looking at stuff, i have the feeling this game will either run on fallout's body and helmet. or the same pitiful amount oblivion had. absolutely no pauldrons :sadvaultboy:
never mind those skirts and ponchos (we might be able to get shirts under armour, because i haven't seen any evidence against that yet)
evidence (from screenshots)
1: the body pieces change in size, but the pauldrons goes OVER the body piece.
2: in the game informer mag there are pictures of two different charecters with the exact same pauldron mounted on the body piece)
3: we havent seen anyone with conflicting armour- its either all elven or all leather. we havent seen anyone with a glass naginata, dwemer helmet, orcish pauldrons, daedric greaves,imperial steel skirt,common shirt,netch boots,adamantire right glove and bonemould left, clan volkharim poncho thing and an ebony body piece. along with lots of bling? you would think bethesda would be eager to show of right?
edit- look at the gi pictures. THE GI PICTURES. i do have evidence ok?
secondly- why must armours be sixified? the thing that made tes different from all of the other generic fantasy games was that it had a sense of semi realism. everything weird in it was explained by magic. i dont see why unmagical armour turns from a (usualy) realistic male shape too OMG BIG BEWBZ AND DRESS AND WAIST and every piece of the armour changing for some 14 year old boy. i dont mind a slight change in shape- but when non magical armour completely changes shape into something skimpy it realy makes me lower my disposition towards bethesda. i also dont see why men cant wear dresses. (when it makes sense i am fine, the golden saints and dark seducers worked perfectly well skimpy. especialy since A: it didnt change randomly in the vanila game because you couldent pick it up, and B
its sheogoraths realm,they are daedra, its not meant to make sense
Your logic is faulty. Follow it through to the end. You're saying "we don't see mix and matching and the only types appear to be steel and elven and pauldrons of the same type as the cuirass seem to blend well, ergo there are only two types of material, no mix and matching, and no pauldrons". Its january.

give them some time to finish the models.
The enemies in the pics (which are still shots from a working model) all look the same? could it be because they are the same enemy generated for a game informer article demonstration? Could be.
And we've seen leather armor as well

There wasn't any miss matched stuff in oblivion or morrowind articles either. I've still got the computer games world on morrowind. Everybody is wearing ordinator armor or imperial gear. None of the cool [censored] (like daedric armor or glass armor or orcish armor) was shown. The ability to mix and match was not represented then either.
Its not a revolutionary game feature, thus its not going to be something they tout with pride along with their innovations (such as a flamethrower spell effect, dual wielding, or this Radiant Story business).