TheNiceOne's nice-to-have mods

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:59 am

Enhanced Economy 2.0 is now released. This is the successor of GoldAdjustment 1.13.1.

The new thread is found
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:23 am

So this is the thread to post general things.

Than this must be the thread where I have to thank you for all your fantastic mods,
adding so much immersion and simple beauty to the game.
Never want to start a game without your mods.

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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:44 am

I really like the two mods of yours that I am using: Realistic Sleep Extended and Realistic Fatigue. Question about map markers: Can this mod be used with any map? I particularly like Roads & Trails.
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john page
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:00 pm

Just started TOTF and quickly realised that I started at too low a level so your TOTF delayer is welcome. thanks.

Think i`ll try this Map Mod thing too because I hate icons on the map unless it would be realistically there ( a known town, etc) or I actually find it. I have already wiped out the compass completely from the game anyway. I hope it doesn`t conflict with Darnified.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:09 am

Than this must be the thread where I have to thank you for all your fantastic mods,
adding so much immersion and simple beauty to the game.
Never want to start a game without your mods.

Thanks. It is really appreciated :)

I really like the two mods of yours that I am using: Realistic Sleep Extended and Realistic Fatigue. Question about map markers: Can this mod be used with any map? I particularly like Roads & Trails.
Well, Realistic Fatigue is ABO's mod, but I do agree that it is a must-have. And yes, Map Marker Overhaul is map-independant as far as I know. I use the Elven Map Redux myself, but in my current game I'm in Windfall, which uses a completely new map for its own worldspace, and MMO works fine there too.

Think i`ll try this Map Mod thing too because I hate icons on the map unless it would be realistically there ( a known town, etc) or I actually find it. I have already wiped out the compass completely from the game anyway. I hope it doesn`t conflict with Darnified.
No conflict with Darnified, which I use myself :)
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michael danso
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:51 am

Enhanced Economy is now updated to v. 2.0.1, so the OP is updated.

Read more about the details
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:44 am

hey theNiceOne!
re: pausing eat and sleep calculation
i think, we can automatically check when a 3rd-party mod puts forward time.
this removes the need for their mod to set a flag for survival mods (i.e. RealSleepExtended) to check whether eat and sleep requirements should be applied to the player.

if the survival mod keeps track of changes in time regularly,
it can assume that a change in time that is irregular or too great is due to a mod that put forward time.
set timeNow := GameHours + GameDays * 24...if timeNow - lastTime > expectedTimePerInterval	;mod must have put forward timeendif

note that "expectedTimePerInterval" is arbitrary and will depend on "fQuestDelayTime" of the quest.
if the survival mod expects time-changes to occur per hour, then a change of more than that (or a little bit more (e.g. 110% more) to play it safely) must be due to a mod putting forward time.
in this, case then the survival mod may reset its eat and sleep calculation and not apply the penalties of having no food or sleep in the time that was lost.

anyway, just a heads up for you.
this method seems to work for me. :)
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Saul C
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:07 pm

hey theNiceOne!
re: pausing eat and sleep calculation
i think, we can automatically check when a 3rd-party mod puts forward time.
this removes the need for their mod to set a flag for survival mods (i.e. RealSleepExtended) to check whether eat and sleep requirements should be applied to the player.
Good idea, and since RealSleepExtended runs pretty often in gamemode (in order to catch the activation of any bed) it will be easy to tell if the time has been put forward too. I only need to have a special case for resting, but that's easy.

Btw, since you are one of the other creators of dynamic timescale mods, have you noticed the change I made in the last version of the Automatic Timescale part of RSE? It looks out for special stages of two special vanilla quests and keeps the timescale steadily at 30 during this time, since those quests may stop working correctly with any other timescale. Feel free to look at the code and do something similar if you haven't done already.
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:19 am

Map Marker Overhaul is now updated to version 2.3. Main discussion thread can be found
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:58 am

Btw, since you are one of the other creators of dynamic timescale mods, have you noticed the change I made in the last version of the Automatic Timescale part of RSE? It looks out for special stages of two special vanilla quests and keeps the timescale steadily at 30 during this time, since those quests may stop working correctly with any other timescale. Feel free to look at the code and do something similar if you haven't done already.
thanks for the heads up, theNiceOne!
i've now set those two quests to always have a timescale of 30!
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:43 am

Another update. v 2.0.2. is now available.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:53 am

Thanks for the EE update! :)
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:47 am

Two new updates: is updated to 1.1 is a standalone version of the dynamic timescale feature found in Real Sleep Extended.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:03 am

hey theNiceOne.
a question:
does GoldAdjustment (i haven't updated yet to the OBSE0018 so i can't use your Enhanced Economy)
and Enhanced Economy manually control the increases to the player's Mercantile skill?

if not, ignore this question.

if so, then it may be playing havok with the skill when there are penalties applied to it.
e.g. Mara's disfavor from Vows and covenant has an active Mercantile penalty applied with an enchantment (i.e. not as a ModActorValue).
and in my game, when i have that penalty while i barter, my Mercantile skill progress becomes broken.
with darkUI: my progress will show 154% (or some high arbitrary number), my skill at 5 (which is correct), penalties -7 (which is correct).
and at one time after bartering, my skill turned into Master-level. from 5 skill points to 255 points.
so my overall character level jumped form 13 to 28!

anyway, just a query.
cheers, theNiceONe!
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lillian luna
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:01 am

hey theNiceOne.
a question:
does GoldAdjustment (i haven't updated yet to the OBSE0018 so i can't use your Enhanced Economy)
and Enhanced Economy manually control the increases to the player's Mercantile skill?
No, it doesn't edit the player's (or merchant's) skills at all, merely read them. As I wrote somewhere else, that is one of the features of Living Economy I deliberately chose not to have, as it is better left for dedicated mods, like Progress.

if not, ignore this question.
Done ;)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:18 am

Thank you very much for your omod installation scripts. They are highly appreciated.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:34 am

hey theNiceOne...if so, then it may be playing havok with the skill when there are penalties applied to it....

No, it doesn't edit the player's (or merchant's) skills at all, merely read them. As I wrote somewhere else, that is one of the features of Living Economy I deliberately chose not to have, as it is better left for dedicated mods, like Progress....

found the bug.
it is actually caused by the 65k gold merchant bug.
when that occurs, and the player continues to barter, their mercantile stats break.

the work-around is:
1. keep an eye on the merchant's gold
2. when it becomes 65k, exit the barter screen
3. it is safe to buy/sell again from the dialogue screen.

but if this has been fixed in Enhanced Economy, its all good. :D
(i really have to install obse0018.)

just a heads up! :)
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sally coker
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:48 pm

For the MMM OMOD installer, when in your instructions it says "extract to a MMM folder on your PC", do you mean just make a folder and extract them there? Or am I extracting them into an already existing folder?

Also, when it says "No need to extract this folder" in your instructions, can you please explain what you mean exactly. Sorry for the questions, but I am rather excited about finding an easier way to install MMM alongside OOO.

Also, in your instructions, when it says on number 12 where it says "in OMOD creator window click 'add folder'" what folder am I adding? The MMM one? :embarrass:
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Olga Xx
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:37 am

found the bug.
it is actually caused by the 65k gold merchant bug.
when that occurs, and the player continues to barter, their mercantile stats break.
Yes, Living Economy's 65K bug may do that.

the work-around is:
1. keep an eye on the merchant's gold
2. when it becomes 65k, exit the barter screen
3. it is safe to buy/sell again from the dialogue screen.

but if this has been fixed in Enhanced Economy, its all good. :D
(i really have to install obse0018.)
Yes, Enhanced Economy has dynamic barter gold, and without any 65K bug. I can of course not guarantee that it's completely bug-free yet, but I found the cause of the 65K bug in LE, and am sure that I didn't repeat that.

For the MMM OMOD installer, when in your instructions it says "extract to a MMM folder on your PC", do you mean just make a folder and extract them there? Or am I extracting them into an already existing folder?
To any empty folder of your choice.

Also, when it says "No need to extract this folder" in your instructions, can you please explain what you mean exactly. Sorry for the questions, but I am rather excited about finding an easier way to install MMM alongside OOO.
I mean that you only need to download the archive and not to extract it with winrar, or whatever you use, e.g. just keep the .7z (or .rar) file on your HD without extracting it.

This is because OBMM has an "Add archive" function where you select such an archive. If you extract such an archive to a normal folder, you can use the "Add folder" command instead, but this is just an unnecessary step.

Also, in your instructions, when it says on number 12 where it says "in OMOD creator window click 'add folder'" what folder am I adding? The MMM one?
Ouch, an error has crept into the instructions at TESNexus. It is correct at the discussion thread though, where it says:
11. In the "omod creator" window, click "Add folder"12. Choose your extracted MMM folder and click "OK"

So yes, you're supposed to add the MMM folder :)

It will be easier when the next full version of MMM is released, as the omod installation script is supposed to be included as part of MMM then.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:42 am

Looking at the example in the ini does this setting mean that the merchants skill in mercantile is more than twice as important as the player skill? But being higher than original does not the merchant raise his own price when buying? What i would like is to have the merchants mercantile raised in general and saw this as one possibility.

; Set the factors that decide whether min, max or somewhere in between is used. The numbers decide the factors strengths
; Default (4-4-2) means that the Merchant's and the Player's mercantile skills each counts twice as much as the Merchant's disposition
set tnoEE.merchantFactor to 5
set tnoEE.playerFactor to 2
set tnoEE.dispositionFactor to 2

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:20 am

Looking at the example in the ini does this setting mean that the merchants skill in mercantile is more than twice as important as the player skill?
Default settings (and what's used in Enhanced Economy's ini file is that the player's and the merchant's mercantile skills have the same importance (4).

But being higher than original does not the merchant raise his own price when buying? What i would like is to have the merchants mercantile raised in general and saw this as one possibility.
I'm not sure I understand what you ask here. By increasing merchantFactor (the merchant's mercantile skill importance), you'll get better deals from merchants with low skill and worse deals from merchants with high skill. It doesn't affect the merchants' skill, but affect the importance of it.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:11 pm

Great, that is what I wanted to hear. My brain must still be fuzzy after last night because I didn't really see that with the math example - I really ought to have used the formula rather than just look at it. Maybe a bit of food will help kick-start a brain.... yes food sounds nice.

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Nancy RIP
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:32 pm

Yes, Living Economy's 65K bug may do that.
ahhh cool!
i didn't know it was from LE.
LE being such a part of my game since i started playing, i totally forgot about it being a modifier to Mercantile skills.
sorry, theNiceOne.
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:44 am

Thanks for the help!

One more question unfortunately.

I followed instructions, and created the OMOD and began selecting the plugins for MMM (ie Spawn Rates, ect, ect). When I had done all of that, the little box next to my MMM OMOD is blue showing its activated, but I have no .esp (or the .esm for that matter) options in my load order.... Is it supposed to be like that or did I mess up? :(

And after launching Oblivion, it never even got to the words "Bethesda", as it just went black, then back to my desktop, making me think it's the lack of the master file.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:24 am

One more question unfortunately.

I followed instructions, and created the OMOD and began selecting the plugins for MMM (ie Spawn Rates, ect, ect). When I had done all of that, the little box next to my MMM OMOD is blue showing its activated, but I have no .esp (or the .esm for that matter) options in my load order.... Is it supposed to be like that or did I mess up? :(
It doesn't sound correct. Did the install script complain that it didn't find some files during the installation? It does so if the file structure of the omod is incorrect. What could have happened is that you extracted some of the files into the MMM folder into a sub-folder instead of directly into the folder.

So go and check the MMM folder you created. Are all .esp/.esm files directly inside it, or are some in sub-folders inside it? If some are in sub-folders then you need to move the files up to the main MMM folder. Similarly, if any of the "textures", "meshes", "Sound" etc. folders are within sub-folders, they must be moved up to the MMM folder too.

If you right-click on the omod and select "Edit omod" and then wait for the omod creation window again, you will see a list of all the plugins that are part of the omod. If any of those are listed within sub-folders, you have got it wrong.

And after launching Oblivion, it never even got to the words "Bethesda", as it just went black, then back to my desktop, making me think it's the lack of the master file.
Yes, it sounds like that. So check the folder structure and report back.
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