» Mon May 06, 2013 10:07 pm
It's impossible to patch DLC.
Microsoft doesnt allow user specific updates on the xbox, and becuase of that, Bethesda can't patch DLC for those who have it, and becuase they can't do it for one system, they can't do it for any system, and this isn't something only Bethesda deals with, DLC, for ANY game, cannot be patched unless it's an EXTREME emergency.
The only two times I can recall DLC getting patched was in the case of the Pitt DLC for Fallout 3, which shipped with several missing textures on the Xbox, and some of the Dragon Age 2 DLC, which were bugged and were patched becuase almost no one oculd acess the content.
Until Microsoft changes thier rules, there will be no patched for DLC, for any game, ever unless its some ungodly hughe emergency, and even then, it costs the devs many thousands of dollars to get Microsoft to re-release fixed DLC.