First of all, hello! Long time guest-status lurker here (pretty much half a decade now), this being my first post; I've only bothered registering an account and becoming active since the wondrous announcement of Skyrim :ahhh:
Anyway, as mentioned in the trailer "Dovahkiin" is translate into "Dragonborn" from 'their' tongue (presumably some sort of Nordic?). Obviously it's simply a bastardisation of the English Dragon (Dovah) Born ( - even though it's a simple change of a few letters, this could form the basis for an entire language (e.g. some form of pseudo-Norse/Old English fantasy hybrid).
Bethesda's already created for Tamriel, and even though they've never actually been extremely relevant gameplay-wise, I find them an excellent addition to the gameworld - it helps immerse me in Tamriel, and lore-wise they're pretty cool :read: They can lead to of both the developers and gamers making an effort to create and understand these more subtle additions to the Elder Scrolls series

I know that most people (educated guess: 70%+ of us) might notice things like ingame alphabets or languages once and then go back to slaughtering annoying guards, but I'm glad these features made it in - they really add to the depth of the world, showing that Bethesda really cares for its baby creation, the world of the Elder Scrolls :laugh: I sure hope Bethesda adds more of these little gems in to Skyrim.
Now, I'm aware not many people love these aspects of the game, and some make a valid point in saying that implementing such indirect features will inevitably take resources (time, money, focus, etc) away from other, more important aspects (combat, magic, skills, minigames, etc) that should have as much of these resources at hand as possible. I recognise and appreciate this concern but I say that it's fairly important to remember the smaller details which have become staples of Bethesda's amazing style and make the Elder Scrolls so unique and great. Language and alphabets are one of these smaller details that I personally hope will still be found in Skyrim

TL;DR: Should new languages and alphabets be created for Skyrim? Are they awesome? :thumbsup: Lame? :down: Fun and interesting? :shrug: Pointless and unnecessary? :shakehead:
(Vote in favour and the Daedric lava whiskey's on me :foodndrink: )