Heh, you must not be to excited about Skyrim huh? A lot of people are bursting at the seams for skyrim they could've announced this game four years ago and i'd still be excited.
You kidding? I'm right there with them! I was just concerned about the less hardcoe Elder Scrolls fans.
Please don't take this thread pessimistically. I was just questioning gamesass marketing, not their awesomeness.
Actually announcing a game as early as possible is the best marketing move. It allows for people wanting it so badly and not being able to get it and when it finally comes around to them being able to get the game, they will be craving it so bad they will get it. If you've ever seen the South Park episode where Cartman gets his own themepark, you would understand.
I'd have to disagree with you there. Most people intending to buy something are not diehard fans of it, and will lose interest if there's not enough hype produced about it. If you announce it too early, you'll run out of content to keep the ball rolling, and your consumers will lose interest.
P.S. I've seen that episode