is there a danger WW could become the new Horse Armour?

Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:43 am

I don't believe that at all. Even ignoring the fact where I almost never believe that about DLC (Witcher 3's "free" post-release mini-DLCs, do feel like they fall in that category. Except for the resell part. :P Instead of putting them out to generate money, they put them out to generate good will & press.)

Given how large a part of the base game the settlement system is, I was fully expecting a "settlement additions" DLC, even before they were announced. (I also love the contrast between all the "OMG, this DLC just added some more _______, which I'm not interested in! They shouldn't do small DLC like this!" threads, and the various "We need a small DLC like Gun Runners Arsenal, which just adds some more guns!" threads.)

Honestly, I don't understand the OP's "horse armor" comment, given that this seems more along the lines of Hearthfire. Which never got the whole "ew, horse armor!" criticism.


Honestly, I'm tired of Horse Armor being a millstone around Beth's neck. It was the dawn of DLC, no-one knew how/what to do it yet, so they tried all sorts of stuff to see what worked and what didn't. It was a new experiment. So yeah, they ended up with duds like Horse Armor. But that's years and years ago now. Let it go.

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:36 pm

Idk man. Horse armor was pretty lame. WW at least gives you stuff to do.

I won't be buying it though.

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:26 pm

Dear lord, do you people even use mods? Modders can make a mod where you create and upgrade your robot, but they can't make it with such nice and intuitive interface or as well optimized. Instead, they have to improvise, especially if they don't have Scripting Extender (which won't work on consoles so the mod won't be usable by console players).

As far as WW goes, we don't know what all it gives. Arena is one feature, but the DLC is not called "Arena of Death" but "Wasteland Workshop". And seeing as they already added new stuff to the workshop for free in a patch, th additions are unlikely to just be new items.

Horse Armor is the default accusation for people who don't like something with Bethesda's DLC. They don't seem to care if it makes sense or not.

It is called Wasteland Workshop, not Arena of Death. Wasteland Workshop.

Arena is the easiest thing to advertise to the masses as it sounds better than "New stuff and features for Settlement building!" But both the screenshot and the cover art already show that there's more to it, not to mention the name.

And no, Automatron should not have been free. Any programmer would spit in your face and kicked you between the legs if you told them to create these system for a free DLC. And no, the modders couldn't do this, not at this level of refinement and easiness to use. And NEVER for consoles.

The settlement building is very good. Putting this system into a First-Person perspective Action RPG is not an easy feet, which is why all other RPGs lack it in the first place.

Could it have been better? Yes, of course. But first times will never be perfect so what could have been better is the topic of patches and sequels.

Which is why Automatron was very positively received.

You are basing your opinion on vocal minorities who complain about everything and you are thinking that they are the norm when they aren't.

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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:43 am

Yeah sure, any programmer would of spit in my face and kicked me inbetween my legs.

CD Projekt RED would of given it out for free and sell us only Far Harbor if CD Projekt RED developed Fallout 4.

And no, I never said the PC gamers who are both modders and programmers could do this. No idea why you said this to me?

Since Bethesda Game Studios has the full Source Code to the Creation Engine and Fallout 4 of course Bethesda Game Studios will always be able to develop more sophisticated systems than the PC gamers who are both modders and programmers.

Automatron costing money was not voiced by a vocal minority. There are people who like the Automatron DLC, but think it still should of been free.

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:27 am

One thing to remember is that future mods are likely to have dependencies on the assets in the DLC. Modders will pick and chose certain models or mechanics from a DLC and run with it.

Of course this does mean that there will be plaintive wails of "Can't you do a version of your mod without the doohickey from WW?".

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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:30 am

haha man i dont understand why u waste time. They will keep complain from now on. They dont learn to let go. I dont understand why they keep QQ about something that wont change.

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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:14 pm

Sorry, saying Automatron should've been cheaper is one thing (and I can only remember about five people who held that opinion, so definitely a vocal minority), but free? You expect Bethesda (or any developer) to give you that much content for free? Jesus wept.

Have you even played Automatron? Or Fallout 4 for that matter?

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Adam Porter
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:01 am

I, for one, enjoy smaller DLC, obviousl if they expected £30 for wasteland workshop i would be very unhappy but at the end of the day, you get what you pay for, and if you don't like it, well tough [censored].

Ignore everything Ballowers says, he hasn't even played the game.

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:08 am

I'm 100% sure CD Projekt RED would of given content like Automatron for free for Fallout 4 if they developed Fallout 4.

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emma sweeney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:45 pm

Will you just stop it already? you do not even own the game, stop complaining.

Also, CD project red are not some demigods that need to be worshiped, the witcher 3 was mediocre at best

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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:09 pm

Still think we need a filter for CD Project Red and Witcher 3. So tired of seeing them bandied about here like some panacea...

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Mandy Muir
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:10 pm

This is why I bought the season pass because I knew at some point I would need them all for mods down the road.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:54 pm

If this new generation expects every DLC to be free, the generation after this will expect base games to be free.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:26 am

It's ballowers, i swear he has a shrine to Geralt in his bedroom.

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:15 am

Thank YOU!

I have been biting my tongue about this.

I am trying to "only be positive" for a whole week.
It is harder than I thought it would be.

So, this post is just being "positive" about your post....not "negative" about any other post. (LOL!)
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James Shaw
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:07 pm

I don't expect video games to be free ever and they shouldn't.

People got into programming and video game development to sell the video games that they develop to other people because they enjoy developing the video games that they want to play.

Also the expansion packs should always be sold as well.

Todd Howard says he would do it for free if he didn't get paid, but it's more worth it to develop the video game and sell it.

I do things on my free time with programming and developing on free video game engines as well as my own video game engine that I have developed, which will never be as good as Unreal Engine 3 or Unreal Engine 4 or Frostbite 3. It's just that a indie video game engine. Good for the basic things I need.

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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:31 pm

Yep. After I ended up getting the full FO3 and FO:NV DLC sets (originally thinking I wouldn't) because of mods, I knew that I'd likely be getting the pass. The whole "we're adding more DLC and the price will increase" thing was just the final reason I needed to grab it.

Considering the number of whiners who already beat the whole "this game should have been X amount cheaper"/"games are too expensive!" drum? We're almost there already. (Actually, we're already there, if you follow the piracy discussions... where any number of people will say with a straight face "it's ok, they don't have the money to afford it so it's not a lost sale, but they deserve to play it" :facepalm: )'s really annoying, to see some indie producer put out their labor of love, and half the steam forum posts are "Too expensive. This is only worth $10." :banghead: :gun:

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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:01 pm

You totally left out the fact that you can now have all robots as settlers/companions/guards and the abillity to customize them which by the way is actually very well done. You basically kind of left out the main feature lol unless that's the 'crafting tool that is optional' you're trying to downplay there. I agree with the post above.

It's hard for Studios to separate the fan base between people who want a better game vs. people who just complain about everything. If you don't have any constructive criticism besides your opinion on price. Shove off, you don't have the faintest idea of the work they do to put this stuff out, you realize that if they want to keep making more games and software they need to be continuing to make money to support their studio right. If you want to see a game studio that screws over it's player base, bethesda is the wrong forum. $10 is too expensive? There are so shallow DLCs these days but apparently you wouldn't know fairly priced DLC if it firmly inserted itself up your butt.

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rolanda h
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:18 pm

and since fallout settlement including legendary mercant are still bugged as hell is almost insulting to make new conten whidout fixing the existing one, that is one of the reason i abbandon gta5

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:55 pm

You got the game. Now you want a reward???? Or maybe just a chest to pin it on.

F me. LOL.

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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:56 pm

Don't bother. He didn't even buy the game and hasn't played it. So his opinion on what things should or shouldn't cost is weightless.

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sara OMAR
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:26 pm

I for one am extremely excited for WW. Even in its current broken state, I have a lot of fun with settlement building. It's already been stated we will get a ton of stuff with WW. New settlement assets, creature hunting, Pokémon battles, taxidermy, and recently Bethesda has stated we will be able to build weapons and armor, which I very much doubt are based game variants. Sounds like $5 well spent in my opinion.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:48 am

I understand a lot of people may not have bought the season pass, but if you did, the price for WW seems incredibly reasonable for the amount of content they are planning for it. All the dlcs announced so far seem incredibly woth it for that matter.

At current $40 announced dlc content you only pay $3.75 for WW. $7.5 for AM. And $18.75 for FH.

At the end of FO4 lifespan if they release $60 of dlc content then you pay even less. $2.5 for WW. $5 for AM. $12.5 for FH.

I'm a huge fan of FO and ES. So getting the season pass was a no brainer for me. Am I worried about it being like horse armor? No.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:30 pm

I wonder what is the percentage of people who post on the internet compared to the number of the people who buy and play the game. Then statements like "no one is interested in it" might make more sense. But I doubt it. I can't wait for WW, I loved Automatron, and I find most mods to be shoddily done and add little to the game. There are exceptions, but very few.

So I don't agree with you, but you don't have to agree with me. Please don't make broad statements about others that you can't support and have no idea if they are true.

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:01 pm

Well they've said "over $60 worth of content" so season pass holders paid less than $2.50 for WW lol

I'm shocked people complain even at $5 to be honest. Many other games do simple armor packs or a couple weapon packs for $5 and this seems like considerably more. Hell, Forza is asking friggin $20 for the porsche pack *CUEANGRYPORSCHEENTHUSIAST*

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