The main thing I wanted to point out was the bow reloading animation, watch carefully from 1:25 onwards. At first I was like "dafuq? Where are the new arrows coming from?" because they seemed to appear out of nowhere.
It reloads incredibly fast and it's near-impossible to see it properly, you may have to use an addon to download the video and then slow it down in MPC/VLC.
Basically it goes something like:
> Arrow is released
> A long rectangular cartridge making up the central region of the bow opens up
> A new arrow flops out of the cartridge (gravity? spring loaded?) and is placed into the arrow holder thingy
> The new arrow drifts back (or the mechanism pushes it back) into Prophet's fingers, places it against the string
> Shoot arrow
> Repeat
The "quiver" has been made part of the bow with an auto-reloading mechanism, essentially turning it into a semi-automatic weapon. Genius Crytek!
Or did they take this idea from somewhere else