I've a question about Automatic Timescale... how does it affect fast-travel?
Automatic Timescale doesn't check for fast travel at all. I must admit that I don't know if the time spent for fast travel is affected by the time scale.
Automatic Timescale: If you have set the timescale through the console at point, will this mod still work?

And if you uninstall Automatic Timescale, the timescale will revert back to what you set in the console.
On a geneal note, here is my understanding on who's winning, with the winner at the bottom.
1. Any setting set in esp/esm files - per load order
2. Any setting set in your savegame (settings set in the console gets saved here)
3. Any settings set by scripts (but most of the settings set by scripts are lost when the game restarts)
One side effect of this, is that if you adjust the timescale from the console you get it stored in the savegame and can never get rid of it from the savegame again. Thus, esp/esm files that adjusts the timescale will never work until you start a new game. This means that the new Wrye Bash timescale setting will only work for players who have never adjusted the timescale from the console.