I know mine didn't. I was expecting to roll an artificer, a character who crafts magical devices, armour and enchantments and uses enchanted tools as their primary skill. So I was expecting to use a shield and a staff, have alchemy and enchanting and I'd take alteration as my one "true" magic school (Seeing I'd designed the character to have only a very narrow range of actual magic skill. They would use enchantments and potions to give them a wider skill base. I was also absolutely certain that I would NOT be dual wielding due to it's lack of defensive capabilities.
When the game arrived, I immediatly hit a snag: You can't craft staves, and they're so rare it's a joke (I was level 30 by the time I finally found my first reasonable offensive staff!)... so there went that plan. Still I had strong enchantments, so I figure I'd use enchantments on all weapons and not really specialise in any single weapon class, but use their enchantments as a main source of damage. Next, I found that blocking was slowing me down and actually putting me in more danger than it was preventing... so before i knew it, I was doing the one thing I was sure I wasn't going to do, and dual wielding (pairred enchantments!).
When I got to around level 20 and really started to think outside the box on enchantments, my alchemy strength shot through the roof... between alchemy, smithing and enchantments I was becoming invincible - so I swiftly dumped those schools before it went too far (With the help of the console) and chose to make enchantment my ONLY craft skill to keep the game balanced (I'm still playing in master difficulty >.>).
I bet I'm not alone on this ;p