natch leather along with bonemold arrows.

An assortment of throwing daggers as well as needles. Serosi is never short on tools and collects the skills to use them like a noble would collect art work.

Usually around his limbs he carries wire which he manipulates either by attaching them to his assassin's tools or through arcane mastery.

Armor/Clothing: He wears elegant black shoes that leave mobility for his ankles to move and refuses anything but. He wears as well dark wide pants of smooth flexible and light fabric. The ankles are wrapped up in boiled netch leather. He wears a similar shirt with his wrists as well being wrapped in the same manner. Over top a Velothian robe of black along with a deep violet sash holding up his Sica is worn. On his head he wears a wide eastern straw hat.

Misc. Items: Silver Ring of the Immotal on the right index finger. A wolf headed dragon bites its tail symbolizing immortality. Sorcerer's ring on his left middle finger enchanted to fortify magic and absorb one in four spells if fate would have it so. Two Black Soul Gems, a tea cup, tea pot and an assortment of different teas. Several scrolls, and some pouches of coins.


West of Cheydinhal

Serosi rode the Cheydinhal Black with the image of the city at his back. The sun had just begun to rise over it casting long morning shadows. The village people outside of the city itself were entering to set up their market stands. Merchants were going eastward to Morrowind or westward deeper into Cyrodiil to buy and sell. The straw hat worn by Serosi covered him from light. Although he only had a slight aversion to light he prefered to keep hidden from it when possible. Visible on his body was the slender dark robe on his body with matching shoes. Against his stomach was held the Dres sica held up by the violet sash. On his left shoulder was his composite recurve bow while beside it going from his right shoulder to his left hip was the guiver of arrows. Under it was strapped his long curved glass dagger with the handle upside down and reachable with his left hand while the ebony short straight blade could be grasped with the right hand.

There was more hidden under the clothing, and even at a glance all that would be noticed was the bow and arrows and the sica. The small crowds leaving and going into the city didn't think anything of a Dunmer on such a horse. Even if it was stolen they would have no way of knowing...although some would always suspect.

"Hey ash skin!" The guard gripped the mount's reigns from Serosi's right. He looked down at the guard, a fat human two sizes too large for his belt, and already this early in the day sweated like a pig inside his armor. Serosi could easily kick the man in the plated briast plate and ride away but a softer method was often needed. Serosi made no reply but simply awaited the man's words.

"We got word from the stables that one of the horses was stolen. I know how you dark elves..." The man was even more red in the face as he spoke and turned angry as Serosi cut him off.

"This horse looks similar to the Cheydinhal Black but is a bred in my homeland. I'm a noble and of no need to steal horses." Serosi considered lying to be disgusting. The world was built on them and the world was rotten for it. But when it came to his task, it was simply a method.

"Hahahaha phew, nice try but everyone knows dark elves are like orcs and eat horses! 'sides how do you suppose they live in all that ash? Get off the horse before I pull you off." The guard mocked Serosi taking a step back as if giving him room to get off.

"In the south the fertile plains are just fine for horses..." This time it was the guards turn to cut Serosi off.

"Don't make me ask you again." The guard became more serious gripping his spear with both hands ready to strike the Dunmer dead. Serosi was tired of this, his cherubim eyes opening and easily grasping command of the guard's mind.

"Dispose of yourself." Serosi dismissed the guard and continued on as the man replied, "Yes, my lord."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

OOC: That last line reminded me of Code Geass...

Faction and Rank: Dark Brotherhood, Assassin

Name:Armen Lelith





Physical description:Black shoulder-length hair, black eyes, tanned skin, stands about 6'1, no facial hair, lean build.

Bio:Armen was born in Cheydinhal, both his parents were poor. At age 5 both his parents died of sickness and he was a beggar. Though he was never depressed, 'it would do nothing if I cry' he told himself.

Then at age six he met Elyria Lelith, a Brotherhood Assassin. He witnessed her murder her victim but he was not scared, he just stood there and the two stared at each other. Elyria's look was of surprise, she expected to see the kid run and cry but he didn't. She knew this boy was a beggar just by the dirty rags he was wearing and his smell. Black hair that was unkempt and ran to his shoulders and obsidian eyes that seemed so deep yet innocent.

Armen's look was of curiosity. He never met the woman, never even seen her but yet he wasn't scared of her. Instead he felt safe and a strange feeling of comfort when he was just near her. She wore the standard Brotherhood uniform, though he didn't know that at the time, which hid most of her body from view. But, he did see her crimson eyes. Eyes that he couldn't help but stare into.

It was then at this point that, unknown to them, a bond developed between the two. Elyria took him in, but when asked why she did she would shrug and reply "He's interesting". From then on she trained the boy and they developed a mother and son relationship. A year after they met Elyria adopted him.

Elyria trained him on stealth, how to use shorts words, daggers and throwing knives. Oddly enough, acupuncture and human anatomy as well. "You must kill your enemy quickly, silently and efficiently. Do so in such a way that it strikes fear in those that find your victim, if you want him to be found" She told him during his training. "You must be like a ghost, a shadow." Elyria also taught him basic and, when he was older, more advanced illusion.

At ten years old he made his first kill, though he didn't feel happy or sad. He knew if he was going to be like his mother, he would need to do much more than kill a single bandit, but that didn't mean he was happy about it, living life as a beggar who had next to nothing you tend to appreciate the small things in life. After that he was fully instated as a Brotherhood member.

When he was nine-teen his adopted mother had been killed during a contract. During the whole week he hunted down every guardsman that was involved with his mothers death, the week came to be known as the 'days of blood' since every guardsman he found he mutilated and hung. His mourning went on for three more days.

A year later he created a illusion spell that would bend the light around him and make it seem like his body was fading away, this made it hard for his enemy to know where or how he was going to strike. This earned him the nickname 'mirage' from his fellow assassins.

Weapons:120 needles (12 of which are ebony), 6 throwing knives, 2 elven daggers , 1 elven short sword(enchanted).

Armor/Clothing:Black leather shirt and pants, black leather boots (enchanted), Black fingerless gloves, Black hood(enchanted), Brown Cloak.

Misc. Items: Needle pouch, equipment belt, 3 vials of strong poison, 2 vials of restore magicka potions.


The room was dark, with only a small, open window for air to come through. The walls of stone were damp and the cracks had moss growing on them. This is the sight that greeted Maelborn as the Dunmer awoke. He was disorientated and found that his hands and feet were bound, 'how did i get here?' he though. 'The last i remember was patrolling the walls, my shift changed and when i went home...' his thinking was interrupted when a voice, cold, emotionless. A killers voice that sent shivers down his spine.Spoke.

"Your awake, good" Squinting his eyes, Maelborn could only see a silhouette of a figure not far from him, the person was holding something...shiny. "I am going to ask you questions and you are going to answer them" the definateley male voice continued.

"Who are you!?Where am I?" Maelborn yelled at the figure.

He did not get an answer as the figure moved closer towards him, and without warning, delivered a jaw shattering kick to the dunmers face. "I gave you no permission to talk, now, my first question. Has there been any dunmer that was sighted leaving the gate wearing foreign attire, namely a odd looking straw hat?"

Maelborn was now unsure of what to do, his jaw throbbed with pain and he certainly didnt want another kick , so he took the easy way out. He may have been an experienced soldier, but he knew when he was outmatched. "No, i didn't see any dunmer that wore that kind of thing leave the gate, please let me go and ill forget all about this" He begged.

He received no answer. The last thing he saw was a flash of light, then nothing.

Armen sighed, this Serosi seemed to have vanish. This was his fifth guard and none of them saw hide nor hair of the man. He left the old house he sometimes used as a torture room and went to the arranged meeting place, The Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. 'This man has killed my brothers and sisters, a whole sanctuary gone!' Another sigh, 'And yet he vanished like the wind, no guard nor civilian has seen him'. Armen was wearing his standard attire of black ,minus his hood, with his brown cloak covering it all. He already packed his normal supplies and his traveling material was in the room he bought the other night, he had to maintain the guise of a traveler. A simple trap would prevent thieves from taking his things.

He stepped inside the modest inn and went to the barmaid behind the counter. He flashed a fake smile, not that she would notice. "Ah, hello again. It seems i might have to wait a little longer for my order to be finished so i may be in here for a while" The woman smiled back.

"That would be no problem sir, after all, its always worth the wait for good quality items from Tertia. She's a masterful blacksmith"

"True, true. Well then, by your leave madame. I will be in my room if you require me" He showed another smile and he proceeded to go upstairs to wait for his brothers and sisters.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

Faction and Rank: Dark brotherhood, executioner.
Name: Ticedo Stalon

Race: imperial

Gender: male

Age: 55

Birthsign: the lord

Physical description: Small frame and of moderate height standing approximately 5.10 he is not physically assuming. He has lines creasing his face showing his age. His right leg suffers from a war injury and hurts when he walks leading to him carring a cane from the occasional time it hurts him. His eyes are green with aring of yellow closest to the pupil. He has a near constant grin that rarely leaves his face masking his true intentions and emotions. He has various scars on his body the two notable ones are a large burn on his back and a slash wound on his leg.

Short Bio: Born in bruma to a middle class family he joined the imperial legion in pursuit and glory only to end up a tactician and behind the scenes worker due to his poor health. He helped treat wounded and plan battles, a skill he was quite good at and planned several attacks. During a trip as a messanger he fell down a steep hill and broke his leg, despite the treatment he recieved his leg has been pernamently criplled. Bitter from his injurey he defected for he should not have even been on the mission. Evetually he found his old commander in an inn and with the slight tip of the wrist poisioned him, plunging himself into the dark world of murder and assasination.

steel daggers located; one in each boot, on the inside of his cloak, and on his hip.
a longer thicker sword somewhere in between a short and long sword on his hip.

Armor/Clothing: a black leather cuirass reinforced by thin iron sheets as well as black leather armour covering the rest of his body. He also wears a burgandy outfit with gold trim that appears to belong to an upper class merchant., he has a large dark purple robe that he uses when travelling.

Misc. Items: A loaf of bread, several canteens of water, a hip flask with flin. He also has various vials of poison on the inside of his cloak. He keeps most of his gear in a large sack(think duffle bag) that he can carry on his back.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:06 am

Faction and Rank: Morag Tong Brother

Name: Drisk

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Birthsign: Thief

Physical description: About 5' 10" w/ muscular build, Grey Silver-ish long hair, Several Scars, Red eyes

Short Bio: Drisk was accepted into the Morag Tong, after he showed great traits in Sneaking, Blending into his enviroment, and his use of weapons. Drisk was only 26 when he was accepted in, and he has been showing his traits in the field, for many years now, and is hoping that he will soon become a Knower. Drisk has had many missions that were secretive for the Empire most of those missions if they ever happened are (CLASSIFIED).

Weapons: Silver Short Sword, Steel Daggar, Black Bow

Armor/Clothing: Dark Green Satin Vest w/ Black loose shirt, Brown Leather pants, Tall Tan boots, Blackened Leather Armor

Misc. Items: Map of Tamriel (And specific Maps of the provincese), x4 different foods, x4 Water, Flute

Outside Newlands Lodge

Drisk stood outside the inn, playing his flute for the passing people as his bag layed beside him, as passing people threw some gold coins his way. Being in Cheydinhal as a Morag Tong was dangerous, but it did'nt bother Drisk in the slightest. He had been in many fights and had done many secret missions for the Tong, that had some how helped the Empire or some other, but he was excited for this mission...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:34 pm

ooc: sorry bout breaking rule 14 I was distracted though... IC coming soon...


Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

Ticedo reclined in his chair much to the annoince of the man behind him who found himself pushed out of the way and into his table, however Ticedo took little notice and tapped his cane on the floor. He could have fallen asleep with his feet on the chair opposite him however he was jolted back to reality when he heard a thud, he half opened his eyes and squinted at the table. There was a small glass with a liquid sloshing inside,
"The gold" Ticedo glanced towards the sound of the voice and noticed the inn keeper standing over him.
"Err, yes of course" Ticedo stuttered and dropped several septims into the man's hand before grabbing the flin and taking a large swig and returning to his day dream.

ooc: I'll sit here waiting for the rest of the DB.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:45 pm

Faction and Rank: Dark Brotherhood, Executioner

Name: Verus Terentius

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Birthsign: The Apprentice

Physical description: Verus is a small man, someone no one would notice in a crowd. He's stands at 5'8" and appears rather thin. He has no muscles and overall appears to be very weak physically. He has oily, black, mid-length hair that's slicked back, pale skin, and hazel eyes. He also has an almost constant smirk on his face, giving him an arrogant appearance.

Mental Description: Verus is an actor. Whenever he's confronted with a situation that requires him to speak, he takes on whatever personality seems appropriate. He only shows his true personality among his brothers and sisters. When with them, he still rarely speaks, but when he does, it's with a calm and anolyzing tone that often contrasts with the arrogant smirk he wears. When in battle, his personality also changes, going from a calm and respectful attitude to a superior and mocking one. However, this aspect of his nature rarely shows itself, as he will take every opportunity to avoid combat. He is very manipulative; his acting ability combined with his powers of illusion allows him to easily deceive and fool his enemies into thinking that he is actually an ally and that someone else is the true enemy.

Bio: Verus was born in Anvil to rich parents and led a very comfortable life, always getting whatever he wanted. However, when he left his home, he was always constantly harassed, and he was extremely weak; too weak to do anything about it. So, he decided that since he couldn't fight them physically, he would learn magic. It fascinated him, especially illusion.

After several years of seclusion and study, his parents kicked him out, finally sick of his growing antisocial tendencies. He wandered for a few years more before arriving in Cheydinhall, where he was assaulted by several drunkards. He used his powers, making them attack each other before coming in and killing the rest himself. The next night, he was approached by the Brotherhood, and he joined without hesitation.

He now has something of a reputation among his brothers and sisters for always keeping his hands clean of the assassination by manipulating others into doing it for him, then killing the person he was controlling. Some despise him for this while others admire him, but all he cares about is accomplishing his goal and returning to his studies.

Weapons: An elven dagger and occasionally a daedric sword that he summons and wields together with his dagger. However, he usually sets things up so that he never has to fight at all.

Armor/Clothing: He previously wore an old, grey robe with a great many stains on it, but do to an injury, he has since abandoned it. He now wears a dark green, long sleeve, linen shirt, as well as matching pants. He wears a set of leather boots that appear to have seen better days. Over this, he will occasionally wear a long, black cloak with a hood. He always wears the hood up, and also uses a pair of black gloves when wearing it, so that all parts of his body may be concealed. He also wears a silver amulet with a ruby in the middle, which is always hidden underneath his shirt.

Misc. Items: He carries a small brown satchel, which appears to have suffered from years of wear and tear. Inside is an apples and a loaf of bread, as well as a wine bottle that is filled with clean water. It also contains a few different potions and all of his money, which amounts to around two-hundred Septims. It also contains his cloak and gloves when he is not wearing them.


Cheydinhall Bridge Inn

Verus made his way to the table Ticedo was sitting at and and sat down, taking a drink of water from the bottle he had been holding in his right hand. He twitched slightly as he sat; the linen clothing he was wearing itched, and it was truly starting to annoy him. In his mind he cursed the Tong scum that had forced him to abandon his old robe, which had been his traveling companion for several years now. True, it had been a mess, but it was also one of the very few things that he really owned. Even the clothes he wore now were not his own. It was truly a pity, having to use his powers on a simple commoner, though it was, in his eyes anyway, a necessary thing.

Though he had not been surprised to find his current garmants, he did wonder why exactly the man had the cloak and gloves, as it really didn't seem to suit him. He quickly put it out of his mind however, as his thoughts turned towards the guards, and how long it would take them to find the commoner's body. While it was hardly necessary to have killed him, Verus had been frustrated at the time, and the poor man's death had served as a sort of relief. He smirked visibly at the thought of putting the Tong members through that same experience.

He just sat there for a few more moments before realizing that he had once again drifted off into his own thoughts. That was starting to become a bad habit of his. "I heard that there was combat in the castle. Did you locate the target?" Verus asked quietly, still smiling.
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matt white
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 pm

"Did you locate the target"

Ticedo shook his head slightly dazzled by someone interupting his focus, he muttered under his breath and glanced up the imperial. Insticbly he straighhtened his back and stared back into the man's eyes. He thought for a moment and then recalled his question,
"Yes we met Serosi in the castle, damn dumner nearly baked me alive" He said with a chuckle.

He relaxed again and took another drink of the flin, he twitched slightly as the harsh alchohol stinged his throat but after a moment the burning subsided leaving him feeling warm.
"The accursed tong member escaped, but we'll get him eventually" Ticedo sighed and glanced at the table for a moment before finishing his flin.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 pm

'shing' 'shing' 'shing'

On the second floor of Cheydinhal Bridge Inn, in the only room that was available, Armen was sharpening his weapons with a whetstone. He reached out his hand to grab the loaf of bread to his side but discovered that he ate it all. He placed his short sword, Frost, back in it's sheath. The sword had a Ice enchantment that would freeze his enemies body parts when connected, a very powerful blade. He got it as a bonus from a mission, though his target was troublesome to find since the man was paranoid and moved weekly, not to mention the ten mercenary escorts.

He went downstairs and immediately noticed something, the two men to his right might have appeared normal to any other person, if Armen were not familiar with them he might have ignored them. 'Must be my brothers' he idly thought. Before he sat next to them though, he needed some food. So he went over to the barmaid again, showed that fake smile again and ordered some venison soup and bread. Once he got his order he walked over to the table where his accomplices were chatting, though in low voices. He pulled up a chair and plopped himself down, "Welcome my brothers, have you found anything on Serosi yet?" He asked, in a hushed tone, though it still had a bit of that spine-shilling coldness to it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 pm

Name: Sebastian Fawkes
Race: Imperial
Faction/Rank: Dark Brotherhood, Silencer
Gender: Male

Age: 37

Birth sign: The steed

Physical description: Sebastian, Being a man of combat (as he should be, considering his chosen line of work) Is both healthy and fit, he is built well but show the physical signs of aging. A few streaks of grey shoot along the sides of his thick mahogany coloured hair, which falls just past his ears and is usually scraqed back out of his eyes. His eyes are a soft green colour with fleks of brown splashed into them, as if a wry old painter had lost his zeal on his last great portrait, and could not hold the brush steady while choosing a colour. His facial features are nothing benevolent, he has a strong jaw line, and slightly hollowed cheeks. But other than that, he considers himself nothing past average as far as attractiveness goes, but that's only his opinion. His arms and torso are marked with many small scars from battle or other activities, nothing bigger than an inch and nothing smaller either.

Short Bio: Born in the Imperial city, son to an aristocratic father and mother. He grew up much the same way of many children from his shared background; Spoiled, educated, and well fed. Unlike many in the world. He had a good child hood.

Following the noble footsteps of his grandfather, who had recently passed away, Sebastian joined the legion. He became a scout and tracker, before moving up further into the ranks. He was assigned to several jobs which where tailor made to be deniable, he had to wipe himself from every record which said he existed to do them, simply because the empire could not admit to these acts which he was ordered to undertake. If he where to be caught, he would not speak. If he did, he would be branded a liar, and the empire would deny all knowledge of him.

As the jobs got bigger, he corrupted. He no longer served in the name of justice and honour, to him. This was sport.

On the night of his 'retirement' (this is what his commanding officer liked to call it, Sebastian felt more like he was being cast out like an incriminating letter, he was bad evidence to the legion.) A faced draqed in shadows told him of a wonderful family, who would embrace him as a brother. And no matter what, would always know if his existence. Almerion Enveri, a large Nord, took Sebastian under his wing. And removed him from Cyrodil, the country which he was exiled from by his brothers in the legion, to join a new family, in the Summerset Isles

Weapons: A silver short sword, and matching bow. The quiver is leather, and strapped to his right thigh rather than his back.

Armor/Clothing: When needed, or when away from civilisation, The customary Dark brotherhood leathers and hood. When not needed, or wanted, usually black cotton pants, with a cream cotton shirt and black wool travel cloak, if its cold enough to wear that is.
He always wears black leather boots.

Misc. Items: A small dagger, not for combat. A bag of jerked meats and half a loaf of break, a flask of water.

Sheet two

Name: Almerion Enveri

Race: Nord/Vampire - Volkihar Clan
Faction/rank: Dark Brotherhoo, Speaker
Gender: Male

Age: 86, looks around 66

Birthsign: The lover

Physical description: Almerion, a Nord by blood and birth, stands like you would expect, like two Bosmers atop each others shoulders. He is around 6'7/8. He is old and decrepit upon first impressions, but only because he wishes to look so, those who are all to eager to believe this illusion will often pay dearly. His handsome, yet pale face seems extended in length due to his long white beard, which grows from what once could be considered a goatee, but now reached midway down his chest, his cheeks are hollowed and shaven. His hair is also long and white, reaching halfway down his back, he tied it with a red ribbon.

He still has the body of a 45 year old, for this is when he was bitten. He was fit and healthy. Even then he was a slayer in the name of Sithis. Some who dare to, compare his eyes to the void itself, for they are cold and empty, yet the shine red with the blood of his kills. He cannot recall a single time in which they have shown mercy. Though laugh lines can be seen beside them.

Though in appearance he is old, he still holds on to the handsome vestiges of youth, he can use both to his advantage when he needs to, women fall for his charm and looks with a push from his Vampyric gifts, Men fall for his false weakness of age, only to underestimate him and pay a fatal price.

Short Bio:

Almerion Enveri adopted the name in memory of his old master, and father figure. For many years he rotted in the pestilential town of Bruma, working as a body guard of a rich retired merchant, who had more malice and spite than a coven of bitter forgotten nuns.

He had worked for this man since his teenage years, for low pay and little respect. The men and women of the town would look down on him in pity when they saw his broken form wander into the tavern, only to sit alone at the bar, nursing one drink for hours before retiring to bed.

After the merchant passed on, Almerion was thrown onto the streets, with no money and no home, he turned to the one place he thought he may be useful, the fighters guild.

After many weeks of painstaking training and hardship, the branch leader simply told him he was not good enough. Almerion murdered him in cold fury, beating him with his bare fists until he could no longer feel the skin of his knuckles.

He fled from the town, bloodied and confused, confused because the feeling of ecstasy at taking the mans life invigorated him.

In the night, through the shadows a voice whispered to him beside his bed, he was not alarmed when the voice first woke him, he lay their, expecting death for his actions, but instead, was rewarded. He grew more elated as he savoured each word from the speakers lips. The void, had seen him and loved him like a son. Sithis the dread father was now the one he served.

After training for many years in the Darkbrotherhood, one contract went wrong. He was contaminated by a vampire, he did not return to his family in Cheydinhal, he fled, fearing reprisal and rejection.

"You have been gifted again my child." A soft voice spoke to him, it was not Almerion, the speaker whose name he had taken. It was Vicente Valtieri, a breton Vampire who lived in the sanctuary of Cheydinhal. After a night of talking, he agreed, under the eye of Vicente, to embrace the dark gift. He used its advantages, the strength and speed it granted would serve him better than the others it gave, but all where used in equal measure.

The Brotherhood unleashed him when they needed the grand effect. He would often compose the death of his victims like an opera, a play or poetry. His speaker had taught him well, he had embraced the Altmers teachings and cultural roots, tossing aside the barbaric Nordic ones he had been bred upon. When the speaker died, he adopted his name, casting away the old name which tied him to his old life.

Like his master before him, he grew powerful in the art of Alteration, eventualy mastering it in ways no other man knew of, he could use it for both combat and defence.

Nearly twenty years after joining the Brotherhood, Almerion Enveri was named speaker, and sent to the province of the Summerset Isles.

Now, due to the rebellion of the isles, he has returned to Cyrodil, to seek guidance from the listener regarding the situation in the neighbouring province.

Weapons: Proffering unarmed combat over armed combat, Almerion has honed his fighting techniques beyond that of any man alive which he knows of, his left arm is encased in metal, a modified armour from a suit of ebony, the kind of armour you would expect to see on the arm of a gladiator, only there are not breaks in this armour. The tips of the gauntlet are modified, each finger has a talon like claw upon the end of it. The knuckles are each studded with a small steel sharpened stud.

Armor/Clothing: for armour, see above. Almerion wears a fine red silk tunic, with black silk pants. He hides his armoured arm with a thick black travel cloak and black gloves, he often leans on an old staff, limping along at a gentle pace in his leather shoes. He likes being underestimated, The guise of a weak old man suits him well.

Misc. Items: a bottle of Cyrodillic Brandy, a thin chorded rope, a knife, and a small sack of herbs. A smoking pipe and a leather pouch of tobacco.

Sheet three.

Faction and Rank: Freelance.

Name: Sun-Tzu Akina

Race: Khajiit - Unkown clan

Gender: Male

Age: 46

Physical description: Contrary to most common Khajittm Sun-Tzu is tall and broad, roughly standing 6'9. His fur, even more uncommon, is Grey and black striped, similar to that of a Pahmar Khajiit.

Although he is a battle mage or sorts, he is highly conditioned, his muscles are all in complimenting equal proportions, no one muscle will other power the other and weaken or slow down any movement he makes.

Unlike most Khajiit, Sun-Tzu is the owner of fierce Green eyes, rather than tawny orange.

Short Bio:

Sun-Tzu has been, for the past many years, A wanderer of sorts. A nomad, he is not tied to any one person or place for more than a few days at a time. His Nomadic wanderings began when he entered Senchal, on the lands end of Elsweyr. He saw the town as little more than a defenceless run down hive of violence corruption and feral addiction. For a great amount of time, he wandered throughout the city, learning it history and its people as he did. He grew no attatchment to any as he moved on away. Many where glad to see the back of him. "He had an ominous presence." Some would say, in less articulate words in most sugar addicted cases.

After his time in Senchal, Sun-Tzu travelled northwest, through the fabled Tenmar forrest, where it was said that none but the Khajiit where allowed to step, a holy ground of the feline beast race. He found nothing of interest save for sugar can allotments, until he met a few more of the provinces inhabitants.

Sun Tzu, knowing little of his kins men, was enthralled and amazed by the cycle of life in Elsweyr. The different breeds of cat for different lunar cycles, he often pondered to which lunar cycle he himself belonged, but didn't dwell on it for too long lest he be forced into recollections of his shrouded past.

For many months after, Sun travelled through the province, learning what he can by word of mouth, and the rest of his knowledge was gathered fist hand. He was never attacked though, many of the inhabitants of the settlements and cities throughout the province seemed un-nerved by him. They sensed something he did not wish to show. Their beast like instincts honing in on something their sentient intelligence could not explain.

Sun-Tzu, a master of his body mind and soul, soon became the stuff of fantastic rumour and hearsay. Word spread fast throughout the province, of the strange Khajiit whom dared to stare the Mane in the eye.

The rumour however was spawned from fact. It was true, Sun-Tzu, whom was denied council with the mane of the land, stood atop a half cut tree stump, his feet placed together, his hands clasped around each other. He stood for two days and two nights in torrential downpour, staring into the eyes of the mane. Many gathered to watch the peculiar event unfold before them. Some believed they where both mystical beings batteling on a distant spiritual plane. Some where evidently under the influence of the coveted moon sugar.

Sun-Tzu saw this as little more than a test, he knew the mane could see into his very soul, he could see into his past and future. The mane himself, although denying council, did it in such a way to invite Sun to challenge him. And he did, in a battle of the wills.

After the two days, the doors closed and Sun-Tzu could no longer see the mane, whom was held high above the floor by his panther like servants, as he sat pondering the ways and means of existence, staring into Sun's eyes, weighed down by his own hair.

An hour later the door opened, Sun-Tzu was invited inside to speak with the mane, The mane himself did not speak a word throughout the interview, he merely gazed upon the grey and black figure before him with curiosity, before nodding in acceptance and holding his hand aloft in polite dismissal.

Since his departure, many have believed him to be a person of deep spiritual beliefs, whom is searching for his place in the world one faith at a time, the basis of the rumour is unknown and questionable.

Now, Sun-Tzu has left the province of the Khajiit, and it travelling through the wilderness of Cyrodil, in search for something else, something more.


Armor/Clothing: , ,

Misc. Items: A travel pack, over his newly acquired horse. Contains maps, cooking utensils, herbs and spices, water, a canvas sheet with tent poles and a bed roll.


Shortly after the castle incident

His knees where numb with the cold of the black scorched stone beneath him, light flickered around him, throwing eerily long shadows around him. The shadows seemed to dance in the candle light, strange shapes formed upon the walls as shadows from more than one angle of lighting met. Almerions eyes fingered a soft petal from a dark violet plant, several nightshades where scattered around him, if anybody was to look upon them, they would see a stack of flowers which had fallen upon the floor in no particular order. Almerion saw what he needed, they where placed perfectly where they where supposed to be. He lifted his old hand to his mouth and blew the petal.

It danced, denying gravities allure, dropping by inches, only to jump by more. It spiralled around, dancing on a wind which Almerion could not feel, mocking gravity with its every movement. It flirted mirthlessly with the candle flames, which licked the petals body, but did not harm it. The Nightshade petal fluttered wistfully in front of Almerion, He spoke in a low baritone voice, it stayed exactly where it was even though the candle light flickered with the cold breath which he exhaled.

The petel emitted a bright green light, every shadow that danced where quickly executed violently in the power of such light. Around him, each night shade began to levitate, glowing in equal measure, all in the same light. Bathing Almerion, dismissing his shadow as a spy, ordering it away from Almerions side.

Each orb of light moved towards a pre-destined point in the black sacrament. Almerion was deafened, but no noise was released, he was blinded by it but she allowed him to see. This was to be the first time, and perhaps the last. That any speaker would be allowed such an honour, not even the listener himself can claim that he has seen a face of such ferocious beauty.

She stared through his very soul, but he could feel its warmth. Her smile froze him, but he felt its love. He was transfixed, he couldn't move a muscle.

"My child.. You seek guidance, you have summoned me." The night mother spoke gently, softly. But her voice reverberated throughout the sanctuary, Almerion could feel the air in his lungs vibrate as her words passed through him. "Ask you're questions my child."

"Beloved night mother, I thank you for appearing before me. I am humbled that you allow me to gaze upon you're face." He whispered, his body quivered with nervous anticipation of the knowledge she would give him. "As you will already know, the brotherhood has been crippled, but just one man, I do now know where the listener is, he is surely In hiding. So it is you I seek for my orders."

"Serosi." Her mouth didn't move as a warm wind fluttered around the room, whispering the name of the Dunmer into Almerions ear. "He destroyed my children and you're brethren, He has the blood of Sithis on his hands. He is marked by the void, Sithis' will dictates his destruction."

"But, I have fought him already, neither of us has the ability to better the other. I cannot destroy him alone." Almerion whispered again, averting his eyes from the beauty of the night mother, he dared not gaze upon her. "I do not know who he is or where he came from. I do not know his weakness'."

"You know him more than you think Almerion, and the power you wish is yours to have my child. Prove you're self worthy and it will be unlocked." Her ghostly voice spoke. A voice which would fill any other man with dread. "Look in the brotherhood records for a recent contract, one the brotherhood would usually deny, but fate dictated that it would be taken, then you will know where to begin you're search."

"What? What power?" Almerion asked, looking up to a dark now candle lit sanctuary. The nightshades had disappeared, no trace of the void maiden could be seen.

Almerion stood up on weak legs, shaking still, even though he was quite warm. His left arm felt lighter, the armour was still there, he could feel it. He threw back his cloak to see a more rounded, less bulky ebony arm. She had transformed it, made it more human, easier to hide. But that wasn't all, a faint light glowed from his shoulder, Almerion gazed upon a green pommel jewel embedded into his arm, he could feel it pulsating with the energy of the void.

He spent the rest of the nights hours studying the jewel, probing it with his alteration abilities, testing its limits against his magic. He could not believe its power, which from what he could feel seemed to be unlimited, he craved to use it, to be able to harness its power for his own ends.


Sebastian opened his eyes. He blinked several times, trying to focus. He was lying upon a hard mattress, a threadbare blanket was thrown over him, his brow tingled with cold sweat.

"Wh- Where am I." He blurted, trying to sit up, but was pushed back down. He looked around for the owner of the hands and spotted a greying Altmer smiling above him.

"You need rest my child, It has been a long night and you shouldn't exert you're self." He spoke gently, wiping Sebastian's brow with a damp cloth.

"Where am I?" He repeated, but stayed in the bed, to weak to fight against the Altmers grip.

"You are In the chapel undercroft, in the city of Cheydinhal. On of the guards found you passed out before that wretched burnt out house, fighting for you're life." He spoke gently, smiling the same way an old man would to his grandson, who has just scrapped his knee while playing. "You're arm had been cut off." He added to Sebastians quizzical stare.

It all came flooding back to him, The castle, the tortured Redguard, Serosi. Almerions sacrifice, was he alive? Did Serosi best him?

Sebastian forced himself upwards, sitting up at the edge of the bed, against the Altmers protests. He tried to stand, but was forced back down. Not by the Altmer this time, but by a case of vertigo. He drank lung full's of air, forcing his body into recovery.

A deep welt ran around Sebastians left arm, a large amount of violently black and purple bruising surrounded it. He didn't care, he was just happed to have all his limbs.

"Thank you for you're help, I cannot think of a way I could possibly thank you." He said to the Altmer as he stood again, on more stable legs this time.

"There is no need, I pray that you're faith in the nine will be thanks enough." He said with a bow and a grin. "You're things are on the table, I might ask why you are so heavily armed?"

"I'm fighters guild, I just got back into the city last night after a job went bad, I lost some good men, pray for them for me, I will do the same." Sebastian called back into the room as he strode through the under croft, hopefully quelling the Altmers suspicions. He would kill him if it didn't.

The light dazzled him, it kissed his skin with welcome warmth, but still berated his senses. He took a few seconds to adjust to the glare before setting out again. He wouldn't search the Sanctuary for Almerion, something foreboding played about in his heart at the thought. Instead he made his way to the Cheydinhal bridge inn, a second pre-designated meeting point after the undercroft, which was no good at this time of day, it was only useful at night.

He wasn't disappointed as he walked through the door, he spotted Ticedo instantly, lulling back on his chair lazily, tapping his cane against the floor in a characteristic way.

"Hello brothers, it is good to see you all alive and well after last night." He muttered as he sat down, earning a few curious stares as he raised his hand to the barmaid requesting a drink, revealing the welt and the bruising. He shook his sleeve over it before turning back to his brothers. "Ticedo, what happened? How did I end up in the chapel? And where in oblivion is Almerion and Parthia?"


Almerion watched as Sebastian walked into the in and sat with the others, he felt a flutter of relief play about in his chest for a second before it was dispelled with a feeling of shock at the sight of his arm.

Almerion sat upon the opposite side of the inn, hidden from view of the front door, his hood hung over his features, and his pipe smoke obscured the rest. He was watching, listening. Waiting for any Tong members who may have been tailing the brotherhood. He read and re-read the contract the night mother had spoke of as he waited, folding it up each time and putting it away, before pulling it back out to search for another clue.

He beckoned to the Barmaid who was now leaving Sebastians Table, she quickly scurried over with another goblet of mulled wine before leaving without a word.

OOC: Thar we go.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 pm

Faction and Rank: Dark Brotherhood, Assassin

Name: Sir Rufius (Rufio) Gravius

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birthsign: The Thief

Physical description: Rufius is a toned man, he is a noble and as such his body shows that he eats well. He has short well cropped brown hair and a handsome face, which is rather decieving. He comes off as a complete gentleman. He has green eyes and a strong jaw, though he has a small scar running down the left side of his chin, though it is barely noticeable. His noble appearance hides his dark persona as a deadly murderer, serial killer, cultist and brigand.

Short Bio: Raised in Anvil as a minor noble of House Gravius, he was the heir to the house. Though financial disaster struck after Rufius began his lust for murder and violence. He retained his eloquent mannerisms and, as a close relative and assosciate of many higher ups Rufius became a prime candidate for targeting Imperial nobility.

Weapons: A strongly enchanted mithril dagger capable of paralyzing and severely elctrocuting the target, poisoned throwing daggers up each sleeve. These weapons are hidden and not expected from someone like Rufius Gravius.

Armor/Clothing: A high necked red coat embroidered with silver and black velvet, black breeches, and dark leather boots, he sometimes wears soft black leather gloves, as well as a black silk undershirt.

Misc. Items: An enchanted ring of life detection, its a moderate enchantment. It keeps him alive and aware at best.


The man behind the bar was balding, and held the same toothy grin it seemed no matter what the situation was, it was difficult to imagine this man any other way. Whether the man owned the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn or not was questionable however, it was quite the building. Dunmeri culture clashed with Cyrodollic in an almost perfect fashion. The place was tidy, albiet a little cold and the one hearth on the far side of the room did little to take of the chill. Cheydinhal was close enough to the mountains to be cold, yet just far enough to stay comfortable. Rufius Gravius, or Rufio as his assosciates called him, was a rather young Imperial Noble who happened to stepped through the door casually.

Rufio donned the guise as a buisnessman most of the time, a disguise that kept him from falling amongst most suspected criminals in his line of work. Rufio did not appear to be anything but a buisnessman. To Rufio, he was a buisnessman, he had seen the power the listeners had, what Lucien had. Rufio was obviously willing to kill for it. Rufio enjoyed killing, the power in taking another's life. Listening to the cold silence as his mouth muffled a terrified, wide eyed scream.

Upon entering, he saw brothers and sisters amongst the common room, seated around tables and on benches. It was not that he knew them by name or face, but it was their gestures and the way they sat and watched those about them that marked them. Rufio was skilled enough, and knew enough to keep him alive. The Sanctuary had been a disaster, though Rufio was quite misinformed, he had not been briefed on the entirety of the situation, only that someone needed killing. If Rufio was the one to do it then Lucien had something in for him, he was sure of it.

The Barkeep was quite the nosy fellow, too much for his own good. Rufio was sure the man would take a knife in his throat,...sooner or later. He listened intently to everything someone had to say, it was more of a first impression thing. The man had the perfect job for it, and could easily be an informant. Best keep his buisness quiet. Sitting at the bar the balding man gave him a welcoming look, one Rufio couldn't take serious.
" What will it be sir?"

The words droned off into the distance, a few of the brothers and sisters seated had their weapons close at hand, he could see the tip of a dagger poking from a sleeve, a sharp hair pin, probably poisoned, hidden weapons imprinted against clothing. Rufio knew when he saw, hell he knew the others could see the weapons on him as well.

" What will it be sir?"

Rufio snapped back, his green eyes shining in the torch light.

" Spiced Wine"

Half an Hour Later...

A tall Imperial with black attire made his way down the stairs, from a room apparently. He was being clumsy, Rufio could tell the man had little respect for authority or the art for that matter. He pulled a chair out from some of the closest members. Rufio strained his ears, looking down the bar the barkeep strained his ears as well.

The words seemed to come from the distance, as if whispers in a small tunnel. Sound traveled a long way you just needed to know how to hear it. "Welcome m- broth..., ha......found.....Sero ".


That was the one, that was the one who ruined the Sanctuary.

Water cold as ice poured down his spine, Rufius had been to Morrowind before he joined the Brotherhood. Killers there spoke of a Morag Tong as deadly as the most ferocious daedra, more cunning than the Gray Fox, more skilled with a blade than an ansei. Terror filled Rufio's veins for the first time in years, he was a strong man but talk of hunting Serosi gave Rufio chills.

Rufio twitched, the Barkeep was staring at the three men.

The Barkeep had a mug of ale only a few feet away from Rufio's chair. He smiled....


The Barkeep dropped. It looked as if he was having a seizure, a common emergency though this one seemed more violent to the trained eye. He was foaming at the mouth and soon, his body went still his fingernails cutting into the flesh of his palms. A violent poison, expensive, yet easy to acquire with the right sources.

People rushed to his aid and some called for a healer. It was too late, Rufius however stuck with the crowd as well as the gossip.

Rufio peered at the table serving his brothers, and winked.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 am

nothing to see here.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:10 pm

Armen's head snapped up at the noise around him. People were frantic and some ran out of the inn screaming "healer!", he turned his head to look at what was happening. There. The barkeep was having a terrible seizure, he was frothing at the mouth and his body was convulsing but soon all movement stopped. From his spot Armen could see the man had drawn blood by digging his fingernails into his palms. The other 'normal' guests were trying whatever they could to help the man.

'No, this seizure is too violent. The man will not live, what...'

His train of thought was cut off when he looked to the side to see a noble looking man wink at him. At first he was dumbfounded but the man was not who he appeared to be, then realization set in. The man was a fellow assassin, Rufio to be exact. 'He must have done it, though for whatever reason i do not know'. He gave a slight and subtle nod, no would of noticed if they were not directly looking at him.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:24 pm

Verus's smirk turned into a frown as he listened to Ticedo speak. So they were now looking for Serosi. Well, this would at least be an interesting experience. He supposed that they would now have to give chase to him, though there were many problems with such a plan, the least of which was finding out where he had gone. Had he yet regrouped with other Tong members? If, so, how many, and how powerful were they? Did they have horses and supplies, what kind of weaponry might they possess, would they think to set up ambushes? So many thoughts whirled through his mind. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair and tuning out the noise in the inn so that he could think clearly.

However, before he could decide anything aside from the fact that this had now become very annoying, a voice broke his concentration. He lazily opened one eye and looked at the new arrival, a brother that he had never seen before. Of course, that wasn't saying much, as he had been so secluded, even in the sanctuary, that he often failed to recognize many of his brothers and sisters.

Just as he was about to respond, another person sat down at the table, though this one he recognized. It was another brother, one that had been with Parthia last night. He appeared to have lost an arm between now and then. Verus opened his other eye and raised an eyebrow as he observed him. Another injury inflicted by Serosi? Verus began to wonder just how powerful this Dunmer was. Certainly, he outclassed Verus, but perhaps if they were to surround him, attack all at once with the element of surprise. Regardless, he would have to make sure and avoid direct confrontation with his newest target, not that he would ever do so with anyone anyway.

"Yes, I would also like to know where Parthia is. We need everyone here so we can come up with a new course of action. Maybe someone should-" Verus began to speak, but was cut off as the barkeep fell to the ground, as if having a seizure. Verus uncrossed his arms and stared curiously at the man, then noticed a man winking at them. He immediatly realized what had happened and saw that another brother had joined them.

He scowled at the scene and muttered several things to himself about how unnecessary that his actions had just been and that he shouldn't have killed the barkeep as he apparently hadn't done anything. Of course, he couldn't help but call himself a hypocrite in his mind, but he justified his reasoning by reminding himself that he had killed in secrecy, with no one around, as the newest arrival had done nothing but draw attention here.

He quickly turned his attention back to the table and spoke again. "Were there any other Tong there besides Serosi. I was attacked earlier, and I'm curious as to how much support he may have. In particular, I'm curious if there was a young Imperial girl there. She was rather beautiful, and she said she was the daughter of a merchant, though I believe she was either Tong, or working with them."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 pm



He watched as the barkeep slowly stopped thrashing and his body lost its battle with the poison. A few people still tried desperately to revive him to no avail.

"Imperial woman? Actualy, I recall a naked imperial woman covered by nothing more than a bed sheet crashing our party last night." He said absent minded, tilting his head towards Verus while watching the scene unfold before him. "She said some one stole her image, her face, some trick or sorcery if I remember correctly. Forgive me for not remembering the entire conversation but I'm afraid certain events have left my mind a little hazy." he finished, pulling back his sleeve to reveal the welt where his severed arm had been rejoined.

"I doubt she is of little threat, from what I saw she was some what dishelmed and frantic, she is the daughter of a merchant trader, whom was a guest of the counts last night."

"When Almerion arrives we can discuss the next step, he is the only speaker in the province after Serosi's actions last night, he will guide us."


The vampire stopped smoking momentarily, the hazy fug around him began to clear as he watched the barkeep fall to the floor, convulsing violently in his own vomit. On a normal day under normal circumstances, he would have put it down to illness. But this wasn't a normal day, it was the day after yesterday. And yesterday, the dark brotherhood was forced onto its knees at the hands of a single dunmer. Normal days weren't on the agenda, unfortunately.

Almerion rose from his seat and placed himself in the path of Rufio, on of the night mothers children. He was closest to the barkeep, he watched him arrive. There was something suspicious about his eagerness, how ever well veiled, to leave the area around the dying man.

"A nice show, but you fail to amuse or trick me lord deceiver." Almerion whispered into Rufio's ear as he grasped his upper arm with his now gloved ebony hand. "If you attract the guards then tennets be damned you will be punished bold one!"
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:06 am

Ticedo scowled momentarily, the fool had killed a random man and was increasing the risk of them being discovered. Ticedo stood up and hobbled over to where the man was convusling on the floor, he pushed his way through the crowd with his cane and knelt over the man,
"listen I'm a healer this may help" he lied and from his robe he pulled a small vial and poured it into the wounded man's mouth. Within moments he stopped convusling and lay still his chest barely moving.

"Drag this man to the chapel" Ticedo barked at oneof the large patrons before returning to the brotherhoods table,

"That has a seditive" he explained, "Anyways we don't want him dying here that would attract the guards" he said in a considerable quieter voice.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 am

Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

In one of the corners of the Inn, a Dunmeress of dark hair and firey eyes sat by herself. She wore a dark green robe covering her entire body with the exception of her head. With a beautiful but bored look on her face, her eyes followed the tip of her finger as it grazed along the edge of her glass. Even with the sight of the bartender strangly in pain her face did not change. Instead she ran her hand through her hair minding her business to the glass only. The white wine seemed a bit strange to be drinking in the morning but no stranger than anyone else drinking this early.

Her lips seemed to curl into a smirk as she glanced over to the Nord smoking, even as he stood up grasping the Imperials arm. The conclusion was simple enough, that they knew each other. An ashen hand covered her mouth as she couldn't help but yawn. She hadn't slept the previous night at all and for good reason too.

Vincent's Home

Parthia finally sat up while in bed. Vincent's scent was all over her making her feel drunk with his presence still. As she shifted placing her feet on the carpeted floor off the edge of the bed, she remembered Vincent early in the morning waking her up and gifting her with the silver anklet on her right ankle. She stared at it for a moment remembering him before a slight pain crept in her stomach. Parthia was starved. She hadn't given it much of a thought the previous night having been shaken as much as she was, but now it was painfully obvious. With a quick step she made her way to Vincent's dresser finding a button up shirt to cover herself up with. The article of clothing was rather large for her reaching down mid thigh, and as for the sleeves, they were simply rolled up.

Parthia made her way to the kitchen, her steps somewhat timid. She had been in this house before, but she always felt unsure about it. It wasn't her house, it was Vincent's house, and that of his wife. She hated the thought that she was barging into someone else's life, but she couldn't help how she had felt either. As the spoon was stirred in the warm stew pouring some into her bowl she felt like she was eating someone elses food. Had his wife eaten with this very same spoon, from this bowl. Was what she was doing wrong? Of course, there was no question about that but without Vincent she would go crazy. Then a new feeling of guilt flooded her mind. If there was someone else would she even bother with Vincent...

Parthia closed her eyes and shook her head a little sitting down at the table and eating the stew. It had a light taste, something perfect for the morning, yet hardy enough to fight away the hunger that so strongly ambushed her. Her nails tapped on the table in a slow rythmic manner as she chewed each spoon fool. Her toes like wise made small clock wise and counter clockwise circles, the silver anklet making noise as it randomly hit the leg of the chair. Maybe she didn't have to deal with Serosi or the Dark Brotherhood. Maybe she could simply quit...but then what? Get Vincent to leave his wife? She was rich, he'd be out on the street like her if that were to happen, but maybe that would be enough. Or maybe she would be willing to share him with Parthia. In some tribes in Valenwood some had several wives, so why not here? Then again why would his wife agree to such a thing, she'd have nothing to gain from it, and the notion of sharing Vincent didn't seem all that appealing to Parthia either. Well she already was sharing, it just wasn't out in the open.

Parthia had seen Vincent's wife. Friendly but serious, a higher ranked member in the arcane university and very skilled in conjuration. She never hid her affection toward Vincent infront of anyone, which made Parthia jealous that she could so openly kiss her, and the way Vincent kissed her back, Parthia wasn't sure that they should be split up. The problem wasn't so much their relationship, but that his wife tended to put her job before Vincent making him feel a bit isolated. Parthia and Vincent found comfort in one another regardless of how wrong it was. Maybe they were just weak and thoughtless.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:26 pm

Ticedo turned to Sebastain leaning down on his hands with his kuckles interlocked and his elbows on the table,
"Do you recall what happened to Parthia" he asked raising his eye brow with curiosity. He was a tactician by trade despite who he worked for or how ethical. It was allways in his nature to make sure his assits where avalaible and had not defected as he had from the legion. He always said that your soldiers where only as good as how often they showed up, that thinking had never failed him in the multitude of battles he had survived. Anyways he was intrigued by the group that had survived the battle in the castle, they had fought and lived through their first conflict with Serosi and thus where the best qualified to fight him again.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:48 am


Almerion returned to his seat and resumed his weary observation of the tavern, only a handful of people where unmoved by the spectacle of a dying man. The brotherhood members, a few early drunks who where unmoved by anything and a Dunmer woman sipping white wine.

He paid no mind to it however, if anything suspicious occurred he would notice and act upon it, but now all he wanted to do was observe. He tapped the ashen remains of the tobacco from his pipe on the edge of the battered old table, refilling it with a slightly moist pinch from his pouch before lighting it, he never used a spell to light his tobacco. No matter how weak the spell, the heat would always over power it and leave it some what tasteless.

His attention moved away from his smoking paraphernalia as Sebastian rose from the table, glanced around the tavern and made for the exit, he didn't watch him all the way, instead he looked at the occupants of the room to gauge their reaction, or to search for any discernable physical movement an inept stalker would give away had they lost their prey.



"This is enough, I'm going to fetch Parthia, she's been to long, she might have seen Almerion after last nights escapade, I need to find him before we resume our search." Sebastian said to his companions, leaving his untouched drink to grow flat and warm on the table.

He glanced around the tavern again for any other brothers or sisters, when he was satisfied that this was all there was, he swiftly left the tavern on his search.

But where to search first? He wondered, he enjoyed the sunlight as it warmly greeted his skin to a new day. Walking without purpose, he made his way through the streets toward the mages guild. Stopping to pick up a courier off a Khajiit runner. It was good to stay clued up on the news, no matter how misinformed these so called journalists where, what they might see as an obsolete fact, Sebastian could interpret as a life saving clue.

He didn't pick up any information of value, just the usual tripe in times of peace. The article regarding the damages to the castle and the event which unfolded last night, no matter how covered up the story would be, wouldn't be seen for another day or two. He would be quite surprised if it had even reached the ears of the imperial city by now.

His knock on the door was answered by a rather skittish argonian mage, she looked him up and down before smiling and asking why he was there, she obviously wasn't used to being a host to non-mages.

"I'm looking for Parthia, I'm a friend, I haven't seen her for some time and I thought I'd visit while I'm stuck in town."

"Why are you stuck in town young one?" She asked, still suspicious, raising what Sebastian assumed was an argonians equivalent to an eyebrow.

"The guards have locked down the city gates until the determine the safety of travellers in the surrounding areas, rumour has it a bandit group has hauled up some where close by." He replied, the words flowing perfectly like a man pissed off to be losing out on a few days of good trade by being stuck here.

"Sbe's not here. Sorry." She said with a shrug, going to close the door, instead finding it blocked by Sebastians hand. "What is it now?"

"It's really important that I find her, I have no where to stay and no money, I've been hoping that she could help me out." He said through the few inches of space between the door and its frame.

She seemed to struggled with her conscious for a few momeny, contemplating the consequences of the information she was about to reveal, in the end her chest dropped and with a frown she began talking.

"? Not to long ago, I saw her with Vincent, a mage here, a married one to! She's a no good harlet that Bosmer girl, you'd be good to be rid of her, trying to break up a good marriage like she is!" She spoke quickly and quietly, sticking her snout through the gap in the door way enough to hide her words from prying ears inside. "He lives just up the way, third house in."

Without another word the door slammed shut, Sebastian grinned to himself as he imagined the now fit to burst Argonian bullying the mages guild members to vent her pent up frustration at being forced to keep such a horrific secret to herself for the sake of the guild research.

He carried on up the road, following the Argonians less than detailed, but more than adequate directions to the house, it wasn't bad either, a charming two storey well built cheydinhallesque creation, whomever's name was on the deed had money worth spending.

He glanced at each window as he walked up the few feet of garden path between the gate and the house, satisfied that he was not being watched he got to work. First things first, he tested the door to see if it was locked. He'd always had a policy of doing this before breaking out his lock picking kit, he'd known people t o get severely injured while lock picking and wasting time, only to find the door was already open. In today's case, he was lucky. It was open, that meant one of three things, either that somebody had recently left the house and forgotten to lock it behind them, or some one had left the house while some one was still inside, or some one had stayed in the house with some one else, curled up beside a certain some one in bed. He hoped for option two.

The interior of the building was plush and warm, it had a noticeable woman's touch but overall it looked very comfortable and welcoming. Sebastian moved forward slowly, spreading his weight first from the arch of his foot inwards, keeping movement minimal and slow, reducing all noise. He took a few paces then stopped and listened, then repeated the process He was in a greeting room of sorts now, two door-less doorways flanked him to his left and right, instinctively he headed right, towards the sounds of metal tapping wood and what sounded like porcelain on porcelain, as well as the strong smell of some form of stew or broth.

He found Parthia, she was sat facing him at the table, he face staring down into her bowl, eyes staring through all object before her, lost in though it seemed. Sebastian didn't want to startle her, but it seemed that she was an intruder on this house hold, and any noise would probably cause a some what skittish reaction from the girl, so he settled for clearing his throat loudly and knocking on the surface of a wooden cabinet beside him.

"What are you doing here? We've been waiting for you at the Inn. Where is Almerion? What happened last night after I passed out? Who the hell is Vincent?" He asked, a surge of frustration at seeing her sat comfortably at the table, eating well made food, while Sebastian had made do with dry bread and a straw matress. He eyes her form, she was some what pleasing although a little diminished looking, he didn't blame her though. But he was still drawn to her half revealed thighs under the table, he tore his gaze away and stared her straight in the face awaiting his reply.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 am

Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

A cruel white smile swept across the man's face, the Barkeep drowning in his own vomit. Rufio reached for his wine, but his arm was caught. The thick metallic glove bit deep into his arm, it would most definately leave bruises. Rufio stifled his smile, this man had dared to touch him, but there was no way in hell Rufio would touch him. He was obviously a member, if he was part of the tong he might as well be dead. Too much of a risk it was to murder a fellow member. The man seemed like ice, everything about him seemed cold to Rufio. The imperial hadn't stayed alive that long to underestimate an opponent. He could only wait until the right moment, a dagger in the mans back would do perfect, especially when he would least expect it.

" A nice show, but you fail to amuse or trick me lord deceiver."

Rufio smiled.

" If you attract the guards then tennets be damned you will be punished bold one." The cool breath chilled Rufio's skin, perhaps it wasn't really cold. It was something about the man, something terrible.

The man turned and sat back down, and began to observe the rest of the tavern. The authorities were bound to show up sooner or later, hell Rufio was suprised a town guard wasn't in the damn room when it happened. Rufio turned after retrieving his spiced wine from the counter.

He approached the seat with his drink ," Of course I will share a drink with you!" smiling. " Of course, i'm not going to let an old man with the shaking sickness affect my morning. So why don't you and I continue." The man named Almerion surely did not want anything to do with Rufio. The imperial noble smiled, and his green eyes shone as he took his seat, he doubted any of the common patrons heard him, and if they did he was sure they wouldn't make much of it.

Before the old man could talk Rufio continued " The authorities will be here soon,....i'm sure"

Rufio was more of a gambler, rogue and most certainly a scoundrel. He was not about flair, he enjoyed killing. The sheer pleasure of taking another's life was,...exilerating.
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Big Homie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:56 pm

Armen took another spoonful of venison soup in his mouth, it was still warm and tasted like fresh herbs, smelled like them too. He watched as one of his brothers, Ticedo if he knew right, 'heal' the man and told some of the bystanders to get the barkeep to the chapel. 'It's a good thing i guess, the guards will have to go to the chapel to investigate the body'. Armen took a piece of bread, dipped it in the soup and put the whole thing in his mouth. Looking around the room he could see that only a few drunks, some passed out, his brothers and a Dunmeress were the only ones occupying the inn. The barmaid had gone with the rest of the crowd.

Just as he was about to take another bite of bread, the door opened and three guardsmen came in. Two dunmer and one imperial at the front. "Everyone be silent!" the imperial yelled out, and playing the part of civilians his brothers obeyed. Armen's hand slowly went to his needle pouch, thankfully hidden from the guards sight.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:09 pm

Vincent's Home

Parthia swirled her spoon in the bowl, an empty look came over her eyes deep in thought. The movement of her nails tapping and her toes making circles ceased. She recalled the events of the previous night with a mixture of bitter and sweet. After she escaped out of the castle she made a bee line for Vincent. Her fists pounded at the door until that familiar face, surprised and happy yet worried appeared as the door opened.

"Parthia? What happened? Are you...?" Vincent tried to speak but the elven girl buried herself agains his chest. She fought back tears in a mixture of happiness and fear. Vincent didn't wait for a reply wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in before closing the door. He just stood there holding her tightly, Parthia unsure how to explain anything, nor did she wish to. No one knew about her 'other job' in the brotherhood and she prefered it that way. She smelled of smoke and was wet, her feet and ankles covered in drops of mud from running through puddles. Her body trembled in his firm embrace and a soft whimpering could be heard as he kissed the top of her head. The dirty robe she wore clung to Vincent's clothing which was a long dark blue robe he often wore to and from the Mages guild.

After a while she seemed to have calmed down. Parthia pulled away trying to keep her face out of his view as she placed her elbows against the edge of a window pretending to look out of it. Her shoulders were slightly hunched defensivly and her body was slightly bent over as her body shfited weight from one leg to another every ten seconds or so. Vincent smiled at her stepping closer. His arms wrapped around her body gently. "Whatever it is you can tell me." His voice was re-assuring with a hint of curiosity. His small goatee tickled the right side of her neck as he came in to kiss her cheek. She quickly spun around, her red face wet from tears gazed up at him. His face was defined and masculine but not harsh. The facial hair made him look more abbrassive than he really was. It reminded her how he started out as her tutor at the guild and one day during late night studying she placed her hand against the goatee saying 'Good Vincent' and after removing it saying 'bad Vincent.' It was just one of those thoughtless childish things she would sometimes do as if instinct, that often covered up deeper internal ideas. Vincent had read her and from a simple kiss on the hand they had ended up where they were now.

"Good Vincent." Parthia's tear covered face smiled and after removing her hand she continued "Bad Vincent." He couldn't help but laugh grasping her hand and kissing her fingers softly. "I'll get you a change of clothes after I ready a bath for you okay?" Parthia thought for only a moment, nodding yes before she had even made up her mind. "Alright." And as Vincent stepped away she sat down on one of the chairs in the guest room. She just wanted to sit, she never thought that room all that comfortable, a place to invite guests who you wanted to leave within half an hour. Her elven bow and arrows along with the matching short sword were placed on the small square table against the wall. After a moment of waiting she cringed at the sight of her muddied ankles and feet. The emerald eyes gazed only for a moment before she began undoing her sandals. Prefering not to dirty the floor she let her legs dangle off of the edge of the tall chair while holding the sandals in her hands.

"It's ready..." Vincent spoke softly walking in at the sight of Parthia attempting not to make a mess. He smiled walking over to her and sliding one arm under her thighs and another around her back lifting her up. The sandals were left behind on the chair and she wrapped her arms around his neck loosely as her emerald eyes shifted like a cat's through the house. Parthia had been here before but often she felt like she was unwelcomed. Not by Vincent but by his wife and for obvious reasons. Not that she knew but...perhaps it was just her guilt. The home seemed too large and dark for one person, which was probably why Vincent spent as much time with Parthia as he could. Any time they were together they had always made love. Parthia only really got to know most of Vincent when other people were around and they couldn't be affectionate. Was she just a replacement for when his wife was away? No, no, he was also sweet to her and she could feel he cared for her. If it had been just comfort affection he could have had half the other women at the Guild as well. Most of them gaze at him like a bunch of stupid mountain farm girls that hadn't seen a male in their life.

"Don't worry I won't drop you, if I do i'll go with you." Vincent smiled at her as he spoke. Her arms instinctivly tightened around his neck as he stepped up the stairs. On the second level as they made a right turn and then a left they entered a rather large room with a more Imperial style. The smaller tub was prepared for her and after Parthia was let down Vincent gazed at her for a moment.

"What?" She couldn't help but blush. How was she suppose to undress she wondered. Her head tilted awaiting a response.

"Nothing, i'll go make some tea for us." Vincent turned and walked away leaving her to herself.

The sash around her waist enchanted to protect against spells was undone and neatly folded on one of the chairs. The robe also enchanted, but to protect against physical harm opened up in the front, the warm air off the bath water warmed her up a bit enticing her further. She didn't bother to fold up her robe and simply slipped it off letting it fall to the ground. One step slowly in and then a second lowering herself bit by bit adjusting to the temperature difference. Once she was fully in sitting she leaned back sighing. Parthia's legs shifted against one another, her hands ran down her arms. A deep breath was taken before she lowered submersed herself completely, coming up for air a few seconds later. She parted her long hair from her face pushing it all behind her shoulders.

Just then, Vincent entered holding a tray with a pot of tea and two matching cups. He placed the tray on the small table and poured in each cup a greenish liquid. He pulled a small stool over with his foot before sitting on it and handing Parthia her cup. Each other's eyes smiled at one another as they drank together. Parthia was simply amazed how every worry seemed to melt away with his presence.

OOC: I need to get off the computer right now, but i'll finish this flash back and reply to Sebastian tomorrow, Solidor.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 pm

Verus listened to Sebastian speak, and a sudden wave of understanding washed over him. It explained everything. Her actions, her supposed knowledge, why a Tong member had been willing to protect her, and the strange aura of magic he had sensed. She had been a Tong member in disguise. Why in Oblivion hadn't he simply killed her? His blasted curiosity had gotten in the way of his common sense, and it would not happen again.

That made at least three Tong. There was Serosi, the one who had fooled him, and the one who had attacked him, though there could easily be more, and the ones he had seen might not even be here anymore. For once in his life, Verus was at a distinct disadvantage. With next to no knowledge of his enemies, he would be unable to formulate a plan. But then, something Sebastian said caught his attention. A Speaker! Surely the Speaker would be able to guide them along the path towards their revenge.

Whatever anyone might say about him, Verus had a deep respect for his superiors, and always carried out his orders to the letter. He had great confidence in their wisdom and power, and was sure that as long as this Speaker were to stay with them, that they would easily be able to find and dispatch the target.

He only payed a small amount of attention as Ticedo moved to get rid of the body and Sebastian left to find Parthia. Unfortunately, he had become wrapped up in his own thoughts again, and failed to notice anything going on around him.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:09 am

OOC: I thought this RP was slowing down but it looks like the whole forum. I'll post for Parthia tomorrow. Short post right now, in a hurry.


Almerion returned to his seat and resumed his weary observation of the tavern, only a handful of people where unmoved by the spectacle of a dying man. The brotherhood members, a few early drunks who where unmoved by anything and a Dunmer woman sipping white wine.

He paid no mind to it however, if anything suspicious occurred he would notice and act upon it, but now all he wanted to do was observe. He tapped the ashen remains of the tobacco from his pipe on the edge of the battered old table, refilling it with a slightly moist pinch from his pouch before lighting it, he never used a spell to light his tobacco. No matter how weak the spell, the heat would always over power it and leave it some what tasteless.

As her eyes met with Almerion, the Dunmeress smiled just slightly and gave a quick wink. Not an evident one, but one where one might not even be sure if it had been a wink. Like a brief scent of wildflower in the forest before a wind washes through it would stick in anyone's mind. Her hand ran through her long hair that flowed down her shoulder. She seemed to be a "real woman" not just a yappy girl, but someone with some insight, someone who could carry a conversation yet knew when words weren't needed.

Another sip of wine brushed on her lips as she tasted as if offering with her eyes for another to taste as well. If an assassin had this much tact, they would be able to talk their target into commiting suicide. Her eyes were fire and the more and more one stared to them they would feel submersed in fire.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 am

He found Parthia, she was sat facing him at the table, he face staring down into her bowl, eyes staring through all object before her, lost in though it seemed. Sebastian didn't want to startle her, but it seemed that she was an intruder on this house hold, and any noise would probably cause a some what skittish reaction from the girl, so he settled for clearing his throat loudly and knocking on the surface of a wooden cabinet beside him.

"What are you doing here? We've been waiting for you at the Inn. Where is Almerion? What happened last night after I passed out? Who the hell is Vincent?" He asked, a surge of frustration at seeing her sat comfortably at the table, eating well made food, while Sebastian had made do with dry bread and a straw matress. He eyes her form, she was some what pleasing although a little diminished looking, he didn't blame her though. But he was still drawn to her half revealed thighs under the table, he tore his gaze away and stared her straight in the face awaiting his reply.

Parthia's eyes gasped opem staring up at Sebastian who she did not recognize for a moment. Next came question after question throwing her out of her pleasant thoughts and bringing back only bitter feelings. Her hands slipped down to her lap tuggging the front of her shirt against her thighs as her legs tensed together. She felt like a child being scolded, her shoulders rolled slightly forward. Parthia wasn't sure what to say or do, she simply sat there quietly, internally a bit taken back by the sight of the wound Sebastian carried. That could have been her easily, but it wasn't.

OOC: Craptastic blah...
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Markie Mark
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