So I think attributes will be there, but it will be hidden and be governed by what you do and not what you want. Which might lead to how radiant story works considering that also works off of what you DO and if your doing alot of "Stealth" you're probably going to be given stealth like quests and if you are going to be focusing on WARRIOR well same applies... Then there is always the Jack of all trades which could be the weaker character to build but the strongest character once leveled.
Affects your total encumbrance, your total Fatigue and the damage done by melee attacks.
Affects your total Fatigue as well your starting health and your health gain upon leveling up.
Affects your total Fatigue, damage dealt by ranged weapons, and your steadiness in combat.
Affects how fast you move.
Affects your total magicka.
Affects the rate at which magicka regenerates as well as your total Fatigue.
Theory: Personality was probably merged since it could easily just be governed by speechcraft. I think luck will be seperate and pretty much be governed by items that say "Wearing this will increase your chances with example: Gambleing../Coin../Rare Drops..ect.
Affects your ability to gain information and better prices from NPCs.
Affects everything you do in a small way.
I also think skills such as "Destruction" will govern how much damage your spells do and not just govern the expense of magicka. There might be a complex math to it.. such as Dmg of spell = Overall Magic*Destruction+ Type of Spell. (Fire, Shock, Frost)
Thoughts and how this might be plausible?
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