TheNiceOne's nice-to-have mods

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:08 am

This thread is an overview of my mods. If you want to post about a specific mod, please use its thread, as linked to below. A more general post is of course welcome here. :)

Map Marker Overhaul
* Click on any map marker to add a freely named tag (like [strong enemy])
* You can change state of most marker types, to add a superscript E (entered) or C (completed) to the icon
* Oblivion gate markers changes to a closed gate symbol (or disappears) when the gate is closed
* Includes eight different map marker icon designs for you to choose from
* Lets you control the distance map marker becomes visible in the HUD, or placed on the map
* Moves map markers closer to the place they mark, important if you reduce the marker visibility distances
* Adds map markers for all the game's Ayleid Wells, Magical Stones, Wayshrines, player-owned houses and Obelisks of Order, with completely new and unique icons
* Replaces more generic map marker icons with icons for docks, castles, houses, farms, stables, merchants and more
* Has several immersive map options for players who don't want the map to lead you by the hand
* Lets you control how far and how much you can use Fast Travel
* Can export changed/added map markers to backup file, and then later import them
Last version 3.8 - Nov 16 2010:

Enhanced Economy
Makes the economic game much more immersive.
* Merchants' gold is now changed dynamically, both by your trades and due to other customers.
* Adds quests for most of the merchants in each city
* Lets you control the difficulty of the economic game.
* Removes the haggle slider and computes correct haggle values for you - or
* Can Restrict the number of times you can attempt to haggle in order to make it more immersive
* Dynamically change item prices depending on city and merchant type
* Lets you easily change the base price of items in the game
* Can change the Journeyman and Master Mercantile perks, for a more demanding game
* Can let mercantile skill leveling depend on value of items and not only number of items sold.
* Has the option of reducing the amount of (enchanted) items found, for those wanting a harder game.
* Has a global economy factor that is affected by the Oblivion crisis.
* Can adjust the barter values of enchanted items and user-made potions
* Can adjust the cost of all services.
* Can adjust buyable house prices.
* Can add weekly house tax to pay in each city.
* Can make it illegal to loot dead guards or other friendly NPCs, containers in cities, or plants/containers close to farms.
* All optional, and very easy to install.
Last version 5.1 - Dec 01 2010:,

Real Sleep Extended
Real Sleep's most advanced and most tweakable successor. Includes features like:
* Endurance helps you stay longer awake and reduce the amount of sleep needed.
* Agility helps you sleep better when not sleeping in beds.
* Willpower helps you sleep better outside.
* Sleep is affected by time of day - including best sleep during the day for vampires.
* Can be set up to role play rangers that sleep best outside, in bedrolls.
* Pick up and carry any bedroll.
* Drink coffee to make you less tired for a while.
* The mod can also automatically adjust timescale depending on what you do and where you are
* All optional, and very easy to set up.
Last version 2.5 - Oct 01 2010:,

Enhanced Hotkeys
More and better hotkeys:
* Assign items up to 40 hotkeys, with up to 4 'wheels' for a total of up to 160 hotkeys!
* You can freely decide the number of hotkeys (max 40), and the layout of the hotkey menu.
* Freely assign any keyboard button or mouse button to any hotkey.
* Allows auto-casting of spells. Cast one or more spells by tapping a hotkey, without changing your current spell.
* Assign more than one item to the same hotkey, for cycling through the items or casting them all at the same time (if spells).
* All 40 hotkeys and their bound items can be viewed and easily changed.
* Will equip all arrows of a type if bound to a hotkey.
* Has special hotkey items for unequipping any weapon, or equipping bow+arrows.
* Has gear hotkey items for equipping many items by one hotkey tap.
* Improved User Interface.
Last version 2.1.1 - Dec 05 2010:,

Display Stats
Displays hidden stats of weapons/armor in the item popup menu when your mouse points at an item in the inventory/container/barter menus. The stats that can be shown, are:
* Health: Durability of weapon/armor. The health value normally displayed is only the percentage of this.
* Speed: Speed of weapons. Higher speed means faster attacks.
* Reach: Reach of weapons. Longer means easier to hit enemies.
* Base damage: Base damage of weapon.
* Damage rate: Base damage multiplied by speed.
* Ignore resistance: True for weapons that ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects.
* Armor: Base armor factor for armor. This is how much a 100% health item adds when your skill is 100.
You can tweak settings in the ini file (data\Ini\Display Stats.ini). For each stat, you can set whether it is always hidden, always displayed, or only displayed when a display key is held down. You can also set which key to use as display key (default 'S'). For Ignore resistance, you can also set it to only display for weapons that ignore resistance.
Last version 1.3.1 - Nov 19 2010:

HUD Status Bars
Let you adds new status bars anywhere in your HUD.
By default, adds an encumbrance bar above the health bar and a weapon charge bar above the weapon icon - and a few others
Very easy to set up what to display, and placement of bars
Can also easily display text
The mod places the bars correctly relatively to your other HUD elements for you.
Last version 2.0.1 - Nov 09 2010:

Dynamic Map
Makes the world map reflect your installed mods. It reads your active mod list, and modifies the world map accordingly, by placing sub-map components for the supported mods, onto the main world map so it looks exactly like the world map was made that way.
It also adds zoom to the worldmap, through 3 keys. One key to zoom out, one to zoom in and one to reset to default zoom.
New: Last version 2.0 - Jan 27 2011:

Soulgem Magic
Makes soulgem change price according to soul level you fill it with, and let you fill multiple souls in one soulgem or prevent it from getting filled with inferior souls.
Last version 1.0 - Oct 25 2010:

Useful Houses
Makes houses more useful, by adding penalties to repair and alchemy when not in owned houses, and bonuses when in owned houses.
Improves repair functionality
Last version 2.0 - Nov 24 2010:

Lightweight Potions
Do you think its stupid that the weight of a potion is dependent of the ingredients used to make the first potion of that type? I do. That's why I made this mod which automatically makes every player-made potion weight exactly the same. Default is 0.2, but you can change this to 0.0 or whatever you want.
Last version 1.1 - Sept 25 2009:

Automatic Timescale
Automatic Timescale changes the game's timescale dynamically, depending on where you are and what you do. You have complete control over which states that should affect timescale and the timescale in each state (running, walking, riding, swimming, sneaking, fighting, not moving, or being inside).
This mod is also included as part of Real Sleep Extended, so use that if you want the automatic timescale with the sleep mod.
Last version 1.1.1 - May 27 2010:

Level Based Health
Calculates your base health depending on your current level, and nothing else (no Endurance dependency). You decide your level 1 health, the additional health gained per level, and an optional maximum health. This lets you easily set up the game to give the difficulty you want without having to adjust the difficulty slider as you level up.
Last version 1.0:

Tears of the Fiend Delayer
A patch to Tears of the Fiend 1.2.2, that delays Pellew's visit to a time you may be strong enough to survive.
Last version 1.0:

MMM omod Installer
This is an MMM installer for OBMM that makes MMM installation easy, by ensuring that only the correct files are installed, depending on your setup and choices.
Last version 1.6.1 - Nov 03 2009:,

FCOM omod Installer
This is an FCOM installer for OBMM that makes FCOM installation easy, by ensuring that only the correct files are installed, depending on your setup and choices.
Last version 1.1 - Nov 29 2009:,

Race Balancing Project omod installer
Omod installation script for Race Balancing Project 10.5
Last version 10.52 - Dec 14 2010:

LAME omod Installer
Omod installation script for Less Annoying Magic Experience
Last version 1.0:

RAEVWD omod Installer
Omod install script for Really AEVWD and for RAEVWD SI Edition.
They let you choose which types of meshes to install, for those of you who don't have the PC to run them all.
Last version 1.9 - Dec 14 2010:
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Kevin Jay
Posts: 3431
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:29 am

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:31 am

========= MAP MARKER OVERHAUL 3.8 ============

Have you ever visited a ruin and been stopped by a locked door or a too powerful enemy, forcing you to turn with a firm intention of going back later - but then completely forgot which ruin it was?
Have you ever wondered if a cave on your map is one you have already visited and fully explored, or one you just peeked inside?
Have you ever wished you could add new map markers, or notes to the existing map markers to remember such things?
Have you ever wished the Oblivion map did not function as a modern GPS, but rather as an immersive map where you could actually get lost if you misread the map?

Map Marker Overhaul does this and much more:

* Add new map markers at the player's position - freely named and four unique icons to choose between
* Click on any map marker to add a freely named tag (like [strong enemy])
* You can change state of most marker types, to add a superscript E (entered) or C (completed) to the icon
* Oblivion gate markers changes to a closed gate symbol (or disappears) when the gate is closed
* Includes eight different map marker icon designs for you to choose from
* Lets you control the distance map marker becomes visible in the HUD, or placed on the map
* Moves map markers closer to the place they mark, important if you reduce the marker visibility distances
* Adds map markers for all the game's Ayleid Wells, Magical Stones, Wayshrines, player-owned houses and Obelisks of Order, with completely new and unique icons
* Replaces more generic map marker icons with icons for docks, castles, houses, farms, stables, merchants and more
* Has several immersive map options for players who don't want the map to lead you by the hand
* Lets you control how far and how much you can use Fast Travel
* Can export changed/added map markers to backup file, and then later import them

Map Marker Overhaul has a lot of options (as described further below), but don't let that scare you. It has an easily editable ini file that comes with sensible default settings, so you can just install it and play - and maybe look into settings later. It is also omod-ready, so if you install with OBMM, it will ask you a lot of questions and set the ini file up accordingly.


Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: Nov 16, 2010

OBSE v 19 (or newer) required!
Pluggy 128 or newer required to save or load map marker backup files!

========= Marker tags and states:

In the map menu, ctrl-click (configurable in ini) on any normal map marker to open a marker tag menu. From it you can add one of 8 existing tags, or ctrl-click on a tag to change its text, thus being able to write anything you want in the tags.

For most marker types you can also change its state from the marker tag menu. A state of E (entered) or C (completed) will display as a superscript E or C on the marker icon in the world map, thus easily letting you see the state of the marker. The state can either be set manually, or be linked to a tag, so that selecting the tag will also set the state.

Ex: Map Marker Overhaul comes with a predefined tag [done] that has the state C (completed) linked to it. If you select this tag for "Mingo Cave", its name will now display as "Mingo Cave [done]", and the cave icon will have a superscript C.

Tags and states can freely be changed/removed/readded from the marker tag menu.

========= Player-added markers:

When playing outside, tap "M" (configurable) to add a new map marker at your current position. You can choose between four different, unique flag icons, and the marker will be freely named. You can have maximum 100 such markers currently added to your game (and an additional 20 for Shivering Isles).

After having added such a marker, ctrl-click on it to open a menu from where you can change icon, rename or delete the marker.

========= Oblivion markers:

Oblivion gate markers are no longer static. When a gate is closed, its map marker changes to a closed gate symbol, or disappears (configurable). So now it is easy to see which gates that are still open. If you use a mod that lets Oblivion gates be open after the main quest is completed, the map markers of those gates will behave as if the gates are closed. If this is a problem, set tnoMMO.gateMode to 0 in order to have manual control of the gate markers.

========= New icons:

MMO replaces a lot of the more generic map marker icons with new, unique icons. This includes dock, castle, house, farm, stable, merchant, chapel, sewer, lost spire and lost step, both the vanilla map markers and map markers added by many different mods. The number of unique, different icon types has been increased from 11 (vanilla) to 31. MMO does this for many vanilla markers, and also for many existing mods.

If you have a mod that should use a new icon for a marker, just add it to the "Map Marker Overhaul - markers.ini" file, and that marker will be changed next time you start the game. Please report such changes to me, so that I can add them to the main ini file for all to use too :)

To use the new icons, MMO includes eight different icon designs for you to choose from:
1: Vanilla icons
2: Elven Map Redux icons
3: Adny's icons (tweaked)
4: Colored icons
5: Borderless icons
6: Vacuity's Copper Icons
7: Vacuity's Iron Icons
8: Vacuity's Gold+Silver Icons

========= New map markers:

MMO includes Landmarks with Wells by Phoenix Amon and Wrye, but uses new, unique icons for the Ayleid Wells, Magical Stones and Wayshrines! So uninstall Landmarks with Wells (or any similar mod). Each of the three are optional, so just disable the unwanted in the ini file if you think your map gets too cluttered. MMO also adds map markers with unique icons for Obelisks of Order from Shivering Isles.

MMO also adds map markers with a new single-house icon for player-owned houses, that becomes visible when you buy a house. If using OOO or Open Cities which add their own player-owned house markers, MMO uses the correct one of those instead.

========= Marker visibility distance:

In vanilla Oblivion, map markers become visible in your compass from the very long distance of 12000 (game units), and fully revealed from 1800. With MMO you can tweak those two distances, and also set a third distance - the distance that map markers get added to your map in the visbile, but no fast travel state.

Furthermore, MMO can also be set up to dynamically change those three distances depending on how high up in the terrain you are. For example, you can set that markers become visible in your compass at a distance of 3000 game units when at sea level, but increasing to 6000 game units when climbing up to Dive Rock or higher.

MMO can also move all vanilla map markers closer to the place they mark. Most map markers are 500-1000 units away from the place, something which makes it difficult to discover the marker if you have short and realistic discovery distances. With this option enabled, markers get moved much closer to the place they mark.

========= Fast travel restrictions:

Since clicking on a Map Marker is used to start Fast Travel, Map Marker Overhaul has three options for how to work in combination with Fast Travel:
0: Fast Travel is initiated with a left click as normal, while Map Marker Overhaul is activated by holding down control when clicking. This is the default option.
1: Map Marker Overhaul is initiated with a left click, while Fast Travel is activated by holding down control when clicking.
2: Map Marker Overhaul is initiated with a left click, while Fast Travel is completely disabled.
3: Fast Travel is initiated with a left click, while Map Marker Overhaul is activated with right click.

So with option 3, Fast Travel will be completely disabled in your game! But there is more: If Fast Travel is enabled, you can set up MMO to only allow Fast Travel for shorter distances, or for a limited amount/distance within a certain time. You can also set this limited fast travel to allow longer fast travel if you are on a horse or have high Endurance and Athletics stats.

========= Immersive map settings:

Map Marker Overhaul can hide the quest marker from the local map or both local and world map, and from the HUD compass. Hiding it from the local map only, is an immersive option where you get to see where you are supposed to go on the world map, but not lead by hand in the dungeons, especially when also hiding it from the compass.

MMO can also hide the player arrow and prevent the world map from opening centered on the player - it instead opens in the position you last had it. Combined, those features remove the un-immersive GPS functions of the world map, and makes it possible to actually get lost in the wilderness!

Finally, MMO has an option to not show newly found (or placed) map markers on the world map until you meet certain requirements. Without this feature, even if you get lost in the wilderness, as soon as you discover a new cave you've never seen before, its map marker gets placed on the world map, telling you exactly where you are. With this feature, the marker is shown in the compass as normal, but to see it in the world map, you must either ask a guard to place them correctly for you (for a small fee), or you must move close to a previously known marker, which means that you now know exactly where you are.

========= Map marker backup

With Pluggy 128 or newer installed, Map Marker Overhaul can save all your changed/added/found map markers to a backup file. 9 backup files are kept, the newest always being #1 etc. The first time a backup file is saved during a gaming session (restarting Oblivion) a new backup file is created. Thereafter, additional saves during the same gaming session will overwrite the newest file. You can make backup automatic or manual. If automatic, marker backup is saved after each time you add/change a marker. If manual, marker backup is only saved when initiated manually.

If backup is enabled, pressing "M" in gamemode will not automatically add a new marker, but let you choose between adding a marker, saving a marker backup file or loading a marker backup file. If you select to load one, you will see the file's save date/time before committing the load. If you do, all existing added/changed markers will be reset, and the ones found in the backup file will be used instead.

The marker backup files are stored in "Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\Map Marker Overhaul\", so if you want to copy marker changes from one computer to another, you can copy this folder.


Avoid other mods that add the same markers as MMO, as that will give you duplicate markers, with the exception of OOO or Open Cities that MMO handles. Map Marker Overhaul is incompatible with Oblivion Gate Map Marker Remover, since it contains similar functionality.

Some of Map Marker Overhaul's features are incompatible with Thieves Arsenal unless you also install Thieves Arsenal Compatibility patch (found on the TA site at TESNexus).

This mod is (as far as I know) compatible with all other existing mods.

========= New Map Marker Types

The mod currently defines the following new map marker types:
13: Ayleid Well
14: Wayshrine
15: Magical Stone
16: Spire
17: Obelisk of Order
18: House
19: Player marker (flag)
20: Player marker (Q flag)
21: Player marker (i flag)
22: Player marker (? flag)
23: Harbor/dock
24: Stable
25: Castle
26: Farm
27: Chapel
28: Merchant
29: Ayleid Step (old Ayleid ruin icon)
30: Shivering Isles gate
31: Sewer
40: Entered Cave
41: Completed Cave
42: Entered Ruin
43: Completed Ruin
44: Entered Fort
45: Completed Fort
46: Entered Mine
47: Completed Mine
48: Closed Oblivion Gate
49: Cleared Camp
50: Closed Obelisk
51: Entered Sewer
52: Completed Sewer

========= KNOWN ISSUES:

Player-added markers should NOT be added to special worldspaces, like the Oblivion realm, Henantier's dream world or the Painted World. Those markers will either not show up, or show up, but lead to problems if you try to use them for fast travel. Normal, mod-added worldspaces like Windfall is fine for player-added markers, but if adding a new player-marker to any other worldspace than Tamriel or Shivering Isles, the marker may not show up in your compass until after a save/reload (but is correctly shown on your map).

========= INSTALL:

The archive is OMOD-ready and BAIN-ready, so installing with OBMM or BAIN is preferred. OBMM is recommended since the mod comes with an installation script that lets you easily tweak the settings. For OBMM install, just create an OMOD, add the archive and answer yes to the warnings. If using BAIN, "Has extra folders" must be enabled, and check that the ini file is installed to the data\ini folder.

For manual install, copy the content of "00 Core" and the content of one "01 Icons" folder to your data\ folder. If you have SI, also copy "02 SI additions\Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp" to your data folder.

========= CREDITS:

* The mod is created by TheNiceOne, but would be impossible to make without the OBSE team who kindly added several new OBSE functions (and modified one existing function) on my request.
* Thanks to kyoma for help with icons as menu buttons, and for lots of xml help
* Thanks to shadeMe for his excellent ConScribe tool, which helps soo much during debug
* Thanks to Phoenix Amon and Wrye for Landmarks with Wells
* Thanks to xythen for Elven Map Redux Icons and for Borderless Map Icons
* Thanks to Adny for Adny's Map Icons
* Thanks to Brumbek for Colored Icons
* Thanks to Vacuity for Copper, Iron and Gold+Silver Icons
* Thanks to LazMonk for his Obelisks of Order Map Markers which helped me locate them all when I created the SI plugin
* Thanks to xbluedragonx for his Map Markers for Explorers and Adventurers which helped me relocate vanilla map markers
* Also thanks to Elys for her excellent Map Markers Be Done mod, which was the inspiration for this

========= CHANGELOG:

* Now requires OBSE 19 (or newer)
* Added option to hide quest marker from HUD compass
* Enhanced the option for hiding all map markers when starting a new game, to also automatically work for all alternate start mods
* Added a feature to read changed map markers for other mods from an ini file, and added this ini file: "Map Marker Overhaul - markers.ini"
* Added support for Open Cities Reborn Chorrol castle to the "Map Marker Overhaul - markers.ini" ini file
* Tweaked positions of some map markers

* Fixed one instance where Map Marker Overhaul would bloat the savegame with strings

* Added option to relocate vanilla map markers to be much closer to what they mark
* Fixed problem with trying to show unnamed map markers
* Improved detection of fast travel used for the fast travel options.

* Added new immersive marker detection feature
* Fixed problem with unreadable text in player marker icon choice menu for colored icons

* Fixed a bug that made Sewer icons lose their state (Entered/Completed) on savegame load
* Fixed problem with unreadable text in player marker icon choice menu for vanilla icons
* Increased max number of non-SI player-added icons from 30 to 100 (in addition to 20 for SI).
* Added full support for Open Cities Classic and Open Cities Reborn
* Fixed couple of typos in OBMM install script

* Vacuity's Copper, Iron and Gold+Silver Icons now have new sewer icon
* Tweaked Colored Icons, thanks to Brumbek
* Added Shrine of Kynareth marker if KoTN is installed.
* Removed one stone marker if Hoarfrost Castle is installed

* Added new unique sewer icon for the Imperial Island sewer markers
* Changed some map markers for the following mods: "ElsweyrAnequina.esp", "C&C - The Blackwood Company.esp" and "Castle_Seaview.esp"
* Changed Drakelowe marker from settlement to farm.
* Tweaked Closed Oblivion Gate icon colors
* Improved player icon chooser dialogue

* Backup of markers now also stores all Wayshrines, Wells, Stones and Obelisks you have detected, since those are part of this mod, and therefore will be lost if you make a clean save. Only those you've been close to since installing 3.5 will be stored.
* The Wayshrine of Mara outside of Anvil now gets its map marker removed when destroyed by an Oblivion gate.
* Added 20 player markers to be added to Shivering Isles, in addition to the 30 to add elsewhere.
* Fast travel attempts from interior location now gets the correct message.
* Added ini setting to force PCB (purge cell buffers) before fast travel.
* Added ini setting to increase allowed fast travel distance depending on Endurance and Athletics.
* Enhanced the stone ini setting, you can now set it to only display doom stone markers, rune stone markers or both.
* Added house marker for Gates to Aesgaard 2.
* Corrected shop marker for Scribe added by Lost Spires, when having OC Leyawiin Reborn installed.
* When changing state of map markers and then loading an earlier save, marker states now goes back to normal if pointed at.

* Added Fast Travel control. Now you can set up how much and how far you can use Fast Travel.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:52 am

========= ENHANCED ECONOMY 5.1 ============

Makes the economic game much more immersive. Merchants' gold is now changed dynamically, both by your trades and due to other customers. Lets you control the difficulty of the economic game. Removes the haggle slider and computes correct haggle values for you. Has the option of reducing the value or amount of enchanted items found, for those wanting a harder game.


Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: Dec 01, 2010

OBSE 19b (or newer) required.
MenuQue 6 required for part of the Real Values feature!
Download: or


Enhanced Economy is a complete overhaul of Oblivion's economic game, in order to achieve two goals: To make it more immersive, and to make it possible to adjust the economic difficulty to each player's taste. Dynamic Barter Gold can be tweaked, and all other features can be disabled or tweaked, so it is very easy to adjust the mod to your taste. The mod comes with a very comprehensive OMOD installation script, so you get to tweak it exactly as you like by answering some questions.

Main features are:
* Dynamic Barter Gold: Merchants don't have infinite gold, but receive/lose gold when you buy/sell items.
* Merchant Quests: Merchants will ask you for help to find items in caves/ruins that otherwise see little action.
* Haggle Overhaul: Disable Haggle menu and get automatically correct prices - or keep it, but with restriction on the number of haggle attempts.
* Real Values: Bartering are done at real values, and not rounded up. So an arrow worth 1 gold, sold at 30% will net you 0.3 gold, not 1.
* Local Economy: Item prices varies depending on the city and the merchant. A Smith will pay well for swords, but not for clothes. Also let you easily change the base price of variuous item types.
* Repricing: Lets you easily reprice individual items by editing/importing text files with price data. A number of such files included.
* Global Economy: The merchants' prices and willingness to trade is affected by the Oblivion crisis.
* Gold Adjustment: Adjust how much gold you get from quest or any other source.
* Item Removal: Reduce the number of enchanted items found in the game.
* Repricing: Reprices the buyable houses, Reduces the high values of enchanted loot. Reprices all services.
* House Taxes: Makes you have to pay tax for your houses.
* Value-based Mercantile Leveling: Gain more experience when selling expensive items (or group of items).
* Illegal looting: It is illegal to loot dead guards or other friendly NPCs, containers in cities, or plants belonging to farms.

All except the first are completely optional!

**** Dynamic Barter Gold ****

Merchants no longer have infinite gold: When you buy/sell something, the merchant's barter gold is adjusted accordingly. The merchant's barter gold also varies during the day, normally with less gold early in the morning, and more gold later when other customers have visited their shops.

You can easily adjust the amount of gold merchants normally have and the randomness factors involved, so you can get an easier game where merchants have twice as much gold as in vanilla Oblivion, or a game where the amount is very random.

The Dynamic Barter Gold feature is essentially similar to Living Economy's main feature, but with the following main improvements:
* Works for all merchants, also those added by mods like Bartholm, Blood&Mud and Thievery in the Imperial City
* No 65K bug! The merchant's will not suddenly start to have 65000 barter gold.
* More immersive barter gold. In LE, if you visted a merchant in the morning, and then came back in the evening, he would have exactly the same amount of gold. With EE, chances are that the merchant has received a good amount of gold from other customers.
* Higher compatibility with other mods due to changes in far less Oblivion.esm records

To completely reset the barter gold of all merchants, press "R" while in the Inventory (F2) menu.

You can also choose to disable the Journeyman Mercantile perk that lets you buy or sell any item with any merchant, and replace it with a perk that gives each merchant additional barter gold.

**** Merchant Quests ****

Most merchants in each city need help, and they need help from an experienced adventurer. Sell them enough loot so they understand that you are of the right stuff, and they will ask you for help. Each merchant you promise to help will add a new, semi-random quest. The merchant will tell you what item he wants you to find, and where he thinks the item can be found, rounded down to 2-4 different ruins/caves - among the places that see little or no action. The item can be found in any one container in one of the suggested places, but the actual place and container is determined randomly. So now you have a good reason to check out all those caves and ruins scattered around in Cyrodiil.

The merchant quests are grouped into one proper quest per city that will complete when you have helped all merchants looking for assistance in that city. Since there are so many combinations in the order to solve this, the quest stages in the quest log is quite generic. But if you click anywhere on the the quest log in the active quest tab, a message box with detailed quest info will be displayed.

When you bring the item back to the merchant, he will thank you, like you a bit better and give you a gold reward or better deals in all trades thereafter.

**** Local Economy ****

Local Economy changes item prices dynamically dependent on location and on merchant. This gives the player a reason to visit a Smith when to sell weapons, and a Clothier to sell clothes - and to sell pelts in Anvil where export prices are high, instead of Cheydinhal where there availability of pelts are higher than the demand.

* Location based prices: Different cities value items differently. The IC merchants have more money and higher general prices, value luxury items highly, but won't pay much for lower-class wares.
* Merchant based prices: A Clothier will no longer pay much for your weapons, and an Enchanter will only pay much for your weapons if they are enchanted. A Smith pay well for your weapons, but not very much for magical items.

Both Location based prices and Merchant based prices can be enabled individually, and you can also set their magnitude from 0 (disabled) to 1 (fully enabled). A Clothier trades clothes for 120% of normal value with magnitude of 1, but for 110% with magnitude of 0.5.

Local Economy is essentially similar to Living Economy's Items feature (except LE's quantity based prices), but with the following main improvements:
* Works for all merchants of a given type (ex Smith) - not only for vanilla merchants.
* Works for all items - not only for vanilla items. Now all the pelts added by FCOM or any other mod is repriced too.
* The prices are modified from the items' current prices, so any static repricing made by other mods will be used correctly.
* Has individual handling of special merchants. Ex: Maro Rufus's - being a light armor specialist - will pay more for light armor than other smith items.
* Clothiers will buy cloth even before you're a Journeyman.

Local Economy also has two special item lists: "Base adder" and "Base multiplier". Those are applied to every tradeable item in every city. Default is 0 for all base adders and 1 for all base multipliers. But if you want to make all clutter sellable with value at least one, you can change the "Misc" base adder to 1, and suddenly all misc items will cost 1 gold more, even those that previously cost 0 gold. If you think furniture cost too much, you can change the "Furniture" base multiplier to 0.5, and all furniture will now only cost half as much. Unlike the other Local Economy settings, the Base adder/multiplier will affect the prices shown when in inventory or loot menu, not only in the barter menu.

If Location based prices is enabled, most merchants can be asked about their prices, giving you a summary of the high and low prices in that area. You also can freely view and alter the local economy settings from the EE options menu that is opened by pressing "R" (default) from the Inventory menu.

**** Haggle Overhaul ****

Two modes: Auto Haggle or Immersive Haggle

Auto Haggle completely disables the haggle slider, and automatically gives you the correct barter value. Instead of the Haggle button, you have a Details button that gives you the details of what affects the prices.
You can choose the exact difficulty of the barter game, by freely setting the minimum & maximum buy & sell percentages that merchants will offer, dependin on your and the merchant's mercantile skills and the merchant's disposition.
The merchants' barter buy/sell minimum & maximum percentages are defined in the ini file. So you can choose vanilla settings (with a sell percentage from 30-90%), Cutthroat Merchant settings (10-95%), a hard setting (0-50%), a setting where merchants always give you full value (100-100%) or something else.
You can also decide whether masters in mercantile skill always trade at 100% value, or use the sellMax and buyMin values.
If you start using EE's Auto Haggle feature in an existing game, some merchants may have a haggle slider setting that will not accept trades. This is reset as soon as you open the Detail (Haggle) menu, so if an offer is refuced, just open and close this menu.

Immersive Haggle restrict the number of times you can haggle with a merchant per day (default 3). When this limit is reached, the merchant will no longer let you haggle. Alternatively (dependent on a setting), he will let you haggle, but heach additional haggle attempt will reduce his disposition by a percentage of his current disposition - and he will not accept any persuation to get it back up. You must then wait until the next day before you can haggle with (and persuade) that merchant again.
If the merchant doesn't accept more haggle attempts, the Haggle "OK" button disappears, and the "Cancel" button is the only option. If he accepts haggling with disposition penalty, the button changes to "OK!" and a message about reduced disposition is shown. In this state, clicking on the Persuation button will have no effect except a message stating that the merchant will not accept persuation.

**** House Prices ****

Enhanced Economy lets you decide the prices of the buyable houses in the game, including the one in Bartholm and the Shack outside Bravil added by Better Cities. This is done by adding the "Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp" of your choice. They range from between vanilla and OOO prices (around 2x vanilla prices), to 3 x OOO's prices (around 10x vanilla prices). So if you really want to work hard to earn enough money for your house, choose 000x2 or OOOx3. Note that the OOOx1 variant is intended for people not using OOO, but want OOO's house prices. There is no reason to use this patch with OOO (but it doesn't hurt either).

If having Bartholm installed, you also have 6 bartholm patches to choose between. The patch ensures that trading with Bartholms merchants works perfect, but also reprices the buyable house in Bartholm. I recommend selecting the Bartholm patch that matches the house pricing selected above.

For Better Cities, there is also a patch to reprice the buyable shack outside Bravil. Choose the patch that matches the other house prices.

**** House Tax ****

With Enhanced Economy you can enable a property tax feature. You set tnoEE.houseTax to 0 to disable house taxes, or to a positive value to enable it. The value is the house tax per week, as percentage of the value of the house. So if you set this to 0.5, you will have to pay 15,000x0.5/100 = 75 gold per week for the Cheydinhal house with vanilla house prices, and 70,000x0.5/100 = 350 gold per week with OOO prices. Note that Benirus Manor in Anvil is worth more than you paid for it, so the taxes will be higher as well (the same as for the Cheydinhal house).

The Waterfront shack and Better City's Bravil shack are excempt from taxes, but the Bartholm house is taxed.

When in a city where you own a taxeable house, you can ask any guard for your tax payment status, and pay him for as many weeks you like (and have money for). If you're behind with yor payment, the guards lock the door to your house and will not unlock it until you pay your overdue taxes.

**** Real Valuess ****

Real Values change bartering to be done with the real, non-rounded values. So if you sell items to a merchant for 20% of their value, an arrow worth 1 gold will net you 0.2 gold, and a cloth worth 5 gold will net you (5*0.2) = 1 gold - instead of both being sold for 1 gold, without this feature.

Normally, the engine rounds up the barter value of items to the nearest whole number, meaning that both the 1g arrow and 5g cloth will be sold for 1 gold. When I am loot hunting in caves I try to take the the stuff that have highest value/weight ratio. So if I have room for a weight of 2, taking a 5g/2w cloth seems better than taking two 1g/1w arrows. But when I sell it, I end up with 1 gold for the cloth and 1 gold for each of the two arrows, thus making the arrows the better deal. But with Real Values enabled, the arrows will only net you 0.2 gold each for 0.4 gold total.

Since the rounding up is hardcoded in the engine, you will see the rounded values in the barter menu. But the sell/buy confirmation menu will now display the correct value (with one decimal), and your gold will be correctly updated. If you sell arrows for 0.2 gold one by one, your gold will only increase for every 5th arrow you sell.

You can also make EE display the correct barter value of the currently highlighted item, by installing the MenuQue OBSE plugin (recommended). If not, the feature will still work, but only display the real value in the transaction confirmation menu..

**** Repricing ****

From Enhanced Economy's ingame menu, you will now have a choice of reading price files. This feature is dependent on Pluggy 128 or newer, so the menu choice will only be there if you have this installed. By selecting it, you will get a list of available price files. By selecting one, you get a new menu, displaying the selected price file's description and how many items that will be repriced if you click OK. If you do, those items will be repriced, and the new prices are stored in your savegame. You can read as many savegames as you want, but the last you read will always overwrite previous changes with the prices found in the last price file.

The price files are pure text files, and are found in "Data/Enhanced Economy". You can edit the files with a normal text editor, before reading them, in order to tweak what you want. Enhanced Economy comes with a set of price files. Most are the standard prices for Oblivion.esm plus various FCOM-related mods, but there are currently three price tweak files, "CreepyFellow's tweaks" that copies Living Economy's standard pricing scheme as created by CreepyFellow, "Mercer Meca's tweaks" that increase prices of books and makes all clutter worth something, and "MMM - reduced Reaper and Runeskull prices" that reduces the prices of runeskulls and reapers added by MMM.

**** Gold Adjustment ****

Enhanced Economy lets you adjust how much money you will receive in different situations as a percentage of the amount normally received. If you think quest rewards are generally too small, you can set it up to give you twice the amount of gold (or any other amount) from quest rewards - from any quest in any mod. If you think there is too much gold to be gained from looting, you can set it to only have half the amount of gold in containers you loot.

You can use Enhanced Economy to individually adjust the gold received in the following situations:
* In dialogues (quest rewards)
* In-game (quest rewards)
* Looting dead actors
* Looting containers
* Oickpocketing NPCs

You can also set the gold value of gold coins picked up ingame (one coin can be worth 0, 1, 2, 10 or whatever value you want).

**** Item Removal ****

Many players (myself included) think there are way too many enchanted, expensive items found when looting, so when I find a valuable enchanted ring there's just no exitement. Enhanced Economy therefore has an optional Item removal feature. With this, you set the chance of finding any individual type of item, in percent of the normal chance.

Ex: By setting ringAdjustment to 30, you will only find 30% of the normal amount of enchanted rings.

To not break quests, any quest items or scripted items will not be removed. If an item is removed, the mod writes its name and id to the console. So if you suspect an important item has been removed, open the console and check (or look in the log file). If you have many mods writing to the console, you can use Page Up to scroll. The mod can also write removal information to a log file stored in "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files\", provided you have Pluggy installed.

If you want back a removed item, or want to loot a special container/actor without getting any items removed, just hold down left shift while activating it. All items will then be visible for looting as normal, even items that were already removed if you eralier activated it without shift held down.

**** Global Economy ****

The global economy in Tamriel (but not in the Shivering Isles) will be affected by the Oblivion Crisis if you enable this feature. Negative factors will make mercants have less gold available and give you worse deals, while positive factors will make them have more gold and give better deals. Negative factors are assasination of the king, the attack on Kvatch and opening of random gates. Positive factors are destruction of gates and the end of the Oblivion crisis. Each factor is a percentage value.

If Auto Haggle is enabled, the sum will be shown in the Details (Haggle) menu. If the sum of the factors are -10, it means that a merchant which normally has 1000 gold available now has only 900 gold. If he otherwise sold items at 150% and bought at 80%, he will now sell at 165% and buy at 72%. If Auto Haggle is disabled, but place-dependent Local Economy enabled, it will function, but a negative value will reduce bot buying and selling prices and vice versa. If also place-dependent Local Economy is disabled, Global Economy will only affect the merchant's available barter gold.

**** Magical Item Repricing ****

The value of magical equipment that are enchanted by constant effects, can get very high, especially as many mods increase the value of constant magic effects in order to make enchanting more expensive, but with the side effect that all enchanted items become much more valuable. As an example, a 4% Chameleon enchantment will increase the item's barter value by 260 (base 65 x 4 without mods), by 2240 (base 560 x 4 if using OOO) or by 12000 (base 3000 x 4 if using L.A.M.E.). On the other hand, some effects can become cheaper; a Fortify Fatigue enhcantment is reduced if using L.A.M.E.

Enhanced Economy can combat the extremely high barter values of items enchanted with constant effects - without affecting the enchantment cost at the enchantment altars. You can choose whether the barter values will be based on the vanilla values, on the current value from installed mods, or on the lowest of the two for each separate enchantment. If no enhantment-altering mods are installed, the three choices all result in prices based on vanilla values.

Choosing vanilla or lowest, will be enough to reduce the extreme barter values (The 4% chameleon ring will get its barter value reduced from 12200 (L.A.M.E.) to 460, but there are also two additional factors. First, each magic effect's value is modified by "base to the power of magicPow", where magicPow is a value between 0 and 1. Ex: 3000^0.9 = 1347, 560^0.9 = 297, thus reducing the 4% chameleon enchantment barter value to 5388 (LAME) or 1189 (OOO). Setting this to 1, means no modification (since X^1 = X). Secondly, each value is multiplied by a magicMult factor, where again 1 means no modification.

A note of caution when enabling this feature: Both the enhchantment cost values and the reduced barter values are stored in your savegame, but will be updated every time you restart your game only. So if you 1. save a game with this feature on, 2. (de)installs some plugins that change the enchantment values, 3. Start Oblivion and load the savegame - then the new values will be applied correctly. But if you then, without restarting Oblivion, reloads the savegame saved in step 1, the old values will be applied. This will automatically correct itself again the next time you restart the game though.

**** Repricing of Services ****

Enhanced Economy lets you individually reprice the cost of: Bribes, Training, Repair, Recharge, Enchanting weapons, Enchanting armor/clothes/jewelry, Spellmaking, Spellbuying, and the value of user-made potions, with one setting for each. You can set Enhanced Economy to not control the prices, but if you let Enhanced Economy control, it will win over any other mod trying to control the same prices, regardless of load order. Repricing of enchanting armor/clothes/jewelry will only work if you have enabled Magical Item Repricing too.

**** Value-based Mercantile Leveling ****

With Value-based Mercantile leveling enabled, you will gain more experience by selling expensive items. The experience you gain is always a number of normal trade 'uses', and is therefore fully compatible with any mod that alters the level rate (OOO, Progress, etc.).

When trading something, the trade value is divided by current trade percentage to find the number of trade 'uses' this transaction equals. It will also be divided by a further modifier, a sell/buy modifier. So the formula is skill_use = transcation_value / (barter_percentage * trade_modifier). Setting the trade modifier to 2 will require twice as much value in the trade to gain same number of skill uses. This modifier can be selected individually for buying and selling.

This feature has two modes. In mode 1, the number of skill uses for each transaction will be rounded up, so every transaction will therefore be counted as at least one skill use. In mode 2 (recommended) there is no such rounding, so only the value counts.

Ex: sell modifier is 2, current sale percentage is 50 (divider = 100).
Selling 10 individual items for 2 gold each will give you 10 skill uses in mode 1, and 20/100=0.2 skill uses in mode 2.
Selling the 10 items in one transactions will give you 1 skill use in mode 1, and still 0.2 skill uses in mode 2.
Selling one items for 550 gold will give you 6 skill uses in mode 1, and 5.5 skill uses in mode 2.

**** Illegal Looting ****

It breaks immersion that containers in cities and plants/containers belonging to farms are free for you to take. Enhanced Economy's illegal looting feature does something with this, and makes it illegal to take those things. Some areas may have been overlooked, if you find an area with plants/containers that should be off-limit, please report and I will update the mod.

Enhanced Economy also has an option for making it illegal to loot dead guards or any friendly NPC. The Imperial Guards would not be happy to see their equipment looted and sold by anyone, so with the feature, these items are flagged as stolen when the player takes them from dead guards. Similarly, you can set the option to extend to all non-evil NPC, as it doesn't make too much sense that anyone is free to loot a dead citizen.

Holding down the legalLootKey (default: Semicolon, or the key to the right of L on non-English keyboards) will temporarily disable the illegal looting feature and allow you to legally loot it, which can be useful in case of special quest items, etc.


This mod is not compatible with any part of Living Economy, since Enhanced Economy replaces (almost) all LE features. The Value-based Mercantile Leveling feature is incomatible with other mods that makes mercantile progress dependent of sale value, and also incompatible with Oblivion XP which has its own leveling mechanism. Just don't enable this feature if using such mods.

There is full compatibility with za_bankmod - any gold withdrawn from the bank will be unaffected by Gold Adjustment. Gold added by other mods will be adjusted by Enhanced Economy's Gold Adjustment feature. But it is very easy for other OBSE-dependant mods to prevent this. By adding the line - RunScriptLine "Set GoldAdjustment.disabled to 1" - to your script on the line before any gold addition, Enhanced Economy will not adjust any gold received during the next second. This will not make your mod dependant on Enhanced Economy in any way.

Enhanced Economy installs its own version of Menus\Negotiate_menu.xml, something other mods (Darnified UI etc.) also does. It is important to use EE's version if you want to avoid flicker when starting to barter with a merchant.

Enhanced Economy is as far as I know, compatible with all other mods.


The mod is OMOD-ready, with an install script that sets all values and install correct files according to your choices, so installing with OBMM is adviced. It is also packed in a BAIN-ready format. If using BAIN, "Has extra folders" must be enabled.

For non-OBMM installation, copy the following to your Oblivion\data folder:
* The content of '00 Core'
* If using Auto Haggle, the content of '01 Auto Haggle Menus'
* If using Blood&Mud or Thievery in the Imperial City, the content of '10 Blood&Mud" or "11 Thievery'.
* If you want to control the prices of buyable houses, the content of one '20 House prices x...' folder.
* If using Barthold, the content of one '30 Bartholm - House price x...' folder
* If using Better Cities and you want a higher price for the Bravil Shack, the content of one '40 Better Cities - House price x...' folder

Before uninstalling Enhanced Economy, make sure that your last save was NOT while a merchant was active (in its dialog or barter menu). If so, that merchant's gold and item prices will not be reset. It is also very important to remove the installed "Menu\negotiate_menu.xml", if you don't, your haggle menu will be invisible and therefore seem to hang the game while it waits for you to click on the invisible close button.

========= UPDATE

When updating from an earlier version, you can follow the steps above, or just copy over the relevant esp(s) and make sure that ini file is updated.

========= CREDITS

The OBSE team for OBSE - an absolutely necessary tool for this mod
creepyfellow for the excellent Living Economy that is the inspiration for the dynamic barter gold and local economy features, and for his price tweaks.
kyoma for help with XML, with generic quest topic functionality and for MenuQue
shadeMe for the exellent ConScribe which is just necessary when debugging

========= CHANGELOG

* Moved definition of containers/NPCs that are immune from EE's container/loot handling, to an ini file: Enhanced Economy - Immune.ini
* Created support for illegal harvesting of plants added by mods, in an ini file: Enhanced Economy - Harvest.ini
* Created support for local price variations with dialogues in cities added by mods, in an ini file: Enhanced Economy - Location Prices.ini
* Added support for following mods: House Taxes and illegal harvest in Open Cities Reborn - Chorrol, Local prices (with price dialogues) in Rimmen, Illegal harvest in Faregyl.
* Made the illegal looting feature ignore gold, as that lead to some strange issues
* Made shells legal to harvest
* Moved silent voice sound folder to a separate folder to make it simpler to not install if using "Elys Universal Silent Voice", and made the OBMM installation script detect this and not install the silent voice folder then.

* Fixed a bug that prevented item removal to be handled at correct time if ownership of containers/flora was enabled
* Changed the illegal looting feature for dead guards, to also (optionally) apply for other friendly dead NPC
* Holding down the legalLootKey (default: semicolon) when activating a dead NPC or container/flora will now make it legal to loot

* Fixed a problem with (sometimes) incorrect transaction calculations when Real Values is enabled
* Made the merchant price dialogue optional through new ini setting (set tnoEE.disablePriceDialogue to 1)
* Made it illegal to loot plants with ownership set by Oblivion.esm (or other mods) if "tnoEE.ownership" is enabled
* Improved detection for required merchant haggle update, if Real Values is enabled with MenuQue installed
* Added check for OBSE 19

* Now requires OBSEv19
* Added dialogue to merchants, where they explain the local economy pricing system. So now you'll know where to get best prices for a ware (thanks to Locksley for much of the dialogue.)
* Added option to make it illegal to loot dead guards
* Added option to make it illegal to loot containers in cities, or plants/containers belonging to farms
* Merged dialogue fixes from the USIP
* Added barter pvssyr control to SI merchants
* Added Oblivion XP support - you will now gain XP for completing merchant quests
* Fixed Real Values bug that made you get full price even if the merchant had less gold
* Added potions to the Real Values feature, since OBSE 19 now calculate potion values correctly
* Added check for required merchant haggle update, if Real Values is enabled with MenuQue installed
* Added a message box that will popup the first time the quest stage of a merchant quest changes, to tell how to get extended quest log
* Fixed a bug with merchant's barter gold, and increased max gold to 50,000
* Removed the soulgem repricing feature, since this is now extended and moved to a separate mod (Soulgem Magic)

* Added Real Values feature
* Added Merchant Quests
* Removed the issue of not seeing all alchemy ingredients when bartering, if extraBarterGoldMaster or useMasterPerk was enabled
* Added price file that makes most Armamentarium items being valued similar to vanilla items (thanks to Bodevanlot)
* Made Enhanced Economy compatible with "Advanced Magecraft" and "Fashion Anvil"
* Added some OOO NPCs (Rinfal Vrethu, Astor Orontes, Lady of Embers) and container M15Kathutet to list of containers/actors that will be immune to Item Removal
* Improved Value-based Mercantile Leveling
* Various fixes
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Laura Ellaby
Posts: 3355
Joined: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:59 am

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:10 am

========= REAL SLEEP EXTENDED 2.5 ============

You need some sleep each day. If you stay awake too long, your attributes will be damaged as you grow tired.

Real Sleep Extended gives you the most immersive sleep experience possible by accounting for a lot of natural factors like time of day, place and bedtype when sleeping - and Endurance, Agility, Willpower and Vampirism affecting how fast you become tired and how effective your sleep is. Portable bedrolls and coffee drinks to help you stay awake are included.

Since this mod works best with a timescale other than default, it supports a dynamic timescale that can be set to automatically change depending on where you are and what you do. You have complete control over which actions that should affect timescale (running, walking, riding, swimming, sneaking, fighting, not moving, or being inside) and disable the mod's check for any of them by setting its value to 0.


Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: Oct 01, 2010
OBSE v 18 (or newer) required!
Download or


Real Sleep Extended (RSE) keeps track of how long you have been without sleep. When you've been without sleep too long, you become tired and your attributes start to get damaged - more the longer you stay awake. The damage is a percentage of each attribute's value, so even a low-level character can survive being somewhat tired. High Endurance makes you able to stay longer awake before getting tired.

When going to sleep, you will need more sleep the more tired you are, but RSE checks for a lot of factors in order to make this as immersive as possible:
* You need less sleep to catch up as your Endurance becomes higher.
* Time of day is very important (unless you play a thief character), where sleep at night is most effective. But the day/night cycle is inverted if you become a vampire, which sleep best during daylight.
* Sleep outside is less effective than inside, but high Willpower will make sleep outside more effective. Or you can be a ranger who sleeps better outside.
* Sleep in proper beds are better than bedrolls, which in turn are better than anything else, though high Agility makes the difference less. But this too can be tweaked for ranger types who may prefer bedrolls.

To help you combat the tiredness, you can pick up and carry any bedroll found in the game, or buy bedrolls from vendors that stock travel equipment. Bedrolls can be picked up by pressing a pickup key (default 'P', adjustable in the ini), or holding down a modifier key (default left shift) while looking at a bedroll. The bedroll can later be placed anywhere you want. Beware that if you place it in a non-safe place, you can expect someone else to take it. Beggars will often replace the bedrolls you took with new bedrolls for their own use, but won't get mad at you for taking theirs.
This bedroll feature is superior to any existing stand-alone bedroll mod, because it is the only that allows multiple bedrolls to be placed without causing savegame bloat, is the only that is fully compatible with See You Sleep and is the only where the beggars can place out new bedrolls where you took one.

You can also buy coffe drinks (named Kaffe) from most alchemists or inn owners. Drinking Kaffe will make you less tired for a while and drinking more than one cup will help even more, but beware: When the effect is gone, you end up even more tired than before, and don't expect the later cups to work as well as the first that day. Furthermore, your sleep will suffer if you go to sleep a short time after drinking Kaffe.

If you install my HUD Status Bars mod, your rested/tired state will be displayed in a bar similar to the standard HUD status bars.

Everything can easily be set up exactly as you like it, either by using the OBMM install script, or editing the ini file.


Default timescale in Oblivion is 30, which means that for each minute played, 30 minutes passes ingame. This is a bit high when using sleep (or thirst/hunger) mods, so many players set the timescale to a lower value (typically 10-15). If enabling automatic timescale in RSE's ini, RSE will adjust the timescale depending of whether you are: inside, sneaking, in combat, standing still, walking, running, riding or swimming - in addition to a default timescale.

If you don't want special timescale for one or more of the many cases, set its timescale to 0, and the mod will ignore it. E.g. if you set timeSwimming to 0, swimming will not affect your timescale, and default will be used if none of the others apply.

The mod will always choose the smallest non-default timescale if more than one case apply at the same time. E.g. if you set timeCombat to 10 and timeInterior to 5, the timescale will be 10 if in combat while outside, and 5 when inside, whether in combat or not.

The exception is if you invoke the fast wait timescale, by tapping the fast wait key (default 'P', adjustable in the ini). When tapping it, the timescale will be set to timeWaitFast timescale (default 60), and increased by this amount for each tap of the key. Thus tapping P three times will set the timescale to 180. As soon as you move or start combat, the timescale goes back to normal. Also, if fast travel timescale is enabled, that timescale will always be used for fast travel (thus affecting the time used).


This mod is generally fully compatible with everything, with a few notes:

This mod is generally fully compatible with everything, with a few notes:

* Real Sleep Extended can even be used together with other sleep mods, but you will probably not want to.
* Real Sleep Extended is fully compatible with Kuertee's Alternatives to death and reload (, and any other mod that stops sleep requirement by setting the global variable EatDrinkSleep to 0.
* See You Sleep mentions being incompatible with Sleep mods, but Real Sleep Extended checks for it and is 100% compatible. You will even get full See You Sleep-animation when sleeping on portable bedrolls.
* The Automatic Timescale feature will override any mods that statically set the timescale (ex: Frans). It is incompatible with other mods that automatically changes the timescale. If used together with such mods, you must disable the variable timescale feature of this mod (set RSE.timeAdjustment to 0), or the other mod. It is however compatible with the Ayleid Steps that requires a timescale of 30 during certain quest stages. Real Sleep Extended detects this and lets the timescale be 30 in this situation.


* You (as the player) have an optimal wake time (herafter called OWT), which is the longest you can stay awake before getting tired.
* All your attributes will decrease as you get more tired. How, and how fast they decrease can be controlled in the ini.
* You can choose between decreasing all attributes the same amount, or a percentage of each attribute.
* By default, each attribute decreases by 0.75 of its base value per hour - thus with Strength of 60, the strength will decrease by 1 for every second hour of tiredness.
* Health & fatigue are not directly effected but your max health and fatigue will diminish as your stats are drained.
* So after 4 hours past the OWT awake, the attributes are all reduced by 3%. After 24hr (adjustable in ini) you don't get more tired however, so the reduction is capped at 18%.

* The OWT is controlled by two settings and your Endurance. The settings are minWake (default 8) and enduranceFactor (default 20).
* The OWT formula is minWake + enduranceFactor * Endurance / 100. So with Endurance of 50 and default settings, your OWT is 8 + 20 * 0.5 = 18.
* When you view the stats menu, a message appears telling you how much time you have until your OWT (if not passed it), or how long you have been sleepy (if past the OWT).
* When you click on a bed/bedroll, a message appears displaying how much sleep you need to be fully recovered.
* When you get tired, messages and a yawning sound appear to tell you that you need sleep, every ingame hour, so long as you are not in combat (if you are in combat, the message/sound will play once you leave combat)

* You can choose whether a Vampire needs sleep or not. When cured, you become as tired as if having stayed awake for 24hr.

* When sleeping, each hour asleep counts for a number of hours awake, depending on several factors, the main being your OWT.
* If the OWT is less or equal to 20hr, each hour of sleep counts for just enough to make a 24hr cycle. EX:
* If your OWT is 12, you need 12hr of sleep, thus each hour asleep counts for 1 hour awake.
* If your OWT is 18, you need 6hr of sleep, thus each hour asleep counts for 3 hours awake.
* If your OWT is 20, you need 4hr of sleep, thus each hour asleep counts for 5 hours awake.
* If the OWT is greater than 20hr, each hour asleep counts for 5 hours awake.

* Sleep during daytime is less effective for non-vampires. Sleep 8pm-11pm or 8am-11am have half effect. Sleep 11am-8pm have quartered effect.
* For vampires, it is the other way around, with 5am-8am or 8pm-23pm at half effect, and 23pm-5am at quartered effect.

* However, by the setting daySleeper to 1, sleep *Inside* is at full effect at any time of day or night for non-vampires. Set it back to 0 for default effect.

* Sleep outside is also less effective, but will be more effective the higher Willpower you have. It is also possible to tweak the ini to make sleep outside more effective than inside for ranger type roleplayers.
* Sleep in bedrolls is less effective and sleep outside both beds and bedrolls even more, but will be more effective the higher Agility you have. It is also possible to tweak the ini to make it the other way around for ranger type roleplayers.

* Adjustment for sleep outside, bed type and time of day are cumulative. So get your sleep in proper beds inside at night, if possible.

* You can sleep a bit longer than necessary before an extra tiresome day, and go 4 additional hours before starting to get tired.

* Disbale the mod by opening the console and write "set RSE.disabled to 1". Set it back to 0 to enable the mod. This, and all other, values will be overwritten by the ini setting on each savegame load.


Preferred: Use OBMM, as the archive is OMOD-ready and contains an installation script that makes it very easy to tweak the mod to your liking. Alternatively, copy everything except the "omod conversion data" folder and the readme to your Oblivion\data folder.

If you want to use my HUD Status Bars mod to display a status bar, install that mod, open its ini file and copy the three example Real Sleep Extended lines into one of the HUD bar lines.

When uninstalling RSE, make sure that it currently does NOT affects your attributes - either by sleeping until you're no longer tired, or by disabling the mod by typing "set RSE.disabled to 1" in the console. Then simply save, close the game and uninstall the mod. If the player was sleepy when you uninsyall, the negative effects of that will be stuck.

========= CREDITS

The OBSE team for OBSE
Dominic Watson for the original Real Sleep mod and Cipscis for Real Sleep Updated. Those mods are the main inspiration for Real Sleep Extended.

========= CHANGELOG

* Added HUD Status Bars support
* Removed Customisable HUD components support
* Set ownership of bedrolls to prevent NPCs from going to sleep on the bedroll where you already sleep.

* Message added when using fast wait
* Fixed error in OMOD installation script

* Added separate timescale for sitting
* Added separate timescale for fast travel
* Added fast wait functionality
* Changed the way bedrolls are picked up
* Added setting for weight of bedrolls
* Added check for stages in The Ayleid Steps where timescale should be kept to 30
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:25 pm

========= LIGHTWEIGHT POTIONS 1.0============

Do you think its stupid that the weight of a potion is dependant of the ingredients used to make the first potion of that type?
I do. That's why I made this mod which automatically makes every player-made potion weight exactly the same. Default is 0.2, but you can change this to 0.0 or whatever you want.


Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: July 10th, 2009

OBSE v 17 or newer required!


The mod runs once in a while and checks the weight of every potion you have, and sets the weight of every player-made potion to the same value. Default is 0.2, but this is controlled by the mod's ini file, or OBMM install script.

The mod can optionally reweigh potions NOT made by the player as well. This is off by default, but can be turned on in the ini file or OBMM install script. Note that Wrye Bash can do this as a tweak in the Bashed Patch, which is why this is off by default. If enabling it, this mod will override the Bashed Patch tweak, regardless of load order. Like the Bashed Patch tweak, it will not reweigh scripted potions or potions with initial weight of 1 or higher.


Create an OMOD of the archive and install with OBMM. The archive is OMOD-ready.

Alternatively, just copy "Lightweight Potions.esp" to your data folder, and Lightweight Potions.ini to your "data\ini" or "data" folder.


This mod is fully compatible with any mod I know about. It can go absolutely anywhere in your load order.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:14 pm

========= LEVEL BASED HEALTH 1.0 =========

Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne

OBSE v 17 or newer required!


This mod calculates your base health depending on your current level, and nothing else (no Endurance dependancy). You decide your level 1 health (minHealth), the additional health gained per level (healthPerLevel), and an optional maximum healt (maxHealth).

There are (at least) three reasons for using this mod:

1: You play a mage/ranger/thief character where you don't want to focus on training Block, Armorer or Heavy Armor to increase your Endurance. Normally, this will hurt you severly on higher levels since your Health will increase too slow, but with this mod you can have a normal health increase per level.

2: You want the game to be challenging and dangerous even on the higher levels. Normally, a player past level 20 or so has so high health that the game becomes too easy. Many players compensate by increasing the difficulty slider, but that has the drawback of needing to hit a high-health enemy endless times to kill it, since an increased difficulty reduces the damage you inflict. With this mod, you can set a low health increase per level, and/or a maximum health. Personally I have a maximum health of around 200, which means that I must always watch my health.

3: You think the game is too difficult while low-level. This can especially be the case if using OOO/FCOM. Instead of decreasing the difficulty, and then increasing it later when you gain some levels, you can set up this mod to give you a higher level 1 health, and then maybe a lower health increase per level to compensate. This is probably more immersive than manually increasing the difficulty slider again as you progress.


This mod is written to work well with, and override any other mod that calculates your health. So you can use this with any leveling mod without any problem. If another mod sets your base health, Level Based Health will immediately set it to its calculated value.

========= INSTALL

The archive is OMOD-ready, so installing with OBMM is preferred. Otherwise, install by copying "Level Based Health.esp" to your data\ folder, and copy "Level Based Health.ini" to "data\ini\" or "data\".
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:17 am

It seems the Gold Adjustment 1.13 archive is damaged. I can't open it with Winrar.

EDIT: C-C-C-Combo Breaker?!
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:13 pm

TheNiceOne's MMM OMOD Installer 1.6.1 and FCOM OMOD Installer 1.0

MMM OMOD Installer:,
FCOM OMOD Installer:,

New in MMM installer 1.6.1: Support for MMM 3.7b3 PR 3

I have made two OMOD Installation scripts for OBMM, one to install MMM and one to install FCOM. The scripts automatically installs the correct files depending on the mods you have installed. Where there are options, the script will let you choose, but it will only give you options that are valid with your current install.

The two installers are independant, if you're not interested in FCOM, the MMM installer is still useful for an MMM-only install.

The two installation scripts clock in at more than 800 script lines combined, so I cannot guarantee that there are no errors, but I have checked and re-checked them extensively. The only know problem is that the MMM installer failed to register MMM.bsa in my Oblivion.ini file. So if you choose this way of installing the MMM.bsa file (the installer gives you two options for installing it), you must check your ini file - but the installer wil tell you about it.

Anyway, if you find any error, or additional things that should be checked, please tell me.

Detailed MMM OMOD Installation (Note that MartsMonsterMod355ReleaseFull.7z. is NOT needed):

1. Download (The main MMM plugin arhcive).
2. Download (the archive containing the 3.7b3 MMM.bsa archive).
3. Download "MMM_OMOD_Installer_1_7.rar"
4. Start OBMM, and click "Create"
5. In the "omod creator" window, click "Add archive" and select "MMM_37b3_Public_Release-17784.7z"
6. Do the same for the two other dowloaded archives, answering yes to any question.
Note that OBMM will be unresponsive for a long time when adding "MMM373BSA.7z".
7. Click "Create omod" and let OBMM take its time compressing the OMOD.
8. Install the MMM OMOD by double-clicking it.
9. Answer the pop-ups.
10. Installation is complete!

Remember to use BOSS to set your load order before play.

Updated to work with MMM 3.7b3 PR 3
Updated to work with MMM 3.7b3
Updated to work with MMM 3.7b3alpha
Added support for MMM Slof Horses Complete
Added support for Mr_Siikas farm animals 1.4
Fixed a show-stopper error that made the MMM.bsa not being copied if having a non-FCOM setup.
Made all 4 spawn rate plugin options available also for an FCOM setup (after a warning).
Changed one option for naming the bsa file with FCOM setup. It will now be named FCOM_Convergence - MMM.bsa

Detailed FCOM OMOD Installation:

1. Download FCOM 0.9.9
2. Download FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance (optional, but recommended)
3. Download FCOM OMOD Installer
(There is no reason to unpack either archive)
4. Start OBMM, and click "Create"
5. In the "omod creator" window, click "Add archive"
6. Choose your downloaded FCOM 0.9.9 archive and click "Open"
7. OBMM will now work for a time, and then give you a warning about esp in sub-directories. Answer "Yes".
8. Click "Add archive" again, and select FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.7z
9. Click "Add archive" again, and select FCOM_OMOD_Installer.rar, and answer "Yes" to import omod conversion data
10. Click "Create omod" and let OBMM take its time compressing the OMOD.
11. Install the FCOM OMOD by double-clicking it.
12. Answer the pop-ups.
13. Installation is complete!

Remember to use BOSS to set your load order and Wrye Bash to create your bashed patch before play.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:40 pm

========= Automatic Timescale 1.1.1 ============

Automatic Timescale changes the game's timescale dynamically, depending on where you are and what you do. You have complete control over which states that should affect timescale and the timescale in each state (running, walking, riding, swimming, sneaking, fighting, not moving, or being inside).

This mod is also included as part of Real Sleep Extended, so use that if you want the automatic timescale with the sleep mod.


Author: Ole B?e, a.k.a. TheNiceOne
Date: May 27, 2010
OBSE v 17 or newer required!



Default timescale in Oblivion is 30, which means that for each minute played, 30 minutes passes ingame. This is a bit high, especially when using sleep/thirst/hunger mods, so many players set the timescale to a lower value (typically 10-15). But this has the drawback of making Cyrodiil seem even smaller, since you can now run from one town to another in an in-game hour or so.

Automatic Timescale fixes this by adjusting the timescale depending of whether you are: inside, sneaking, in combat, standing still, walking, running, riding or swimming - in addition to a default timescale. So you can set high default/running/riding timescales to make travel between cities take a long time, and set lower inside/sneaking/combate timescales so that you get to clear out a cave in less than a full in-game day.

If you don't want special timescale for one or more of the many cases, set its timescale to 0, and the mod will ignore it. E.g. if you set timeSwimming to 0, swimming will not affect your timescale, and default will be used if none of the others apply.

Automatic Timescale will always choose the smallest non-default timescale if more than one case apply at the same time. E.g. if you set timeCombat to 10 and timeInterior to 5, the timescale will be 10 if in combat while outside, and 5 when inside, whether in combat or not. The only exception is that you will not get the timeSneaking timescale if you're running at the same time.

The exception is if you invoke the fast wait timescale, by tapping the fast wait key (default 'P', adjustable in the ini). When tapping it, the timescale will be set to timeWaitFast timescale (default 60), and increased by this amount for each tap of the key. Thus tapping P three times will set the timescale to 180. As soon as you move or start combat, the timescale goes back to normal. Also, if fast travel timescale is enabled, that timescale will always be used for fast travel (thus affecting the time used).

Automatic Timescale checks for the two vanilla quests "A brush with Death" and "Where Spirits Have Lease", and keeps the timescale at 30 during one specific stage in each quest. This is because the quests may fail to progress with non-30 timescale. It also does similar checks for the mod "The Ayleid Steps"


This mod is not compatible with other dynamic timescale mods, and will simply override any mods that statically set the timescale (ex: Frans).


Preferred: Use OBMM, as the archive is OMOD-ready and contains an installation script that makes it very easy to tweak the mod to your liking. Alternatively, copy Automatic Timescale.esp and the ini folder to your Oblivion\data folder.

========= CHANGELOG

* Fixed a bug that allowed timescale changes when using Fast Travel or Fast Wait, even if Automatic Timescale was disabled due to special quest stages.

* Added separate timescale for sitting
* Added separate timescale for fast travel
* Added fast wait functionality
* Added check for stages in The Ayleid Steps where timescale should be kept to 30

* The automatic timescale feature from Real Sleep Extended is created as a separate mod.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:57 am

It seems the Gold Adjustment 1.13 archive is damaged. I can't open it with Winrar.

EDIT: C-C-C-Combo Breaker?!

Sorry :(
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:02 pm

AH! Fantastic, some great mods here, cool to have them all together.

Although I'm having some problem getting hold of GA 1.13, the version I'm downloading from Nexus seems to be a 0KB corrupted file constantly. :(

EDIT: Ah, not just me then.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:35 am

Gold Adjustment 1.13 download seems to be working now :)

It seems the Gold Adjustment 1.13 archive is damaged. I can't open it with Winrar.

You're fast, I haven't even got around to post about it here. I think the error is on TESNExus. The file is fine before I upload it, and lists at correct size at the site, but the downloaded file is 0K. I tried re-uploading it, but that didn't help.

EDIT: C-C-C-Combo Breaker?!
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:54 am

Ewrrr....I noticed but the latest version (v2.1 as I'm posting this) doesn't add them. Is it about to be uploaded or something? :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:58 pm



Download is working now, thanks :)
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:45 am

First let me preface my little problem with the fact that I cant get Elys's mod to work either. On elys's i couldnt even mark the place properly, so the fact I am able to rename the game marker (i dont add any of my own) is a step up.

Now for the problem:

I can rename markers just fine when actually in the game. After I rename them, I can go back on my map and check and they are still renamed. However, as soon as I exit the game and go back in, all of my changes are lost. I do wait at least 30 seconds (just to be safe) before opening the world map and all of that but everything still gets lost.
Really strange. The changes you do, are not stored with the map markers in the save game, but stored in MMO's arrays. So when you load a savegame, MMO iterates its arrays and re-apply all your changes. The fact that this doesn't happen in your game is strange, but must mean that MMO's stored data gets corrupted in some way.

Can you try setting debug to 1 in MMO's ini file, and then immediately after a game has loaded, open the console and write "tdt" (toggle debug text). And then report any console output starting with "MMO:..."? Also, try to add a new map marker and write MMO's debug output when you do that too.

This mod is currently fairly high in my load order (set where BOSS said it should be). Should I move the mod to last (or around last) in load order or is there something else you have in mind?
The mod is completely independent on load order (which is true for all my gameplay tweak mods), so moving it around has absolutely no effect.

If you can start by reporting what MMO writes to the console, it would be a help, and I'll take it from there.

Ewrrr....I noticed but the latest version (v2.1 as I'm posting this) doesn't add them. Is it about to be uploaded or something? :)

There are three screenshots of the same area, with, and map icons. They are intended for version 2.2, but I uploaded them because I want feedback.

New icons there are Castle, (single) House and Farm, and I have made an attempt at a completely new look for Ayleid Ruins. Please tell me what you think everyone.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:55 am

As seen above, Gold Adjustment is now updated to version 1.13.

Changes from 1.12.2 are:

* Now completely compatible with za_bankmod. GoldAdjustment will not be applied to money withdrawn from the bank. requested. So now you can set dialogAdjustment to 200 (or whatever you want) without messing up what you get when you withdraw money from the bank or a bank trader.

Added a simple way for other mods to ensure GoldAdjustment compatibilityA
Any other OBSE-dependant mod can now have the line
RunScriptLine "Set GoldAdjustment.disabled to #"
where # will be the number of seconds that GoldAdjustment is prevented from adjusting gold received. Using 1 (second) should be more than enough. GoldAdjustment enables itself after this time, so there's no need to set the value back to zero

Added item removal from containers
Now, GoldAdjustment can be set up to remove (enchanted) items from containers too. You can turn this on/off individually for containers and dead actors.

Improved the fix for Living Economy's 65K bug.
Hopefully, this works better now. I still very much want you to report the debug data here if the bug is detected. If the bug occurs and is not detected, please press "G" and report the data given in the message box.
It looks for the bug if you have "Living Economy.esp" or "Living Economy - SI.esp" installed.

Finally, I have started to implement check for specific bosses that items will not be removed from. For now, the only one is Mannimarco, so please report any bosses you can think of that should not have any items removed. It can be vanilla, or from other mods (in case I need the exact boss name).
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:46 am

There are three screenshots of the same area, with, and map icons. They are intended for version 2.2, but I uploaded them because I want feedback.

New icons there are Castle, (single) House and Farm, and I have made an attempt at a completely new look for Ayleid Ruins. Please tell me what you think everyone.
Ahh I see. Good idea to post them in advance. I like pretty much all of them (using the Elven version), especially the now-more-appropriate ayleid icon. :wub: Although the farm icon might look better if it's a little bit smaller.

P.S. Will you be using the original ayleid icon for The Ayleid Steps?

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Len swann
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:57 am

Ahh I see. Good idea to post them in advance. I like pretty much all of them (using the Elven version), especially the now-more-appropriate ayleid icon. :wub: Although the farm icon might look better if it's a little bit smaller.
Do you think only the all three versions of the farm icon is too large, or only the Elven version (I usually downsize icons a bit when making the Elven version, but didn't here)?

P.S. Will you be using the original ayleid icon for The Ayleid Steps?
Propably - unless you have a better idea :)

For all users of Map Marker Overhaul: MMO can change the map markers from any mod into the new ones added (Harbor, Stable, Castle, House, Farm), but I need exact esp/esm file name, and the marker's form Id. The latter can easily be found by setting debug to 1 in MMO's ini file. With debug to 1, whenever you point the mouse at a map marker, MMO will write the formID to the console. Just turn debug text on (tdt), or temporarily open the console to see the form id. So if you have a mod or two that could use the new icons, please report here.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:47 am

Since my writing is pretty bad and i am liable to misread it while writing all of that stuff down, I decided to take screenshots. If something is unreadbale, just ask and i will type it out. (this is also what it looked like the first time i loaded)

But when i exit and come back, its all cleared out again =/

There seems to be a ton of debug text there and what looks to be errors so hopefully this gives you something to work with.

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Nienna garcia
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:54 am

First, I wanted to say that I've begun using Gold Adjustment in my new game and I'm really liking it a lot. While I get a small satisfaction from moving the haggle slider up myself in the beginning it does get annoying after awhile, particularly as my character begins to travel around the world and encounters more merchants. It's such a relief to see my haggle percentages change all by themselves now! I had trouble running this with Living Economy because of the 65K bug and it's a measure of how much I like this mod that I disabled LE (using 1.12.2 all merchants had 0 gold), which I used to consider an essential mod. Did I see in your other thread that you're thinking of adding a 'merchant gold goes down with each transaction' feature or am I imagining it? If you could add that to GA I would love this mod eternally. Frankly, merchant gold going down was the main thing I wanted from LE. (I see GA is at 1.13 - I might try running them together again and see how it goes.)

I'm attracted to your Map Marker Overhaul mod but I don't think I can do without Badmagic's Is there any way I could add Badmagic's icons to your mod?

Also, Real Sleep intrigues me but my experience with sleeping (and eating) mods is that they tend to spam the screen with so many messages that, paradoxically, they break immersion for me. I'm a little concerned that hourly messages are going to become annoying after awhile. Is there an easy way to turn messages off?

Okay, one last thing (sorry for all the questions): I'm not sure I understand yet how your Lightweight Potions is different from the Wrye Bash feature.
Is there an advantage to using this with or instead of our Bash tweak?

Anyway, I mainly wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying your Gold Adjustment mod. Great work. :goodjob:
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:38 am

Since my writing is pretty bad and i am liable to misread it while writing all of that stuff down, I decided to take screenshots. If something is unreadbale, just ask and i will type it out.
Screenshots are perfect, so thanks for that. Unfortunately, I cannot understand what's wrong. I will try to investigate it, and come back to you.

Just to make sure, does it write out 1st time initalization even if you save a game and reload?

Also, is it possible for you to load/start a game with no other OBSE-dependant mods, and see if it still fails?

Anyway, I'll look into it.

First, I wanted to say that I've begun using Gold Adjustment in my new game and I'm really liking it a lot. While I get a small satisfaction from moving the haggle slider up myself in the beginning it does get annoying after awhile, particularly as my character begins to travel around the world and encounters more merchants. It's such a relief to see my haggle percentages change all by themselves now! I had trouble running this with Living Economy because of the 65K bug and it's a measure of how much I like this mod that I disabled LE (using 1.12.2 all merchants had 0 gold), which I used to consider an essential mod. Did I see in your other thread that you're thinking of adding a 'merchant gold goes down with each transaction' feature or am I imagining it? If you could add that to GA I would love this mod eternally. Frankly, merchant gold going down was the main thing I wanted from LE. (I see GA is at 1.13 - I might try running them together again and see how it goes.)
Please try 1.13. If you end up with 0-gold merchants, please report the debug text here before uninstalling, as it will help me improve the LE bug fix.

As for merchants with limited gold - yes, I plan to do that. Honestly, the only thing that holds me back is to find a way to get the prices to update correctly when the merchant's price are getting low. I think I have an idea of how to do it though.

I'm attracted to your Map Marker Overhaul mod but I don't think I can do without Badmagic's X Marks The Spot. Is there any way I could add Badmagic's icons to your mod?
If you know just a tiny bit about GIMP (or a similar image editor that can handle dds files) it is very easy. Open Badmagic file found under "Textures\menus\icons\map", resize (not scale) the image from 1024x64 to 2048x64, then copy the xmarks further to the right in the image and save. You may need to do so with the menu50 and menu80 icons as well if you use those.

Also, Real Sleep intrigues me but my experience with sleeping (and eating) mods is that they tend to spam the screen with so many messages that, paradoxically, they break immersion for me. I'm a little concerned that hourly messages are going to become annoying after awhile. Is there an easy way to turn messages off?
Yes :) After installation, open RealSleepExtended.ini and look for the line "set RSE.showInGameMessage to 1". Change the "1" to a "0" and save.

Okay, one last thing (sorry for all the questions): I'm not sure I understand yet how your Lightweight Potions is different from the Wrye Bash feature.
Is there an advantage to using this with or instead of our Bash tweak?
There are two different features at work.
1. is to reweigh the potions added by mods (potions that are bought or found).
2. is to reweigh potions made by the player using Alchemy.

1. is done with "Tweak Assorted/Max Weight Potions" options in Wrye Bash, and works fine as long as you rebuild the patch after installing new mods.
2. however is not easily done with Wrye Bash. To reweigh player-made potions in Wrye Bash, you have to use "Reweigh Potions" on a current savegame, and this will work for all current potions in your savegame, but as soon as your Alchemy skill improves, your potions will be slightly different, and therefore not be affected by Bash's function - unless you reapply "Reweigh Potions" to the new savegame.

My mod always do this in-game, at most 5 seconds after a new potion is created. Sowith my mod, you can forget about it after installation, while with Wrye Bash you have to reweigh your potions every time your Alchemy skill has increased.

Having said that, I use Wrye Bash for case 1, and my mod for case 2, which is what I suggest if you have a Bashed Patch.

Anyway, I mainly wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying your Gold Adjustment mod. Great work.
Thanks :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:36 am

Regarding my problem, it seems that there is a mod conflict along the way. I disabled about 60 or so of my mods (just disabling anything that could remotely touch OBSE) and the mod works fine. It is not something on your end. Now I just need to dig up which ever mod could be causing this.

My three primary thoughts so far are OblivionScriptOptimization, Oblivion Gate Map marker removal (which i forgot i even had installed) and a cultivation mod i use (which i know to be buggy in other respects). I will continue to narrow things down though as it can still be any of those 60 mods i disabled. I am reenabling about 40 of them that i only disabled because i thought they might touch OBSE.

Ill let you know once i sort this out.

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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:08 am

Well whatever it was, it is now fixed. It was not a mod conflict per se as I now have all of the mods re-enabled that I had before. I have narrowed it down to one of two things:


1. I had the script optimization mod merged into my bashed patch, and since that mod is supposed to load absolutely first (to make sure any script changes it makes get overwritten by other mods that need to have scripts be less efficient) and having it merged into the bashed patch probably had it mess with a ton of scripts that should have loaded after it.

or more likely

2. I uninstalled pluggy entirely, got rid of all of the .pluggy files in my saved games folder and wiped out all traces of pluggy and the elys map marker mod (which was already uninstalled). Then I made a clean save without your mod and went in again.

While your mod does read the tags from elys, it probably could not properly read whatever corrupted racords I had from that mod and messed up trying to do so. Even when I disabled the compatibility option it may have still tried to work with the .pluggy files; causing issues. In short, because elys didnt work properly for me, it may have also made it so that your mod did not work properly for me.

Now I can finally play oblivion without messing up my experience ^_^

Awesome mod =D

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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:52 am

Well whatever it was, it is now fixed. It was not a mod conflict per se as I now have all of the mods re-enabled that I had before. I have narrowed it down to one of two things:
1. I had the script optimization mod merged into my bashed patch, and since that mod is supposed to load absolutely first (to make sure any script changes it makes get overwritten by other mods that need to have scripts be less efficient) and having it merged into the bashed patch probably had it mess with a ton of scripts that should have loaded after it.
or more likely
2. I uninstalled pluggy entirely, got rid of all of the .pluggy files in my saved games folder and wiped out all traces of pluggy and the elys map marker mod (which was already uninstalled). Then I made a clean save without your mod and went in again.
While your mod does read the tags from elys, it probably could not properly read whatever corrupted racords I had from that mod and messed up trying to do so. Even when I disabled the compatibility option it may have still tried to work with the .pluggy files; causing issues. In short, because elys didnt work properly for me, it may have also made it so that your mod did not work properly for me.
Now I can finally play oblivion without messing up my experience ^_^
Awesome mod =D

Good you got it working.
One thing make sure you are using the patched OblivionScriptOptimization version, it was brought up in a recent thread.
Its fine to merge OblivionScriptOptimization into the bashpatch.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:48 am

Thanks for the link ThumperZ. I just went ahead and uninstalled the mod altogether after reading that thread. The gain seems to be minimal and since im near my limit of esp's anyway the slot is probably more important than taking a risk with that mod to maybe get 1 fps (too scared to merge it now lol).

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