K9 if you think elitism exists because of damage meters you are in for a shock.
You will get the same thing in any MMO.
If damage meters don't exist something else will be used to determine the 'elitist'. Besides damage meters can be helpful in maximising damage for those who find that interesting.
Equally though saying that damage meters makes people jerks is fallacy based on bad experiences. Quite a lot of high end guilds contain some really nice people. Besides willingness to improve and learn is far more valuable than high initial dps from my experience. Someone who 'knows it all' has already effectively set themselves a ceiling as they 'cannot improve'. Equally you also get a lot of people who want others to do everything for them. Judge people on their merits rather than playstyle.
You will find 'Dbags', as you put it, in any game you play, in any walk of life you lead. Welcome to humanity. Damage meters are not the reason for this.
I do agree it is something that should be allowed through addons and not a concern for the developers, though equally allowing them through addons will also create what you hate with WoW as the same people that use them in WoW for the derision of others will also use them in ESO for the same even if only accessible through addons.