» Thu May 03, 2012 2:03 pm
Gonna review it a bit more but from the first part I skimmed through: They actually merged Energy Weapons, Big Guns and Small Guns but left Science as one skill?
For the love of [censored] god what the hell are they thinking?
They merged all ranged skills apart from the [censored] one because they were similar but decided that a skill that is basically just a dumpskill for anything remotely scientific should stay the same?
Yeah, makes sense, not.
(To me it feels like a personal slap in the face towards my suggestion in FO4 suggestions and I simply cannot fathom how this is suppose to be a rational design decision. Merging the ranged combat skills is one of the most stupid things one can do IMO)
Let me explain, they decided to merge the ranged combat skills because they are seemingly the same.
And that, while a stupid design decision gameplay wise, I could accept.
But going by rational thinking I cannot accept leaving Science as it is.
It's too broad, plain and simple,
Now, if they looked over the skills and decided to go by logic and reason and that those skills, because they are somewhat the same, should be merged. Makes me furious that they decided that Science, the worst skills of them all as it's just a bloody dumpskill with no straight direction, is left in the game.
But fine, I'll read the rest of it, but so far I'm not so excited about it.
Yeah, it looks pretty, I don't give a crap, I care about the gameplay and so far the gameplay of skills is inferior for me.
[edit 2]
And yes I was in a bad mood while checking out that mod which might have to do with my harshness, but I still stand by what I said.
It gives promises, like all games, it has some pretty screenshots, but so far, I don't know anything about the actual gameplay.
So since the few things that can be shown about the gameplay in screenshots is the stats system it was something that cause me to flare up.
Still, I'm not very excited for the mod simply for the merge of ranged combat skills (apart from the most useless one) while Science didn't get split.
[edit 3]
Doesn't mean I hate it or dislike it completely, I just won't get excited over some screenshots.
So so far for me:
-1 point for merging of the best weapon skills into one skill and leaving Science as it's own skill. (If they wanted to streamline it, why didn't they merge FA and Doctor?)
And +1 point for being pretty I suppose.
So I currently nothing it, I don't hate it despite my previous harshness, but I don't like it either. I nothing it.
[edit 4]
Again, sorry for my harshness, please accept this crappy fan art as an apology: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/390806_10150603800477150_543112149_11063249_543329099_n.jpg