And rightfully so.
As much as anybody, I looked forward to playing Elder Scrolls Online. I enjoyed the last two betas I played (even with bugs). But this release (0.941004) so close to going live is very disappointing, and is in many ways worse than the last. Even though there are hours left to play this weekend I give up. There are simply too many quests that I can not complete because mobs I need to kill do not spawn, because I can not complete quests. I did not quest in AD but the other two zones had problems, especially Glenumbra. I think an issue ZOS has to look at is abandoning quests. As it is, when you abandon a quest the entire chain is deleted instead of the quest you are on. That is very annoying to have to re-do multiple quests simply because a named mob does not spawn. Also I had times when I could not talk to or interact with quest-related mobs (for example, to heal them). No amount of re-logging in worked, no amount or reloadui worked. Plus multiple more annoying bugs (horse?) to recount here.
Please don't tell me this is just a stress test. I have played in other MMO betas; some worked like clockwork just prior to release and some did not. ESO fits in the latter category. It won't be an EA type nightmare launch but this will not be pretty.
Yes, I did report the bugs, a few multiple times.