@povuholo, I still haven't gotten the hang of that, but then my chars never develop that skill to begin with

@wollibeebee, again, it just depends on the habits you develop to play the game. ISTR reading somewhere about the mouse wheel. I wanted to use it to zoom in on the game map, especially if it would enable me to scroll the game map all the way to the edges so that I could look at the map in it entirety (you get what I mean) and plan where next to go. I may have misunderstood its use wrt navigating around, but it's hard for me to say that not usine it has impacted my game play. Now, if someone gets a Wii or Kinnect to work with the game (on a pc, that is), that would be pretty neat.
@Midgetalien, I know the feeling. I only discovered that in the past few months myself, and only because I was thinking about the similarities and differences between the game mechanics, modding communities and mod issues of Baldur's Gate and MW. I move between those two to take a breather when the game goes stale for me. I started playing BG and BG2, moved to MW/Trib and back to BG2 and recently back to MW. The big difference is that I finally broke down and bought the GOTY edition (MW/T/B) in order to try the mods that looked appealing to me but that I couldn't play because they were made to be played only with all three parts. It also helped that I had had to replace my pc
