Maybe we should create a "recommended mods" sticky thread or wiki page (UESP?) for all the new guys. Although there's a lot of disagreement on what categories of mods are essential, it seems to me that there's a high degree of consensus amongst the longtime community members on what is essential within a given category (UI overhauls, lore-friendly quest additions, item graphics replacers, etc.)
BFG, I finally get round to read your post more thoroughly.
The 1st "problem" is where to put the info or rather, which one to update. There is a "Thread" or a "Wiki". Thread is essentially bad idea because old threads get purged, and Beth Forums is reluctant to make any thread a sticky.
I would love to see a sticky named with a catchy name "New to modding? Look here first" or "Community Recommded Mods" or something. Maybe one of the stickies could get a rename. The most suited candidate would be the *** FAQ *** thread. This one could include a prominent link to whatever other new / revamped resource we provide.
OK... then WHAT or where that other resouce???
Because there is UESP, Tes4Mods, Oblivion Mod Wiki, and also Tomlong's Tescosi, plus probably more I am missing. I think the Mod Wiki would be the most intuitive to look for recommended mods. It's table of contents already has a Recommended Mods section.
Could these things be be agreed upon in the community? We would also need the help of the moderators to edit / update any of the stickies, if that would be deemed necessary.
Edit: Just read a bit on OB Mod Wiki and UESP. Their hurdles to become a contributor I do not find very inviting. While I understand they want to avoid crap posters and postings, I personally find e.g. absence of 3 months from posting in the UESP Wiki as a reason for immediate "firing" of that editor not very encouraging. OB Mod Wiki is no longer updated anyway. So I don't know if these are indeed the right vehicles. The FAQ thread could need a brush-up as well. Even the related "FAQ improvement suggestions" got purged.

Maybe Tomlong and her site could be involved. Though I understand she has limited time - like all of us, myself very much included.