Thx guys, I will try anything possible to fix the problems with the landmeshes, but at the moment I have no idea what else to try. The first issue is that I fall through some areas of the mesh. Reason for this can normally only be, that normals are pointing to the wrong side of the mesh. But I can't see anything like that on my mesh. Normally I make my meshes having collision detection by their triangles, cause that helps to keep it lowpoly. But I also tested a version with a copy of my mesh as wireframe with collision above the original mesh->same issues.
The second problem is, that the collision starts about a men's length above the ground. Looking at collision of vanilla meshes ingame, you will notice, that the player always has some space between his feet and the object he stands on. Now my mesh is about 100 times as big as the player and so I suspect that little space gets multiplied by the factor of 100. What I will try today is letting all the normals of the original landmesh point away from the player, so that it hasn't any collsion from above. Then I put a copy of my mesh exactly a men's length below the original, so that the collision should match with it.
I know the niftools forum and I'm member of it, but I do bother the poor guys that often, that I want to try it myself first!!! :facepalm:
@Dirnae/ C_Mireneye: Thx for offering your I'll PM both of you a copy of a landmesh. If we get that fixed both of you will have a surprise inside my mod, promise!!! B)
PS: I have opened an extry thread for the collision discussion, please post in there, so others can profit of what we find out lateron.
TheDaywalker :rock: