So... there is a lot of Daggerfall DLC discussion...

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:27 am

A lot of people are discussing the probability of there being a Daggerfall/High Rock expansion, just weeks into the release.

Now I was just on /v/ (I know, I know, cancerous, but there's sometimes good stuff!), and there was this guy who claimed to be a Bethesda employee - Most unlikely story imaginable, right? Then I saw O.O

Was that map already released? Because I thought Skyrim was the only map to be released like that in HD!

I just wanted to share the tidbits of information, anyway, just to add to the whole 'theories' discussion.

Please don't leave messages like 'So fake, what's the point in posting...', yeah, it's 99% likely to be fake, but there's some nice ideas in there that I'd like to see :P

Bethesda Dev here. BS

The second DLC for Skyrim is going to be in High Rock.
I've been working on the project for long enough to know it's not going to be retconned for what I post here, so I'll give you some minor details.

The DLC will start with the crowning of a new high King.

Ulfric Stormcloak if you chose him

Elisif the Fair will be crowned as High Queen if you went with the Empire

In both cases, public opinion will be divided on them, this will shown be amongst guards, NPC's in general, and even some of the Jarl's in power.

The Thalmor do something during the ceremony. And you get sent, along with some others to get rid of them. They're shacked up in the western cities of High Rock, the most notable places being Wayrest and Daggerfall.

If you've played Daggerfall, you'll know where they've set up their headquarters.
The Adamantine Tower, now called the Thalmoria Spire, to fit with its new inhabitants.
Now, to cut things short, you can't just go in and kill them.
The Thalmor were making strong ties with the Nobles in High Rock, whilst you were off fighting the civil war and fighting dragons. You will need to seek permission and favour from these Nobles if you wish to do anything against the Thalmor, this has a lot more concequences than it first appears.

It really helps if you're in the Mages guild, as you won't be granted Access to some areas otherwise, including one city. Being accepted into the college of Winterhold will grant you immediate access with a letter from the Archmage.

Or if you've finished the college of Winterhold, they'll let you in, no questions asked

Dragons will also be appearing in High Rock. Which means new shouts, there will also be more unique armors, more spells, more weapons, and new companions. There will also be continuations on the main quest guilds, some minor, some quite large. There will also be an Arena. We haven't decided on if there will be more marriable characters.

I'll try and answer everything I possibly can. (This right here pretty much proves it a fake, but w/e...)

Also, this was in another post: Well, we're in talks with Microsoft and they want to put it up for 1600 points.

Nothing final yet, though.

I've put it in spoilers, because it has some Stormcloak/Legion ending spoilers at the beginning and it's quite a read.

Once again, don't kill the messenger, I just wanted to see if anyone on here liked the ideas?
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Dean Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:38 am

Don't believe anything you hear from forchan. It's the birthplace of the trolls.

That Bethesda employee would be fired.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:17 am

If it was anywhere but /v/, I might actually believe there was some truth behind it.

But I highly doubt it's legit. First of all, the site in question's domain is censored here on the forums, so they probably don't care for the culture there. Second, if it was a real employee, they probably would lose their job over leaking information like that; as silly as it sounds it happens. There is no way they could think that this wouldn't be spread around; especially posting it on the fastest moving site on the net.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:13 am

Listen, I'll tell you again: I know it's 99999% chance of being fake. But I like the ideas being put up there, I think they're quite cool.

He posted some more :D :

We've been working on this since before going gold. I honestly wish we could, but the amount of money for what we'd be doing would be miniscule. Our DLC sells like [censored], we only do this for the fans.

Horse armor is a testament to this. We're still really sorry about that.

The quest for Meridia was supposed to teleport you above certain locations as she shone a beacon of light from her shrine which pointed the way to where you were supposed to go. One of which was above falkreath, the idea was is that if you looked behind you, you saw the white gold tower.

We took it out because it kept crashing.


Cyrodiil and Morrowind will not be happening.


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James Baldwin
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:37 am

I agree that its probably not real but if it was it sounds kinda fun
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:51 pm

Obvious fake. That site breeds nothing good.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:37 pm

The map is kind of cool..but the cartographer on it isn't the same as on the Skyrim map I'm pretty sure. I'd love for this to happen but I really, really doubt this is legit.

That guy wrecked his entire life if it's real by leaking that on another note.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:28 pm

Just add a little part of it and the best most epic dungeon from that game

I do think that a return to Daggerfall would be great! That is many people's favorite TES game.

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:49 am

Obviously bull [censored].
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:11 pm

My good friend, if thou only lookest at the date of said document!

"3E 433"
'Tis the year that marked the beginning of the foul Oblivion crisis.

Also, thou canst notice the fact that the map's coloring match the one of Cyrodiil's.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:47 pm

If it's true, it sounds great. But I'd still rather see mainland Morrowind or Elsweyr.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:59 am

Just add a little part of it and the best most epic dungeon from that game

I do think that a return to Daggerfall would be great! That is many people's favorite TES game.


Yeah, that game had sooooo much stuff that you couldn't even do in Morrowind. Climbing walls, etc... Loved that game.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:52 am

Yeah, that game had sooooo much stuff that you couldn't even do in Morrowind. Climbing walls, etc... Loved that game.

Why, i have no other option but to agree.
Daggerfall still is my favourite TES game.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:22 am

I think that's a fan-made map.

They have expressed some interest in returning to Daggerfall though:

There's good news too if your interest in the Elder Scrolls dates back to 1996 and Daggerfall: Howard would love to treat elements of the second instalment to a makeover. "I'd like to see the city of Daggerfall redone, or Sentinel. Daggerfall should be on a giant bluff, overlooking the Iliac Bay, and we just couldn't pull it off well then."

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:49 am

Would be awesome.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:29 am

Map is obviously fake, look at the city images. It's a cool little thing to have though.

A High Rock expansion makes a lot of sense honestly, since it's too small and oddly shaped to have its own game again I think. That said it's too large for "DLC" and that's all we get now-a-days, so... who knows.
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how solid
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:22 am

one could wish
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:48 am

Sounds too good to be true <_<

But, I've brought this up in other similar threads, I think what makes the most sense for them to do is make one game for each major province, then for the final chapter make one super-massive game of ALL the provinces together. It might be a pipe-dream of mine, but damn if it wouldn't be awesome.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:48 am

This map was made by modders back in the times of Oblivion. There is one of Hammerfell too:

And another of Elsweyr:
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:10 pm

That is Oblivion style cartography, not Skyrim. It is also a modders resource.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:48 am

'Tis horrible!
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:15 pm

Don't believe anything you hear from forchan. It's the birthplace of the trolls.

That Bethesda employee would be fired.

its from four chan? then its bs.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:24 am

"The official press release for this should be early spring 2012"
-from the thread that OP mentioned.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:28 am

'Tis horrible!

Someone should wake those guys up and tell them Skyrim already has most of the assets you would need for a High Rock mod.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:55 pm

Sounds cool, but knew it was 100% fake when the arena was mentioned. Sounds like the ideal dlc though.
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