No to floating damage numbers.
No to floating damage numbers.
well i agree with everyone here even u but having it optional would be nice its not something that will make it wow its something that will let u know if ur actually doing what u think ur doing and would be a help for some players.... as long as its an option i dont see an issue with it might even use it to get a feel for how cambat works then turn it off once iv figured it out
If its an option, people will enforce its use to "maximize" output, turning this game into the typical elitist MMO where people are rejected and alienated because they don't follow the trends in character builds.
People a find a way to be elitist with or without a damage meter, take guild wars 2 for example, there is no gearscore in that game, everyone ran around in the same gear till recently when they introduced ascended gear which isnt much better stat wise.But instead of gear or build comparisons , people started asking for achievement points to gauge how good a player is which is bloody silly.
Why you guys not like some cool features that have in others MMOs ??? I don't like damage meters too, but I would like to see nameplates and floating numbers and why not a combat log...
Then there is no reason to give them extra ammunition to ruin thegame, is there?
combat logs is just a step to DPS meters -- a dark path that no Khajiit should follow
Also, it does against the idea of a min UI of ESO.
Pretty much every MMO and some SPRPGs have damage numbers, don't see how this would make it a WoW clone. Is Borderlands 2 a WoW clone? Anyway the option would be nice, I don't think a couple of numbers above someones head would clutter the UI. I find it makes the combat feel more satisfying, hitting a huge crit and seeing that huge number makes the combat feel like it has far more weight than any damage animation or stutter could.
Dude, based on your responses you have no right to call anyone a Jerk. Your attitude needs adjusting. People are just stating their thoughts on what they would like to see. You pop in, "no No NOPE!" WOW clone this, WOW clone that. You do realize that wow didn't invent floating combat text. I agree that damage meters and being able to monitor other peoples damage can lead to elitist attitudes and the promotion of cookie cutter builds. I do not believe that there is an issue with seeing how much damage I am doing.
But that is my opinion, if they decide to leave it out of the game that is fine I can download add ons. Just like you will be able to disable the floating numbers if they do decide to implement it. It's rather narrow minded of you to condescend to anyone with a differing opinion from yours.
IIRC combat logs show the mechanics of what happened in raids, and what killed who. These are valuable if you know how to read them...
Re: DPS meters and combat logs... I'm torn. While they give valuable information, they don't always paint the whole picture. CC can be *invaluable* in a fight, but DPS meters miss that. I plan on running a CC-heavy sorcerer, but dps meters might make it look like I'm not contributing, even though I am.
If you need a ouija board to figure it out, you shouldn't be doing that content.
Yes, I will admit that I walk into the elitism category with that comment. Don't really care, because that's someone else's argument anyway.
"Optional" is a lie. If it's there, it's mandatory or you're a scrub who's not pulling his weight. If the add-on adds it, same thing.
This might not matter to you if you don't care about being a scrub (but then, if you didn't you probably wouldn't care if the numbers were there or not in the first place.) Or maybe you just think everyone who dislikes the numbers is fine with being behind the curve on everything as well?
Not me. I dislike having the numbers in my face; I would prefer to work without them. But if they're there, not using them puts me at a disadvantage to everyone who is; which limits my competitiveness in PvP and my ability to contribute to the group in PvE. It makes me a Bad Player and a Bad Teammate, and I'll have to decide which poison to take - worse play, or worse experience.
No it doesn't. It makes the combat feel more spreadsheets and calculators. You're not watching the combat anymore, you're watching the numbers scroll across the screen.
And just about every other MMO is a wow clone. This isn't entirely why - it's more of a correlation than a causation - but eh.
Can someone please tell me what CC means?
Short for Crowd Control. Things like stuns, roots, etc....
I said in PvE this is not a problem. It's large PvP battles where it becomes an issue especially when you're using bows with their unrealistically short range. Did you cause that target's health meter to drop or did someone else? Is that target actually in range or just out of range? Did I waste stamina on a shot that never had a chance of hitting? Is my trebuchet actually hitting that guy I want to hit or is it missing all the time and I have to adjust my aim?
You can make reasonable points all day long. Some people just prefer a different style of play and will not listen no matter how rational your reasons are. They're afraid of this game turning into other games simply because they had a bad experience in those games. I don't think they realize that the slow levelling, open style (play however you want) and ridiculously large and complex PVP system will all filter out those types of behavior. The min-max, cookie cutter build style of gaming won't thrive in this game even if they add damage numbers, but the kneejerk reaction of the masses will probably mean we'll have to rely on buggy mods that will be late updating after frequent patching.
I found no need to see damage numbers flying all over the screen. Just pay attention to the health bar.
But do the combat logs show who didn't stay out of the poop on the floor? Who didn't hit the right target or was in auto the whole fight? Who sprang the wrong trap for the 5th time in a raid group, so you know who to kick? If it does, then you need combat logs if you are going to do raiding...