the word "sequel"

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:06 am

any encyclopidea will tell you that a sequel useualy inpruves upon the original by adding new features and other funky stuff.

Crysis 1 and Crysis warhead/Wars are some of the best games i have EVER played but crysis 2 looks like a step DOWN from the gleaming hights of FPS exalance that is crysis. if anyone from crytek reads this please put back more features that were in crysis 1, some examples.

the enviroment IS your weapon, anything fron a barral of petrol to a can of tuna can be thrown at your enermy useing strength mode for a knockdown or istakill, Washing machiene to the face FTW or just hit the guy with a shovel, better yet grab him and use him as a meatshield while you shoot his m8s. All of there i have done in Crysis 1 and have enjoyed my self imensely.

VEHICLES! yes we all know that VTOLs were way overpowerd, nothing removing the missiles wouldnt fix but tank and light vehicle combat is some of the best i've seen in a game thats not Battlefield 2/2142

Powerstruggle, 2nd best game moad ever!! no 1 is CnC moad form commandandconquer renagade but power struggle is still very awsome
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:05 am

A sequel means that you continue the story, not that you make something better...
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:56 am

Yeah, like for instance;

You get film sequels, they simply continue the story, maybe add something different in, but it's about the story continuation.

The same goes for games as well. If it's about adding in more features, then you'd call it a successor of it's predecessor, as long as the features work well.

I'm gonna pick some stuff from your article and see if I can answer it:

[quote]the enviroment IS your weapon, anything fron a barral of petrol to a can of tuna can be thrown at your enermy useing strength mode for a knockdown or istakill, Washing machiene to the face FTW or just hit the guy with a shovel, better yet grab him and use him as a meatshield while you shoot his m8s. All of there i have done in Crysis 1 and have enjoyed my self imensely.[/quote]

This is most likely returning back to C2. From the alpha footage I've seen on GTTV, they showed the player grabbing one of the enemy infantry by the neck. That's definitely returning back. If we could do that, then I can assume we can pick and throw objects, since picking up objects and grabbing enemies by the throat are all done by the same keys and buttons.

[quote]VEHICLES! yes we all know that VTOLs were way overpowerd, nothing removing the missiles wouldnt fix but tank and light vehicle combat is some of the best i've seen in a game thats not Battlefield 2/2142[/quote]

Vehicles may not be part of MP (Or they may, we don't know if it's the case for other modes), but for SP, we will most likely get our hands on vehicles.

We have no clue if PS will return, at this time, it's too early to tell, since we only know about 2 modes.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:10 am

We have given very little evidence of there being no vehicles in the game, as soon as we are ready to release information regarding them, you'll hear it here.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:21 am

Just a couple of other topics on MP feedback atm :)
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:35 am

Did any one played C2 MP or SP.How do you know then that C2 is a step DOWN from C1?
One level of SP and 10 min of MP can't tell is C2 a step DOWN or not.
Don't make conclusions ,with so little amount of information, about entire
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:49 pm

[quote]Did any one played C2 MP or SP.How do you know then that C2 is a step DOWN from C1?
One level of SP and 10 min of MP can't tell is C2 a step DOWN or not.
Don't make conclusions ,with so little amount of information, about entire

It doesn't help when the PC community at gamescom that played it did not like the multiplayer. ;)

Also, we know you can still use the environment to your advantage in Crysis 2. You can rip out light poles and smack people with it, I saw someone picking up a teddy bear and throwing it in the Central Station gameplay, and you can still choke, as well as deploy armored blast shields and many sliding and jumping animations.

The vehicles are still there for the Singleplayer, but we haven't seen any in the Multiplayer yet. It is a dissapointment, but hopefully Crytek adds a humvee or something of the sort for quick transportation across the larger maps, and maybe a hang glider to get down from rooftops to ground level.

Power Struggle remains to be seen, but we only know 2 of the 6 modes that Crytek will have in Crysis 2. Don't give up hope on seeing that mode yet.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:24 am

[quote]We have given very little evidence of there being no vehicles in the game, as soon as we are ready to release information regarding them, you'll hear it here.[/quote]

Is that a hint? :D
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:17 pm

Cry- Lee is being as least obvious as he can,but it's not working,that's a HUGE hint that there WILL be vehicles in Crysis 2.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:54 am

more wining and complaining, the game isn't even close to being in stores and we have not even seen 10% of the final product !
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:55 am

I actually ended up creating an account just to answer this thread.
Don't bother calling me a fanboy, I'll laugh.

To the OP:
An encyclopedia is a bizarre place to look for the definition of a word, I suggest a dictionary myself. Sequel is defined as follows.
a literary work, movie, etc., that is complete in itself but continues the narrative of a preceding work.

Now, in keeping with this definition of the word, Crysis 2 is in fact a sequel, regardless of anyone's personal opinion as far as step up/step down.

Crysis 1, in single player, which would be where the sequel part comes in, was a series of tactical environments within an overall strategic theater of operations.

Crysis 2, in single player, promises to be the same thing, in a different location, with a different antagonist, in keeping with continuing the narrative.

Now as far as multiplayer is concerned, I fail to see how it is inappropriate at all to make the game modes coherent to the plot of the single player game. In a small scale tactical urban environment, large force on force is a surefire way to have constant friendly fire incidents.

Something the Crysis Wars gameplay advocates seem to repeatedly forget is that the title of the game being released is NOT Crysis Wars 2 or Crysis Warhead 2. Crysis Warhead and, to a lesser extent, Crysis Wars, specifically on the large maps, with vehicles, were NOT the same gameplay as Crysis. They were an entirely different experience.

Expecting a Warhead clone with a new engine would be the "Step down" that everyone is accusing Crytek of. Instead of pushing into a NEW environment in an appropriate manner, they would be doing the same OLD thing.

Flame on.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:04 am

[quote][quote]Did any one played C2 MP or SP.How do you know then that C2 is a step DOWN from C1?One level of SP and 10 min of MP can't tell is C2 a step DOWN or not.Don't make conclusions ,with so little amount of information, about entiregame![/quote]

It doesn't help when the PC community at gamescom that played it did not like the multiplayer. ;)

Also, we know you can still use the environment to your advantage in Crysis 2. You can rip out light poles and smack people with it, I saw someone picking up a teddy bear and throwing it in the Central Station gameplay, and you can still choke, as well as deploy armored blast shields and many sliding and jumping animations.

The vehicles are still there for the Singleplayer, but we haven't seen any in the Multiplayer yet. It is a dissapointment, but hopefully Crytek adds a humvee or something of the sort for quick transportation across the larger maps, and maybe a hang glider to get down from rooftops to ground level.

Power Struggle remains to be seen, but we only know 2 of the 6 modes that Crytek will have in Crysis 2. Don't give up hope on seeing that mode yet.[/quote]
The nanosuit can now survive a fall from a building due to it's new stamp ability. I'm sure we could just drop down a building, and scale back up easily with strength jump, by jumping from ledge to ledge.
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