it sounds like you've got the right game to have the mentality you have towards such knowledge and endeavours.
FNV, is DEEP... and rewards players that take such care!
I believe with your attitude and attributes, you can create supreme characters and do very well in the Mojave.
I have played around 234 hours with well planned character for role-playing specific roles, but it take a little time to match skill and such so a faster way would mean more gaming

Doing tedious things manually is so much more sophisticated!
Not that it's difficult to plan perks w/text but I see nothing wrong with opting for an easier route should it exist. I'd use a FO:NV perk calculator if it existed. One that showed detailed end results such as total skill points, health, resistances, etc. could be useful.
Yeah, for if you want a perk you should also match attributes and skills so you have to check it all. With some sort of character builder program a chosen perk with show how high a skill and attribute in strength you needed.

you don't need a calculator. if you have dlcs, and thus can go to level 50, you will max all your skills with average intelligence. as far as perks go, once you level up the first time, you can see all the perks. write down what you like, then pick 25. easy!
I don't see the need for a calculator in either game, but if you like it you like it; i also don't see how it's being 'baby fed' either.
There is a little math in it, as some perks will require planning to get together. But a faster way would be nice