I think it’s very well with in the realm of possibility for Bethesda to do another game like morrowind. A game with the same mechanics as morrowind, the same scope, all the factions, quest, the works, with current standard of graphics and today’s game engine. I guess im saying they could do it, but do they want to do it? Plus if they tainted a game like morrowind with steam that would be a crime.
I actually think that nowadays they're lacking some know-how about their lore, considering MK & Co. aren't working there anymore. In many lore topics considering Oblivion and Skyrim, the people that are into lore often complain that this-and-that doesn't make sense lore-wise. All this and this general moving away from a story-driven game have given me the vibes that storytelling or lore-wise, they couldn't do it anymore. Besides, they don't have to, since the lore leaves so many backdoors for them, for example everything from the birth of Anu/Padomay to a goat walking in Falkreath in Skyrim is a dream of a mad god (more or less Bethesda itself, if we mix up the layers of storytelling a little, which is IMO a genius concept all in all: not only deliberating but also very inventive), and that dream could basically change any way possible. Yet I don't know if the mainstream audience could swallow it if we teleported to Fifth Era in TES VI and everything looked more like Fall Out than Tolkien (as I think it would; not completely sure though).

Of course, that wouldn't be a wise idea anyway since the Fall Out and TES fanbases are different. (Now that I think of it, it would be kind of surprising if they made TES "merge" into Fall-Out; as if they were the future and past of the same fantasy world all the time. Hah. Not productive, but surprising. I haven't played Fall Outs so I don't actually know whether this could be even possible; I doubt it. Just a side thought.)
Yet I've read in these forums that Morrowind, at its time, was just the kind of game Bethesda
wanted to do. Clearly either their desires and/or zeitgeist has changed a lot between these ten years. IMO for the worse, since these more action-based-looking-good kind of products (like Skyrim - compared to Morrowind) are everywhere, but role-play-first-and-deep-world kind are not. And I like the latter better, but that's just me, and it's my and a few other people's loss that this is happening, and if I had a product-selling company of my own, I couldn't care less myself.
peoples' -> people's...