Map Marker Overhaul
* Click on any map marker to add a freely named tag (like [strong enemy])
* You can change state of most marker types, to add a superscript E (entered) or C (completed) to the icon
* Oblivion gate markers changes to a closed gate symbol (or disappears) when the gate is closed
* Includes eight different map marker icon designs for you to choose from
* Lets you control the distance map marker becomes visible in the HUD, or placed on the map
* Moves map markers closer to the place they mark, important if you reduce the marker visibility distances
* Adds map markers for all the game's Ayleid Wells, Magical Stones, Wayshrines, player-owned houses and Obelisks of Order, with completely new and unique icons
* Replaces more generic map marker icons with icons for docks, castles, houses, farms, stables, merchants and more
* Has several immersive map options for players who don't want the map to lead you by the hand
* Lets you control how far and how much you can use Fast Travel
* Can export changed/added map markers to backup file, and then later import them
Last version 3.8 - Nov 16 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389
Enhanced Economy
Makes the economic game much more immersive.
* Merchants' gold is now changed dynamically, both by your trades and due to other customers.
* Adds quests for most of the merchants in each city
* Lets you control the difficulty of the economic game.
* Removes the haggle slider and computes correct haggle values for you - or
* Can Restrict the number of times you can attempt to haggle in order to make it more immersive
* Dynamically change item prices depending on city and merchant type
* Lets you easily change the base price of items in the game
* Can change the Journeyman and Master Mercantile perks, for a more demanding game
* Can let mercantile skill leveling depend on value of items and not only number of items sold.
* Has the option of reducing the amount of (enchanted) items found, for those wanting a harder game.
* Has a global economy factor that is affected by the Oblivion crisis.
* Can adjust the barter values of enchanted items and user-made potions
* Can adjust the cost of all services.
* Can adjust buyable house prices.
* Can add weekly house tax to pay in each city.
* Can make it illegal to loot dead guards or other friendly NPCs, containers in cities, or plants/containers close to farms.
* All optional, and very easy to install.
Last version 5.1 - Dec 01 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25078, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5456
Real Sleep Extended
Real Sleep's most advanced and most tweakable successor. Includes features like:
* Endurance helps you stay longer awake and reduce the amount of sleep needed.
* Agility helps you sleep better when not sleeping in beds.
* Willpower helps you sleep better outside.
* Sleep is affected by time of day - including best sleep during the day for vampires.
* Can be set up to role play rangers that sleep best outside, in bedrolls.
* Pick up and carry any bedroll.
* Drink coffee to make you less tired for a while.
* The mod can also automatically adjust timescale depending on what you do and where you are
* All optional, and very easy to set up.
Last version 2.5 - Oct 01 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24649, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5170
Enhanced Hotkeys
More and better hotkeys:
* Assign items up to 40 hotkeys, with up to 4 'wheels' for a total of up to 160 hotkeys!
* You can freely decide the number of hotkeys (max 40), and the layout of the hotkey menu.
* Freely assign any keyboard button or mouse button to any hotkey.
* Allows auto-casting of spells. Cast one or more spells by tapping a hotkey, without changing your current spell.
* Assign more than one item to the same hotkey, for cycling through the items or casting them all at the same time (if spells).
* All 40 hotkeys and their bound items can be viewed and easily changed.
* Will equip all arrows of a type if bound to a hotkey.
* Has special hotkey items for unequipping any weapon, or equipping bow+arrows.
* Has gear hotkey items for equipping many items by one hotkey tap.
* Improved User Interface.
Last version 2.1.1 - Dec 05 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34735,
Display Stats
Displays hidden stats of weapons/armor in the item popup menu when your mouse points at an item in the inventory/container/barter menus. The stats that can be shown, are:
* Health: Durability of weapon/armor. The health value normally displayed is only the percentage of this.
* Speed: Speed of weapons. Higher speed means faster attacks.
* Reach: Reach of weapons. Longer means easier to hit enemies.
* Base damage: Base damage of weapon.
* Damage rate: Base damage multiplied by speed.
* Ignore resistance: True for weapons that ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects.
* Armor: Base armor factor for armor. This is how much a 100% health item adds when your skill is 100.
You can tweak settings in the ini file (data\Ini\Display Stats.ini). For each stat, you can set whether it is always hidden, always displayed, or only displayed when a display key is held down. You can also set which key to use as display key (default 'S'). For Ignore resistance, you can also set it to only display for weapons that ignore resistance.
Last version 1.3.1 - Nov 19 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31855
HUD Status Bars
Let you adds new status bars anywhere in your HUD.
By default, adds an encumbrance bar above the health bar and a weapon charge bar above the weapon icon - and a few others
Very easy to set up what to display, and placement of bars
Can also easily display text
The mod places the bars correctly relatively to your other HUD elements for you.
Last version 2.0.1 - Nov 09 2010: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34905
Dynamic Map
Makes the world map reflect your installed mods. It reads your active mod list, and modifies the world map accordingly, by placing sub-map components for the supported mods, onto the main world map so it looks exactly like the world map was made that way.
It also adds zoom to the worldmap, through 3 keys. One key to zoom out, one to zoom in and one to reset to default zoom.
New: Last version 2.0 - Jan 27 2011: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35969
Soulgem Magic
Makes soulgem change price according to soul level you fill it with, and let you fill multiple souls in one soulgem or prevent it from getting filled with inferior souls.
Last version 1.0 - Oct 25 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35393
Useful Houses
Makes houses more useful, by adding penalties to repair and alchemy when not in owned houses, and bonuses when in owned houses.
Improves repair functionality
Last version 2.0 - Nov 24 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32365
Lightweight Potions
Do you think its stupid that the weight of a potion is dependent of the ingredients used to make the first potion of that type? I do. That's why I made this mod which automatically makes every player-made potion weight exactly the same. Default is 0.2, but you can change this to 0.0 or whatever you want.
Last version 1.1 - Sept 25 2009: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25714
Automatic Timescale
Automatic Timescale changes the game's timescale dynamically, depending on where you are and what you do. You have complete control over which states that should affect timescale and the timescale in each state (running, walking, riding, swimming, sneaking, fighting, not moving, or being inside).
This mod is also included as part of Real Sleep Extended, so use that if you want the automatic timescale with the sleep mod.
Last version 1.1.1 - May 27 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27352
Level Based Health
Calculates your base health depending on your current level, and nothing else (no Endurance dependency). You decide your level 1 health, the additional health gained per level, and an optional maximum health. This lets you easily set up the game to give the difficulty you want without having to adjust the difficulty slider as you level up.
Last version 1.0: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26409
Tears of the Fiend Delayer
A patch to Tears of the Fiend 1.2.2, that delays Pellew's visit to a time you may be strong enough to survive.
Last version 1.0: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25346
MMM omod Installer
This is an MMM installer for OBMM that makes MMM installation easy, by ensuring that only the correct files are installed, depending on your setup and choices.
Last version 1.6.1 - Nov 03 2009: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24646, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5583
FCOM omod Installer
This is an FCOM installer for OBMM that makes FCOM installation easy, by ensuring that only the correct files are installed, depending on your setup and choices.
Last version 1.1 - Nov 29 2009: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24647, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5584
Race Balancing Project omod installer
Omod installation script for Race Balancing Project 10.5
Last version 10.52 - Dec 14 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25266
LAME omod Installer
Omod installation script for Less Annoying Magic Experience
Last version 1.0: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25267
RAEVWD omod Installer
Omod install script for Really AEVWD and for RAEVWD SI Edition.
They let you choose which types of meshes to install, for those of you who don't have the PC to run them all.
Last version 1.9 - Dec 14 2010: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24701