Oh my no, rendering the entire gameworld at once seems... highly inadvisable.
I believe the topic is saying: "If a dragon falls in a forest, and there's someone around to hear it, will the trees not get in the way?"
As in, the dragon comes smashing down, hitting trees on the way - do those trees collapse or not?
Oh...my bad :blush2:
I thought they were talking about a dragon flying into a dense forest...for example in pursuit of the player. In which case I thought to myself, firstly the dragon would only every spawn at a location the game logic deems desirable, which negates the question.
But now I see what you're actually talking about, then yea, that is confusing. If a dragon were to come crashing down you would need some sort of destruction or else the immersion is quickly lost.
The only games i can think off the would have Persistant A.I is MMOs Because its on the sever. No matter How amazing you think your PC is its not gonna have to power to run the scripts for several thousand NPCs and 30 dragons (that are gonna require a fair bit Scripting). And Besides The vast majority of us will be playing on the consoles which are far under the specs of modern day gaming PCs so it got to be Proximity.
Someone that understands. Even without fully rendering the character, just handling the A.I scripts alone for a world as massive as the one in Skyrim would prove impossible, like I said, rendered or not. The dragons and NPC's will not be a persistent entity, RAM is finite on consoles and actually very very small, you cannot continuously store every movement of a beast that the player cannot even see, a beast miles away in memory, while still hoping to run game logic code, texture filtering, texture streaming, LOD.