crysis 2 is now the #1 gam with lag! i played a match of tia and got 2 to 9 bcuz i literally ( i counted as a test) shot a guy about 60 times iwth the scarab and thn he turns around like dopey dopeee oh my gosh there is a guy right there! and he shoos exactly once and misses with his scar yet i still die. again this happened. again.again.again. its just horrible this ga,mme cud b amazing but now im dissapointed for the major lag in mp. hello crytek uno there were absolutely no lag in the demo? yeah nice job on messing up the mp. i mean the game is still very good and sometimes there is no lag but still this is a major issue to y some players r very agrivated. im not rekle angry i am more upset with thev fact tht sometimes i go 21-11 and thn other times 6-9. also ino this is off the topic but umm evrytime i play a game the teams rnt very even i always end up playin with lvl 6s against a whole team of level 40s. o and idont know if its me but the scarab in the game seesm to take about 60 shots to kill a guy or mayb just lag. probably lag, crap crytek