TheNiceOne's nice-to-have mods

Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:13 pm

New problem. Whenever my game crashes or quits unexpectedly it resets any tags put in by this mod. It also gives me the odd behavior that I gave screenshots of before. The only way I have been able to fix this is by disabling this mod, making a clean save and then starting over again. Makes me sad =(

Is there a file somewhere this array is stored or a backup i can restore so I dont have to go in and put in all of the map tags again?

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jess hughes
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:28 am

Fast Exit 2 saves the ini and stops the crashes on exit. This wont prevent in game crashes though.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:09 pm

Its not really crashing on exit that I have an issue with. My crashes (and they have always happened so it is not this mods fault) come when I am switching between the local map and the world map. Every so often (not every time) when i switch between the two maps, it shows the last place i had highlighted and the game just quits.

Hopefully fast exit 2 will save this mods info (and even if it doesnt, its a neat mod anyway).

edit: it seems fast exit 2 saves all of my map edits except for the last one. More than good enough for me. thanks pk!

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Sarah Evason
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:57 pm

I'm a little confused about Gold adjustment. All I want is for the haggle slider to be placed at the max percentage for my Mercantile skill, the merchant's disposition, etc. I'm not interested in any of the other features. Can GA do that? Are the haggle settings in the INI file taken from vanilla defaults, are they values you've chosen, or what?

In the section for looted gold, the defaults for dead actors and containers is 50. Is 50 the same as vanilla, or would that be 100 as with the other settings?

In the section for item removal, what is a non-spawnable container? Do the first few settings in that section do anything if the settings for keeping various types of items are all 100?
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:10 am

Its not really crashing on exit that I have an issue with. My crashes (and they have always happened so it is not this mods fault) come when I am switching between the local map and the world map. Every so often (not every time) when i switch between the two maps, it shows the last place i had highlighted and the game just quits.

Hopefully fast exit 2 will save this mods info (and even if it doesnt, its a neat mod anyway).

edit: it seems fast exit 2 saves all of my map edits except for the last one. More than good enough for me. thanks pk
Ex0dus: Glad you get it to work better. I think you are suffering from a problem with OBSE v18 arrays that has been reported by one other user of MMO, and by some users for a few other OBSE v18-dependant mods. I will add a few more debug messages in the next version in order to better find out what's happening in your game (or others with similar problems).

I'm a little confused about Gold adjustment. All I want is for the haggle slider to be placed at the max percentage for my Mercantile skill, the merchant's disposition, etc. I'm not interested in any of the other features. Can GA do that?
Yes. If you're using OBMM to install it (which makes things easier), answer "No" to the "Do you want to adjust the gold amount received?" question, and make sure that "Remove items from dead actors" and "Remove items from containers" are NOT checked in the item removal selection box.

... and you may probably want to select the barter settings labeled as "vanilla".

If you install manually or with BAIN, you just have to look up the following lines in GoldAdjustment.ini:
set LootAdjustment.deadActorAdjustment to 50
set LootAdjustment.containerAdjustment to 50
... and change "50" to "100". Everything else is set up without any adjustment in the default ini file.

Are the haggle settings in the INI file taken from vanilla defaults, are they values you've chosen, or what?
They are values I have chosen. Vanilla values are 30/90 for sellMin/Max and 110/200 for buyMin/buyMax.

In the section for item removal, what is a non-spawnable container? Do the first few settings in that section do anything if the settings for keeping various types of items are all 100?

A non-spawnable container is a container that never gets its content reset by the game.

If all item removal chances are set to 100, no items can be removed, but the script will still check for it. Even better is to make sure that removeFromDeadActors and removeFromContainers are both zero (which they are by default). If they are, the entire script that removes items will never be called at all - which is what you want. :)
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:06 pm

Thanks. What about

set GoldAdjustment.merchantFactor to 4
set GoldAdjustment.playerFactor to 4
set GoldAdjustment.dispositionFactor to 2

Are those vanilla defaults? I noticed they're not set by the omod script.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:25 am

Tried the newest version of Gold Adjustment and I don't have the 65k bug anymore. Thanks :)
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:45 am

Thanks. What about
set GoldAdjustment.merchantFactor to 4
set GoldAdjustment.playerFactor to 4
set GoldAdjustment.dispositionFactor to 2

Are those vanilla defaults? I noticed they're not set by the mod script.

Vanilla doesn't adjust the slider, there are no vanilla values here.

This factors how much the Merchants mercantile skill matters compared to the Players mercentile skill and their disposition (how much they hate or like you). 4:4:2 would mean that the merchant & player's mercantile skill matter equally, and either one will count twice as much as the disposition. So disposition makes up 1/3 of the slider and 2/3 is the % difference of who ever has the greater mercantile skill (+ if the player has greater skill, or - if the merchant has greater skill).

The 1/3 + 2/3 sets the position of the slider between the min/max. -100% adjustment would use the sell Min. +100% adjustment would use the sell Max. And 0% adjustment would be in the middle.

Edit: fixed :P
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:04 am

Hey TheNiceOne, any chance of adding snapback links to the OP ([ snapback ] Would make scrolling down to a specific mod post a heck of alot simpler. :angel:
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:03 am

Are those vanilla defaults? I noticed they're not set by the omod script.
As -pk- writes, there's not really any vanilla values to compare them to.

In vanilla, your mercantile skill, the merchant's mercantile skill and his disposition towards you are used in some quite convoluted computation (that I don't think a single modder has fully found how work) to set the max-min values of the slider, as well as the highest value the merchant accepts. But those three factors have somewhat different weight for selling/buying, and have somewhat different weight when they're high or low, or when other barter-related settings change. In other words, some really mumbo-jumbo.

So I decided to simplify this, while keeping it close to the original. The values I chose are values that make sense to me. The merchant's disposition towards you is so easy to get close to 100 that is should have less importance than the two other factors, which is why it only counts for 20% of the value, while the other two each count for 40%.

So as -pk- explains, by toying with the three setting, you can make it work the way you think is important. If you want only your mercantile skill to matter, then set merchantFactor and dispositionFactor 0, etc.

If what you want is a game where the merchant gives exactly the same value as with unmodded Oblivion, then I'm afraid Gold Adjustment cannot do that. By using the vanilla barter settings, you get a curve that resembles vanilla Oblivion, but which usually is a couple of % off, but not much more.

Tried the newest version of Gold Adjustment and I don't have the 65k bug anymore. Thanks :)
Glad to hear that. Please report any debug text from GA if the bug comes around.

Hey TheNiceOne, any chance of adding snapback links to the OP ([ snapback ]*)? Would make scrolling down to a specific mod post a heck of alot simpler.
I'm not sure from what and to where you want the snapback. Do you mean from the specific mod in the OP, to the last post discussing that mod, or only to the full description post for that mod, or something else?
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Chris Jones
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:19 am

I'm not sure from what and to where you want the snapback. Do you mean from the specific mod in the OP, to the last post discussing that mod, or only to the full description post for that mod, or something else?
I mean the nice little arrow that is also part of a quote. It seems it can be used as a standalone aswell. It uses the post id which can be gotten from clicking the nice post #1 buttons at the upper right of a post and look at the very last number. :)
Like so: [ snapback ]15031090[ /snapback ]
which becomes:

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Tamara Primo
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:31 am

I mean the nice little arrow that is also part of a quote. It seems it can be used as a standalone aswell. It uses the post id which can be gotten from clicking the nice post #1 buttons at the upper right of a post and look at the very last number. :)
I did understand that, I just didn't understand where you wanted me to use it (call me slow today ;)). E.g. which posts do you think should contain the snapback, and which post should they refer to?
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:38 pm

I did understand that, I just didn't understand where you wanted me to use it (call me slow today ;)). E.g. which posts do you think should contain the snapback, and which post should they refer to?
Hehe, you're not the only one who's slow today. ;) Um where to use it, well, next to a mod title in the OP would be nice. That way, if I (or anyone else :P) wants to check out, lets say, Lightweight Potions he (or she) just clicks the snapback button and won't have to scroll down past all the other (great) mods first.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:19 am

Hehe, you're not the only one who's slow today. ;) Um where to use it, well, next to a mod title in the OP would be nice.
You mean, like I have it now :)

That way, if I (or anyone else :P) wants to check out, lets say, Lightweight Potions he (or she) just clicks the snapback button and won't have to scroll down past all the other (great) mods first.
I'm not sure I like that. Maybe I should change, so that all snapback buttons on the OP points to the first mod, then let it have a snapback button somewhere far down in its redme pointing to the second mod, etc. That way I ensure that people don't miss out on any of my mods :whistle:
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:12 pm

Real Sleep Extended version 2.2 is now available from or

Changes are:
* Automatic timescale now checks for the state of the two vanilla quests that only works with timescale 30, and keeps the timescale at 30 when necessary.
The quests "A Brush with Death" and "Where Spirits Have Lease" can become stuck if the timescale is not 30. The UOP fixes this by changing the timescale to 30 when entering the important stages, and changing it back afterwards, but any dynamic timescale mod (like this) will override this unless checking specifically for it.

AFAIK, none of the other dynamic timescale mods check for this, but now at least RSE does.

* Added support for Customisable HUD Components
RSE now includes an ini file with correct values for, which makes it very easy to start using it with Real Sleep Extended. So now you can have a status bar displaying how rested/tired you are.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:36 pm

Well it seems fast exit 2 doesnt always work either. Sometimes it messes up even with fast exit 2 installed upon a crash. If there is nowhere accessible where this file backs up its stored array, is there the possiblity of putting an "export" and "import" function into the mod? It just seems that no matter what i do as far as crashes go that there is no foolproof way for this array not to get corrupted or otherwise lost.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:50 am

TheNiceOne, my mod needs to get the values of miscAdjustment and coinValue from GoldAdjustment. However at the moment I get zero for both, presumably because my script looks at the values before yours sets them.

Is there a variable in GA that I can check that guarantees that the values are valid?

EDIT: I guess I can read your ini too. Shouldn't cause any issues with GA, should it?
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u gone see
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:33 am

Well it seems fast exit 2 doesnt always work either. Sometimes it messes up even with fast exit 2 installed upon a crash. If there is nowhere accessible where this file backs up its stored array, is there the possiblity of putting an "export" and "import" function into the mod? It just seems that no matter what i do as far as crashes go that there is no foolproof way for this array not to get corrupted or otherwise lost.
Sorry to hear you still have problems. I think the actual problem is that the array functionality of OBSEv18 as used by MMO causes the crash in your game, so that the arrays are already messed up at the moment the crash happens. There's no possibility of exporting the data to a file, and having a second copy array in the same script will quite surely not help.

So I think we'll need to find out why you're having this problem. To me it looks like OBSE completely mis-interpretes the array commands from MMO in your game. I have no idea why, but it looks like the same error as has been reported a few times (for different mods) in the OBSE thread. The only thing I can think of doing, is to make a special version with lots of logging, and let you try that out. What you can do, is to try to disable all mods except MMO and load up a game from right out of the sewer if you have one. Then play around with that and see if the problem's gone.

TheNiceOne, my mod needs to get the values of miscAdjustment and coinValue from GoldAdjustment. However at the moment I get zero for both, presumably because my script looks at the values before yours sets them.

Is there a variable in GA that I can check that guarantees that the values are valid?

EDIT: I guess I can read your ini too. Shouldn't cause any issues with GA, should it?
You can read GA's ini file, but for that to work, you need a quest named "GoldAdjustment" that runs a script which defines the variables "misAdjustment" and "coinValue", and then you can check those variables from your own mod after having read my ini. This is kind of troublesome, so it's indeed better to read them through RunScriptLine "set myQuest.myVar to GoldAdjustment.miscAdjustment".

But as you have already found out - if you do this early in your own script, you don't know if GA has had time to read its values from the ini file yet. This is a common problem for inter-mod communication.

But what do you need them for? I guess it is to ensure compatibility with "DBs Weighted Gold Plus". If so, is there a possibility that you can use "RunScriptLine "set GoldAdjustment.disabled to 1" (or a higher number) whenever you add gold to the player instead? This prevents GA from making any adjustment to any received gold for the next 1 second (or more if you set a higher number). This also has the advantage that I will guarantee compatibility for future versions of GA, while the miscAdjustment and coinValue may be changed in the future.

One problem with this mod: if using the Timescale settings in the ini file it messes up the Where Spirits Have Lease quest.
The stage where Mr. Benirus opens the sealed portal only works with a Timescale of 30. I have both a generic script that modifies Timescale and the UOP does it specifically for this quest, but it seems the ini values override any scripted Timescale. It also overrides from the console.

So maybe scripted Timescale would be better? If so the only problem is determining which script has highest priority.

EDIT: Or, if possible, just make an exception for AnvilBenirusManorBasemant "Benirus Manor Basemant" [CELL:000147B1] in the ini and set timescale there to 30.

This is one of the things that version 2.2 is supposed to fix. Can you check if it works correctly now, Petrus?
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:24 am

But what do you need them for? I guess it is to ensure compatibility with "DBs Weighted Gold Plus". If so, is there a possibility that you can use "RunScriptLine "set GoldAdjustment.disabled to 1" (or a higher number) whenever you add gold to the player instead? This prevents GA from making any adjustment to any received gold for the next 1 second (or more if you set a higher number). This also has the advantage that I will guarantee compatibility for future versions of GA, while the miscAdjustment and coinValue may be changed in the future.

Good guess. Problem is, I want them for when gold is dropped, not when it's added. If miscAdjustment is set to 200 and the player drops 1000 gold, I want to actually drop 500. So when it's picked up, it'll become 1000 again.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:40 am

Good guess. Problem is, I want them for when gold is dropped, not when it's added. If miscAdjustment is set to 200 and the player drops 1000 gold, I want to actually drop 500. So when it's picked up, it'll become 1000 again.
Ok, so what you place in the world is real gold, not some special object from your mod? If so, I guess the best choice is to call RunScriptLine "set myQuest.myVar to GoldAdjustment.miscAdjustment" just before dropping it, each time you drop it.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:41 am

I guess so.

Thanks for the replies.

And thanks for the mod: only downloaded it to make my mod compatible, but I'm going to keep it for no haggle and the LE fix.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:07 pm has been updated to version 2.2.1.

Version 2.2 had errors in its ini file and its omod installation script. The combination could lead to an ini file that completely crashed Oblivion when the ini file was read.

And thanks for the mod: only downloaded it to make my mod compatible, but I'm going to keep it for no haggle and the LE fix.

Glad to hear it. I have big future plans for the mod, so big I think I will need to change its name :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:34 am

Wow, thanks for the very nice GA mod update! Now, I can use the quest dialog rewards without fearing the bank teller! lol. :)
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meg knight
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:03 am has now been updated to version 2.2.

It will probably take 15 minutes or so until it can be downloaded from TESNexus. I will add a post to the MMO thread then.

Wow, thanks for the very nice GA mod update! Now, I can use the quest dialog rewards without fearing the bank teller! lol. :)

Thanks. I actually ended up with keeping the bank mod installed myself :)
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:31 am has now been updated to version 2.2.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!?!?! Now I gotta update my Map Additions again. :bolt:

And yesssssssssssssss. New icons. :D
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