Hey, I was beginning to think that you'd forgotten about us...

And no, that does not make it relative and no that doesn't change the status; as long as the one person is worshiping them then they're still in the status of being worshiped, making them still a god all around... as long as person A is worshiping them, they fit the criteria of 'being worshiped' and are therefore a god. You're god may not be my god, but it's still a god if you're worshiping him and my perspective can't change that...
If you want to go back to the old role-model example, your role-model might not be my role-model, but I can't deny just because of my perspective that that person is your role-model... 'Relative' means that there is no absolute truth concerning the matter, but since I can know for sure (absolutely) whether or not the god is being worshiped by somebody, then it is not relative...
No just busy with important things.
But that is still relative to your reality. Perhaps in my reality pencils dance around and talk to me. Just because from my perspective that is how I see it, does not make it so. You can say but that's just imagined, well so is worship isn't it? Sure you bow down and what not, but I can talk back to the pencil and it would be the same thing.
Now i'm not denying that the daedra are the wheel spokes and the aedra the spaces between etc, but you have to realize that a "god" status is something no more then imagined. There is nothing that makes a god in TES other then perspective. It is like role model, or like a friend. To someone it is as they see it, but it is only relevant within their realm of reality and their perspective. That is why I am saying there are no "gods" and I am just as right as you are who says there are. Since PPC is relevant imagine the entire platform of TES being a massive chalk board and all these equations that are possibilities are thrown on. At least one of those possibilties = no gods perspective.
Say I enter into Tamriel and you are someone there. You pray to Dibella for example and say that she is a god. I say there are no gods. You tell me but look I am praying and worshiping. I say that does not matter, be cause I do not and it is meaningless. There are no gods.
Say I enter into Tamriel and you are someone there. I tell you there are no gods. You say there are gods. I tell you look I am not praying or worshiping any of them. You say that does not matter because you do and it is meaningful. There are gods.
I suppose since the thread is almost up I should let everyone in on the whole game. It was an excercise in philisophical thinking and relativity. My title was no more different then saying "Water is cold." While some others replied with "the water is warm." Both are right, and both are wrong. Or better yet there is no wrong or right answer.
From our relative perspectives we are both right and nothing can change the mind of the other because the mind of the other is realtive to each and everyone's own reality. It was an attempt to challenge the norm and to add another dimension into what I thought a rather boring line of discussion that usually goes around through the lore forum concerning the repetative beaten horse of CHIM or which race would win in a battle and so on and so forth.
Out of the people here only Laugar kept up with it and "reached the end of the line" of arguement so to speak.
It's been interesting and perhaps i'll play devil's advocate (I need a more neutral term) in another thread splitting hairs so that angels may or may not dance on the ends of it.