I've been trying for HOURS. You can't loose. I've never felt so insulted and lied to by a game. I knew it was trying to svcker money out of me, but I refused to give it any. I wanted to see how far I could push it on my own, but it turns out I can't even do that.
The game won't let you fail. Dwellers can't starve to death, or be drink enough irradiated water to die. You can't kill everyone off with fire or roaches because either the dwellers take care of it or roaches leave and the fire puts itself out! The whole thing is designed to make it look like you come close to loosing, but you never do.
It tricks you, it tricked us all. Making us think we're playing a game, when all it's interested in is the illusion presenting the illusion of a game. This is what's wrong with "Pay To Win" games. It just wants your money. Even knowing that, and being so blunt about it, it still lies to us and presents a false sense of danger to give you a false sense of accomplishment. After all, angry gamers don't buy Lunchboxes.
Honestly, I am so infuriated with this company. How dare they lie to us like this. I am so done. I'm not even going to buy Fallout 4. They've made enough money through underhanded trickery.