than the Gauss rifle (modded into a sniper rifle). I think I have tried all weapons and none seems to come close to it. Just need to find the "double dmg on full health" one...
than the Gauss rifle (modded into a sniper rifle). I think I have tried all weapons and none seems to come close to it. Just need to find the "double dmg on full health" one...
I have the 'Two Shot Sniper Rifle' with a long recon scope, suppressor, and .50 cal receiver. Thing's a beast for me.
Haven't even come across the Gauss rifle, but I'd love to give it a try, especially if I come across the double damage on full health. That's a pretty sick feature for a sniper.
I've heard everyone go on about Old Faithful when fully modded into a sniper rifle. Has the same special ability you mentioned with the double damage. Hear its quite the killer and anything hit by it is lucky to survive the first shot. Especially when also combining the sneak crit and some bonuses from perks and such.
I myself have no interest in it though.
Yeah, that's the best I have found too so far. Fully upgraded it's awesome.
Guass rifle is semi auto unlike the bolt action snipers, The overcharge makes single shots beastly, but I think The Last Minute is the best variant since they don't really spawn so you can't get legendary versions of Gauss aside from that particular one.
Thanks for that. Just looked it up and you're right. Will try it, although I do prefer "bullet" weapons to laser ones.
I have a double shot .50 sniper rifle as well as The Last Minute unique gauss rifle and when charged the gauss rifle can't be beat. However, the gauss rifle uses 20 ammo when fully charged, the .50 cal only uses one round and is still more than enough to take out enemies with a head shot. On normal difficulty anyway.
Does the laser musket do 4x damage if you can crank it 4 times?
yes downside is the low rate of fire but found it nice for serious sniping early on.
I wasn't even going to play a sniper this time around, just full auto guns only ... and then I found this hunting rifle that adds 25% damage. Well fully modded out (up to 2nd level mods currently) the thing gets the job done.
The Sentinel plasma rifle has some mental damage when converted into a sniper. Double damage on full health, guaranteed too.
I have a Gauss but dont really use it, when i need to kill it DED the six crank laser musket does just fine. Would be nice to find a legendary musket though...
The thing that's so good about the overseer's guardian is that if you have gun nut and you fully mod it, it barely has any recoil. So you can pop off shot after shot with ease. Right now it does about 180 damage for me per shot and my fully upgraded gauss does 450ish. So for the first sneak-shot I use the guass and the rest I switch to the guardian and just spam shots. With a .50 caliber receiver there is just so much recoil that it's not worth it but I guess it depends on your build.
I'm just waiting to find a legendary guass rifle so I can move all my mods over to it. A mirelirk queen can barely stand a few shots from it with the sneak multiplier. I can only imagine what it would be like with the "shoots additional projectile" effect!
Speaking of the Gauss gun, does anyone know how it works in VATS? Does it charge fully before making a shot?