I made a new admantium shield using vanilla textures, http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr50/Alaisiagae/Mod%20Screenshot%20MW/Misc/misc_new_armor3.jpg. If you want it, PM me. I have it uploaded in an archive with a bunch of other untested resources - if you want the whole shebang, I'd be happy to share. If you just want the shield, I can upload just that.
If I remember, I also worked on Dongle's buckler texture for http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7230. Texture is 512x512, and I did a lot of work smoothing it out and trying to make things a bit more defined. But, I'm hardly an expert at that sort of thing, so the final result might not be what you're looking for. And for an unreleased version 2, I put vanilla textures on the same models as the meshes dongle used. Let me know if that interests you at all.