You might be an aspect of Shor since he has an ongoing feud with Alduin. At its simplest though you were given the gift by Akatosh.
The theory I subscribe to is that all dragon souls, Dragonborn and Alduin included, are fragments of the Akatosh over-soul. When you are absorbing a dragon soul, what is really happening is that two fragments are recombining.
No you are not a soulgem. You are not storing souls and sending them to Soul Cairn. You are absorbing souls, eating them and stealing their power - that's what you do. And if I have understand right all the dragons have the same power because it's nature of anyone who has a soul of dragon. The trick with you is that you are mortal - like anyone other but before you was born Akatosh decided to place a soul of Dragon in you (or in one of your ancestors so you inherit it just like it was inherited in Septims bloodline).
After looking up the term I heartily concur. Especially since Ysmir, the Dragon of the North whom the Greybeards proclaim the LDB is theorized to be one as well.
yes, and as a Shezarrine, he/she may be part of the oversoul of Talos
Worthy to take up the Storm Crown indeed, Talos according to the Acturian Heresy translates to Storm Crown. Hmmm. This is getting deeper and deeper.
haha, thats the way TES Lore works... the deeper you look, the more interpretations you find, and more questions appear....
If you really want to dig deep you could also say that the LDB could be another incarnation of Wulfharth, the Underking who left Morrowind after an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Tribunal and I believe could be an aspect of Lorkhan/Shor. Wulfharth was the driving force behind Tiber Septin as Ysmir, Dragon of the North. Wulfharth also caused the wind magic that protected him at Old Hrold'an which caused him to be named Talos. So using the Arcturian Heresy as a foundation Shor and Talos could be tied directly together and incarnated in the LDB as FunnyBunny said. Interesting stuff.
I find myself agreeing with this more and more.
Edit: I find it also a solid foundation for the SC's as a driving force behind joining the rebellion. If one believes this then it is an easy step to confront the Empire about the White Gold Concordat.
Wulfharth>Tiber. Wulf is much more epic then Tiber But nobody in skyrim hardly remembers him,they aaalll speak of Tiber. Even if when they speak of tiber it sounds more like wulfharth
Hmm... that bastard hjalti!!
You are correct. According to the Arcturian Heresy, King Wulfharth who was then known as the "Ash King." Did most of the shouting for Tiber, also the King of Falreath, Cuhlecain did most of the conquering. According to the book, all Tiber did was reap the rewards.
^This is the truth.
How do you explain one body (especially the mortal DB body) getting both shards/souls when they recombine? In this sense then the dragons are the original receivers of the Akatosh soul shards so only the first dragon (Alduin) should able to gather them all together within his being in order to make it whole again. Also in this sense then Alduin should want to devour all dragon souls to get stronger as opposed to eating mere mortal souls....this theory just doesn't make sense in that respect. Alduin does the opposite and returns the souls to the dragons when he revives them from their dragon burial mounds...if it was a "soul shard" thing then doing so should make him weaker as he's breaking pieces off to give it back to the bodies who once held them.
We were ruminating on things in lore that MAY be going on in the background above and beyond the gift of Akatosh there Person. If you're curious about the discussion it takes only about five minutes to read through these. Emphasis on MAY and is kind of mind boggling to consider. and
Edit: The possibility kick started the whole thing.
Everyone is Lorkhan.
Even the Thalmor are just Lorkhan working against Lorkhan for ineffable reasons.
That is a good theory except you can use your self to enchant and recharge things.