"There are no fat people in Fallout 4"
That's because most of the population has been replaced with synths and that's the way they come from the factory.
"There are no fat people in Fallout 4"
That's because most of the population has been replaced with synths and that's the way they come from the factory.
Considering Overseer Gwen McNamara to be 'fat' seems a little uncharitable.
Sure, she seems to have a little more to squeeze into her vaultsuit, but not unreasonably so.
And the wasteland is hardly an environment for eating excess.
Give Piper the Clothes of Cait and you will see a bigger ass of Yokozuna. Lucas the Gear Merchant is a very "big" Guy too. The Question is, why should there fat People. not much and good food around.
T.S. Wallace is also a bit on the heavy side.
She's pleasantly plump.
Guess it depends on your definition of Fat.
As a member of TeamFAT I like to think its anyone with a BMI of 25+, in which case she is fat.
Not saying she is Obese (though I think there is a mechanic round that area who is? asks for screwdrivers? Cant remember...).
I think the only places wastelanders could get fat would be in vaults, and maybe diamond city. I think being "fat" is a fairly recent thing in human history irl, without all the sugars, ho-hos, and fast food i think most people would be of a pretty average weight.
I've seen quite a few chunky raiders, though the gunners all seem to be doing pilates. The chubbiest population is in Vault 81, nice safe place with plenty of food. Nobody on lower right corner of the body-builder triangle, though.
There were originally fat people in the Commonwealth.
Unfortunately, they all got eaten.
It's because a lot of running is involved when running away from raiders, super mutants, molerats etc.
There are fat people out there, I even saw some chubby raiders.
there are people that are a bit junky.... but its hard to get fat if you only eat meat and vegtables and no industrialized food
Why would there be fat people? We have fat people now due to the high availability of calorically empty snack/junk foods full of sugar, fat, and HFCS, plus the fact that a lot of kids/advlts don't go outside anymore. They're all inside on the Internet (or playing Fallout LOL).
I somehow imagine that 200 years in the future, people who are subsisting on proteins made from Radstags, Brahmin, or Radroach meat, with a side of carrots, a mutfruit salad after they've spent all day scratching in the dirt for those carrots, or running from a Deathclaw who took an interest after it heard the shot of the pipe-rifle that killed that Radstag probably don't have a lot of time to get fat in the first place, ya know?
Very few of the traps that exist today, which will get you fat, is simply not present in the same quantities or at all. As for creatues in the wild, I would say it is less appealing over-eating, when those creatures is more likely to get fat than you are.....
There's always Mayor McDonough's plump thighs...
Indeed. Search on old pictures from the 1800's, and check out what most people looked like back then. Aside for the richer townspeople, most people looked more like beanpoles. The people in FO4, even the ones we don't think of as 'fat', are still pretty well filled out by the standards of a real 'hardship lifestyle'.
Someone needs to make a "Twig" character, with low Intelligence, medium to high Charisma, and high Luck. Then make an entire Vault full of fat dudes with Nuka Cola machines everywhere. https://youtu.be/Bj81YuDt244?t=269
I think the mayor of Covenant is a little choppy too, but there aren't really any obese people.
Time for a Hey Hey Hey! Fat Albert build...
screw ballitstic weave, I need me some spandex!