The wolves den #6

Post » Wed May 29, 2013 6:53 am

I have started this topic to show new whelps how to best utilize the beast form.Myself and perhaps other experienced Lycan's will share their hunting tactics and any information that benefits the best form. As of late ( for RP reasons ) I will change only during the night and will stay off the road but remain with in feet of it so as to ambush my prey, or stalk it for as long as I can, once I deem it fit to attack I will rush in and power swipe my prey so as to put them on their back and then it's game over. When facing 3-5 potential prey I run circles around them "herding" them into a circle(or closely bunched together) and will periodically make a 90 degree turn into the group taking swipes at whomever and will continue this until one or more break away screaming " I submit" or " We are routed" and finish them off away from the main group. I will continue this tactic until either the group or myself have perished, I like to call this my " herding " method.

That is an example of the " hit and run " tactics that werewolves do best, for the most part you want to try your best to ambush your prey and surprise them with a power attack. By spamming the power swipe/attack you ensure that your target is on his/her back once they are on their back you are in turn able to control the fight and thus will walk away with little to no damage to yourself. As a werewolf it is important that you take control of the situation as soon as possible, the best way to do so is to use my " herding " method or to spam the power attack.

Mastering the sprinting power attack is another must for werewolves, once you have gotten use to how your beast form reacts when sprinting you can make very sharp turns while sprinting. But it doesn't come over night, you will have to practice this in order to be able to combine the sprinting sharp turns with the sprinting power attack. But once you have mastered it it becomes your most powerful tactic, a sprinting power attack has the ability to down just about any NPC in one pass. A fully perked werewolf can and will kill a giant in one pass, a mammoth in two to three. So it is pretty important that you learn how to attack while on the run, not only will it dispatch your prey in a hurry but it will as well create openings for you to escape if and when you land yourself in trouble.

On the subject of a fully perked werewolf....
It's best to focus on the first perk, the " Bestial strength " perk. Once it's filled out your werewolf will have a damage output of 160, which is more then enough to survive on master difficulty. So you should focus on that perk the most so that you can put your prey down in a hurry. At the same time ( or after ) you want to focus on the right side of the Lycan perk tree, the side that has the Animal vigor, Gorging and Savage feeding perks. The goal is to reach the Savage feeding perk as soon as you can. Once you have gotten the Savage feeding perk the rest of the tree will follow with little effort. It won't take long and everything gained is pure gravy! :banana:

There's much,much more that aids your werewolf. There's quite a few normal perks that carry over into your beast form aiding him/her to become a very powerful werewolf. There's also spells, and potions that carry over along with certain standing stones. I will out line those as the questions come in, it's quite the list so I felt that it would end up being too much to read thus killing the topic, so I will answer those questions as they come up. :tops:

This is a topic for werewolves to share knowledge and stories of the hunt, to show that the beast form is truly a force to be reckoned with :grad:

List of effects that carry over into beast form

-Alteration has a couple perks that carry over into beast form, the Magic resistance perk will carry over and will buffer you from magic attacks. To boost this further the Atronach standing stone is a must.
-Avoid death perk in Restoration carries over which will save your hide once your health drops below 10% but you really don't need those perks unless you want to use them in human form.
-For a more physical / warrior type werewolf the most important part is to have a large health / stamina pool, while in beast form your health and stamina will go through the roof more so when your human form has a lot of health/stamina.
-Light foot perk carries over to keep those pesky bear traps from catching you leg as you hunt.
-Muffle perk, which carries over to help conceal your paw steeps.
-Standing Stone: Lover stone, the Atronach stone and the Lord stone are good choices.
-Cloak spells carry over to aid with defense.
-Racial powers will carry over (must activate before you transform, racial traits like frost resistance do NOT carry over)
-Potions carry over ( must consume before transforming ) and can boost defensive spells, allow more stamina and health etc...etc...Duration of effect is dependent on the potency of the potion
-Soups and stews carry over ( when consumed before transforming ) to give further boosts to your health and stamina.

Wolf pack challenges

Skyrim Marathon Challenge:
The rules are as follows:
1. One game day
-Veterans/Experts wolves, recommend under 1 game night.
2. Try it on the hardest setting
-Veterans/experts wolves, Master difficulty is recommended
3. One full trek around the map, you pick the starting point but must travel around the map as a werewolf back to the starting point without fast traveling (not necessarily meaning hitting every hold but you must make a ring around the entire map).
4. In one transformation without the aid of The Ring of Hircine.

The Black book challenge:
Rules are as follows:
1. Complete ALL Black Books in a limited number of changes (meaning do not enter regular form unless needed to for quest item/book activation).
2. Complete in one day
3. Difficult setting
-For Veterans/Experts, recommend Expert-Master difficulty

( Once again I apologize for the read,it's a wall of text. :tongue: I will answer any questions that are brought up. )


To any werewolf hunter/flamer who dares to nose around this topic......
You are entering the den of a very old and very wise werewolf who doesn't have the patients to
deal with you. You will be dismembered and devoured in the most painful way. So consider this your friendly warning, to not poke your nose in where it doesn't belong. If you choose to not heed my warning then....

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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 9:43 pm

Last three posts......

Lol, I hit their known locations on a regular basis, some times I go in as a werewolf and other times I sneak in and let the caged wild werewolves out. Sit back and watch the carnage :devil:

You really are a backwards werewolf :D Most other moon born would kill you to have forced transformations aligned with the phases of the moons :tongue: But tis your game, your werewolf, you play as you see fit. No one's judging :no: :thumbsup:

Still I recommend trying a full on, kills anything that moves werewolf play through. Nothing else in the game compares to what it's like prowling the wilds hunting the weak and weary, hunting a worthy prey etc...etc... I've had some pretty stunning moments as a werewolf both bloody and messy AND beautiful, there's a certain magic in the night air when the moons are full and in full view as you stalk the dark cover of the woods...... :wub:

So was mine, " Lord Harkon " made the mistake of calling me prey.......I showed him who was the hunter and who was the prey...... :evil:

Too bad I couldn't feast on his flesh, the circle would have been complete as I hit Whiterun. There would have been a little stop behind a bush needed.... :lmao:

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Post » Wed May 29, 2013 10:08 pm

My werewolf has gotten into some emotional trouble as of late. Her mate Kharjo discovered her little secret that she has kept from him for several weeks. He was very upset, called her carless, wreckless amoung other things and told her never to come home. She is no longer welcome.

As for her transformations, most can only happen at night. Due to the 24hr reset, usually after 10pm she can transform. However I want to introduce into her tale that she has become more in tune with the beast and can transform at will. More then once a day. She won't be able to hold the form without feeding, but instead of waiting another 24hrs, she can turn back again almost immediatly. There are some mods for that. I need to look into.

She hopes that if she can show Kharjo she has full control of the beast within her, maybe he will take her back. So far his only experience with werewolves were wild ones that attacked them, And of course Sinding. His perception of the dangers of the werewolf are justified based on his experiences.

Should make for an interesting RP.

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