"When Ulfric Stormcloak, with savage Shout, sent me here, my only regret was fair Elisif, left forlorn and weeping."
"I faced him fearlessly - my fate inescapable, yet my honor unstained - can Ulfric say the same?"
So, in my current playthrough of Skyrim I remember going to Sovngarde and speaking to the expired High King, and I had an idea. I wonder, knowing that he was no match for Ulfric, allowed himself to be killed without a fight, in order to stain Ulfric's name further?
I remember Proventus saying when you deliver Ulfric's axe to Balgruuf, that Ulfric simply walked up to and murdered Torygg. Of course, I'm not sure why Proventus would be in Solitude, but I thought it interesting in the context of the rest of my idea.
It very well might be a crackpot idea, but I thought I'd see what you guys think of it.