Is there nothing good about Skyrim?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:29 pm

Its the same reason that most stories you see in the news are generally of a concerning or sad nature, with the occasional good news surprise story sprinkled in. There's just more to discuss when there's something that's wrong, or controversial, or unexpected.

Skyrim is immersive and fun to play and easy to lose hours in. Just like most of us expected. I'm sure its been said here and there. But those aren't the kinds of comments that bear a lot of repeating, or will draw a lot of responses; and there's no questions to ask about them; they are definitely not something most people want the developers to change.

So if I'm going to get motivated to come to the forums and write up a post, its probably going to be about something I'd like to see improved, or have a differing viewpoint on, etc.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:42 am

Most of the issues stem from the fact that from a PC perspective, Skyrim is just a bad console port. TES series has always been primarily PC aimed and many of us feel let down as a result of what appears to be a lack of parallel development for the PC alongside the consoles. You have to separate the two issues because within the context of a TES game, Skryim is utterly superb bringing many fresh features to the series but as a PC Game it fails to take advantage of the current generation of hardware not to mention being so bug riddled that many of us can't play for more than a few minutes before the game freezes and we're forced to restart. It's almost as if the modding community has made Bethesda lazy in their development with them thinking the modders will just patch out the bugs and finish many of the features that aren't implemented correctly (such as companions) and that's not what the modding community is there for.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:06 am

Okay, totally off topic and I apologize but there is a difference between an apostrophe ( ' ) and a grave accent ( ` ) :brokencomputer:

Sure. No prob. You could have IM me though. But I will certainly not do that mistake again. Non-english speaker btw. Expect several mistakes.

I'm grateful for your help :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:04 pm

I shall educate you on an important life lesson.

You will always hear the bad before the good, you will not hear about the good as often as the bad, the bad is loud while the good is but a whisper.

Or in less verbose terms, people moan more than they will ever commit gratitude.

Depends on the person generally.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:20 pm

I disagree. Most of the threads ive seen recently are way overblown denouncing the game as terrible. Of course, whats amusing is most of those make the claim after 100 hrs or more which means they've played obsessively a game they 'hate.'

It never seizes to amuse me either. If I didn't like the game I would simply have stopped playing it. I wouldn't play 100+ hours and then come here to moan about it..
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:13 am

I think it's really because most of the people on here started with Oblivion whereas the oldies like us started with Daggerfall and the subsequent installments blew our minds. Oblivionettes are used to being able to take alot of damage without dying, because the game was designed to be played easily if you wanted to.

Anyone who tries doing something in Skyrim could be met with a two hit death, which you do not often see in video games anymore. I think aggravation blinds some complaints to the point where they are rants, rather than constructive criticism. I ask these posters, and myself, why are you on these forums constantly posting about something that is broken without actually trying to find a workaround?

I mean yes, some things may seem flawed, but I saw posts claiming multiple features of the game were broken within two days of release. In my personal opinion, that's hardly enough time even playing 24-7 to actually anolyze the gameplay. I mean if at first you don't succeed, try and try again correct? Or is this generation all about failing then complaining until it is made easier. Consumerism is contagious guys, don't fall into the pit that I fear the next generation has. You all want, need, want, need, never solve.

I've had great fun with skyrim and great surprise when I was first taken out in 3 seconds walking into a cave but I tried getting a different perspective before my next attempt and as I expected it was much easier.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:56 am

My only complaints are:

1. Leveled Loot - Just not my thing. Not game breaking at all. Just don't like it.

But my second complaint is much more serious.

2. The lack of a playable game on the PS3. So many people have been having this problem, and I began to wonder how it got past QA. And no im not exagerating. I can play for oh about an hour, and then it's lag, lag, lag, more lag, then freeze and crash.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:21 pm

It's not so much about what is "wrong" with the game, it's about what is "not right." If there wasn't so much lacking or regressive, you wouldn't have so many people wanting to mod it up to it's potential.

I agree, I'm always hoping for the "perfect" RPG. I fully understand that such a game, in my opinion, will never come close unless I make it myself (which would still come up so short). However, what frustrates me more than anything is when a game series goes into regression. For me, it started with my beloved Rainbow Six, then Ghost Recon, then Brothers In Arms. I consider The Elder Scrolls to be guilty of the same. The developers seem to lose the concept of what the game series was based on. Sadly, it seems that Dragon Age was also subject to that change.

So please don't think that when past fans express their disappointment toward a new game, it's not that the game itself is flawed (though it usually is). It's just that the newer game fails, at least in their opinion, to live up to what they loved about the older games.

As for me, Morrowind is still my preference. I long for the day that Daggerfall is either remade or modified to a point where at least the controls are updated. I'm sure I don't have to tell you about how many feel about Oblivion. Give Skyrim time for the "awe" to wear off (think of the Star Wars prequels), and you'll more than likely hear even more complaints. That's the nature of things. But game devs bring most of it on themselves. Thankfully, at least Bethesda gives us fans tools to make their games better... or, sadly, even fix the problems they caused.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:58 pm

Well, I think that people are just different. I don`t really like to spend time on the forums talking about negative things in the game. Can`t see a good reason for me to do that. I think others may be more suited to such a task rather than me. I can understand some wants do hoping an issue will be fxed or adressed. Maybe I just see them as overly negative. But maybe when they have voiced their critisism in a very "angry" and "dramatic" way(in my view), they stand up, leave their computer, kiss their girl/boyfriend and laugh and have fun the rest of the day. What do I know? People have different personalities

Oh I agree there are people out there that are just totally nuts. But it would be nice if people could communicate. I hate labels on the internet though personally. Because everyone is so different. I could be totally not like you think. I get it from both sides. It's more just the idiocy that bothers me.

It's like if i say something i don't like. They are like banned. Don't come here then. When I'm like i'd post this but I can't because you banned me. But maybe i like coming here. Maybe if you don't like my opinion don't read it and call me a troll and take your own advice and stay out of the thread and stop trolling it and making it out like i'm a troll?

I know i've experienced the internet differently than a lot of people. i could totally get it. People think i don't. They think i take this toos eriously. When i get trolling is just a term and what it means and what moderators try to do. But they can be just as annoying and need to lighten up themselves.

I don't think negativity is the issue. It's more just idiocy, that people don't realize they are talking to a screen and they shouldn't assume. People aren't mature like that I guess and can't debate things in a mature way.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:00 am

I only play "DiD" on master...

I really have no time for thoughts about thoughts of others... I want to stay alive...

Meanwhile, the atmosphere comes alive because dying means starting from scratch :(
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:10 pm

The game itself is very entertaining on its own; but, when you take into consideration the lineage of the game, the hype around the game, and what you see on other games, the expectation level for the game becomes so high, once the game is out and people realize it is not what they thought it was going to be, the reaction is not going to be one of praise. Of course, some people wax dramatic about it and go into rants about how the game is horrible... unfortunately when someone puts together a couple of coherent sentences with legitimate observations of poor craftsmanship from the maker, they are bunched up with the few who misuse hyperbole to do the same and called stupid, crybabies, etc.

For me, for the record, the game play is just about what I thought it was going to be, although I expected much more from the quests: a gazillion "go fetch" quests don't make up for one well-developed, well-staged quest. And the clipping, wow,,, but that's for another tread :)
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:00 pm

Something to consider just right off the top regarding games in general and that is most players of games don't post period. So we just flat out don't hear from them , i think the posters we do remember or tend to hear from often times tend to be negative and frankly I have always felt that moderators in general go pretty easy on letting everyone have their voice....i would lock a lot more topics on frankly any board, more often than not i think it chases away positive contribution. For whatever reason a lot of positive posts get a handful of ya i feel the same way to responses and than it dies off, someone says something controversial or flat out acts like a jerk and you have yourself the start of a long thread as long as someone does not push it so far it gets locked. I am frustrated by a handful of things about Skyrim but why am i frustrated cause other than that i think this is a phenomenal game that i very much am enjoying it, i love the quests. I can see the 'better game waiting to jump out' and the few things that are bugging me are holding back a better experience. But this is a very good game, and most games that are released are not .......
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:58 pm

It happens to pretty much all the games, always makes me wonder, if they hate the game so much why are they still playing it and posting on the forums?
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jessica breen
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:08 pm

For each of the TES games, many of the complaints make me feel like I've purchased some premium version of the games. Its not like the complaints they have are things that don't bother me, its that the thing they say is brokne or missing happens in my versiob just like they claim they want it too. this has happened with Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim. Its very very strange.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:07 pm

"The stealth sequences in Skyrim are some of the best I've seen."

AHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh my.,..hahahahaha. I seriously can't stop.

Ok, this game was epic the first 50 hours, where everything was balanced. Then it becomes garbage.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:57 pm

It happens to pretty much all the games, always makes me wonder, if they hate the game so much why are they still playing it and posting on the forums?

ya some companies have actually looked at the user names of people that complain about things and compared what they complain about for example those that often complain about micro transactions in MMO's on forums are the biggest purchasers of them etc.

so ya they are talking out of both sides of their mouths...
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:34 am

In any other game I have bought and been unhappy with I would not think to post about it on a forum. But the fact is, I love TES and place the series to a higher standard than other games so when Skyrim released and had such a substandard magic system, especially compared to their earlier versions of the series, I felt compelled to post about it. I think you will find most who criticize the game do so out of love for the game, not contempt.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:49 pm

In any other game I have bought and been unhappy with I would not think to post about it on a forum. But the fact is, I love TES and place the series to a higher standard than other games so when Skyrim released and had such a substandard magic system, especially compared to their earlier versions of the series, I felt compelled to post about it. I think you will find most who criticize the game do so out of love for the game, not contempt.

ya my posts that have been critical of this game have been hey i like the game here is what is great here is what is bad and its been constructive criticism if a game is just a train wreck what is their to post about ........personally i think the quests in this game are some of the best i have seen in a very long time
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