did anyone ever find a purpose for the Bugs in Jars found around Skyrim?
Do the Letters under the Lids actually spell anything?
did anyone ever find a purpose for the Bugs in Jars found around Skyrim?
Do the Letters under the Lids actually spell anything?
They have no use at all really, they're just for collecting. "Gotta catch 'em all!"
forms a transmutation circle and is activated by mass genocide?
someone watched a little to much FMA...
An idea that makes you laugh is still a good idea, isn't it?
I've never found all the jars yet, but I'll take a closer look at those lids.
I think the guy was on to something, but it's not really for the apocalypse, but rather to acquire the Tri-Force.
After collecting the bugs you need to plant them with a Daedric heart, some Nirnroot, Glowdust, and a Briarheart. Wait 3 days, then come back and chop the plants, play the Song of Time, touch your nose with your right thumb, touch your left knee with your right big toe, hop around in a circle yelling "KamekameHA!" and you'll summon the Bahamut ZERO being ridden by Cloud Strife, who then presents you with a map leading to Luigi's shack behind the palace in Mario 64, in which there will be a portal that you can only enter between midnight and 2am on the 3rd Tirdas of Evening Star, answer the 3 questions from the Bridgekeeper, cross the Bridge of death and there will be the mysterious 14th standing stone. Activate it and Sheogorath will present to you the Tri-Force (and cheese).
It was from the same bunch of conspiracy theory. The lore forums here tried decoding them but came to the conclusion that they don't match any known runic system.
The whole thing was just a mass case of pareidolia.
ha I figured as much, I wonder who the clever comedian was at Beth who put those there...they should've paid such attention to detail on so many other items like weapons and armor
Just free those poor animals. If only you could...
with that conspiricy theory, Bethesda could creat a DLC, about the Talos wanting to destroy the world!
The secret is not what you can do with the jars, it's what the jars will do to you. Those insignificant insects you see in those jars are secretly bug-gods sealed into those jars by an ancient force. Only by sacrificing an undisclosed amount of similar insects to the jars will the jars open, and when they do, all Oblivion will be unleashed upon your petty lands.
I like it. It reminds me of the pokeball mods that are for the PC